Uniswap V3 Multicall with SwapRouter | Multiple Swaps in 1 Transaction | Multicall, V3, SwapRouter

Uniswap V3 Multicall with SwapRouter | Multiple Swaps in 1 Transaction | Multicall, V3, SwapRouter

Blockman Codes

1 год назад

7,757 Просмотров

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ABCDEFGH - 26.09.2023 18:43

I’m looking for a video where two different DEXs are involved, and I’d be able to send my money from one DEX to the other.

Bejo Jeffrin
Bejo Jeffrin - 24.04.2023 12:05

Hi , is it possible to do this with alpha router? , because
this sample requires the exact fee pool value to be passed (eg:3000, 100 etc).

GADGET BOY - 12.04.2023 19:01

Blockman your tutorials are on point it has turned me into a subscriber that doesn't happen easily as there's alot of fluffy ones out there, I would like more on multi functional dapps, or break down a big real world arbitrage transaction on what you think happened from etherscan evidence, maybe. Thanks keep these up i'm already working thru all your vids slowly building up my node and solidity skills to get them as close to your understanding as poss.

AriSmrd - 05.04.2023 14:15

hi can you teach me how to use on pancakeswap?

Tamaraebi Ogosi
Tamaraebi Ogosi - 30.03.2023 21:56

just used this idea to solve my 3 day old problem on python, thank you very much

Fran Vidal
Fran Vidal - 04.03.2023 14:34

I can't find the .approve... isn't it needed with Multicall? Otherwise, my question is: If I approved, for example, 5 minutes ago: do I need to approve again?

Notify - 13.02.2023 15:17

Wow! am actually learning 🌝

Jackson Jiang
Jackson Jiang - 01.02.2023 11:06

thanks for your video, but I got an error that says Error: cannot estimate gas. Where should I set this gas or gasLimit then?

Tejas Warambhe
Tejas Warambhe - 19.01.2023 21:52

Is there a way to fetch estimated output tokens for the given input tokens using these smart contracts?
If yes, I would like to know more about it.

omer sajid
omer sajid - 13.01.2023 13:35

How can I trade within the pool that we have created using code?

Tamás Berki
Tamás Berki - 29.12.2022 21:13

Thanks for the great tutorial! what do you actually use the PeripheryPaymentsABI for?

dabus_eth - 26.12.2022 03:01

I get an error : Error: cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit

Bejo Jeffrin
Bejo Jeffrin - 21.12.2022 08:13

Hi @blockmancodes , I followed this tutorial . While trying to execute the transaction , iam getting an error saying cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit reason="execution reverted: STF", method="estimateGas" .Can you please help

Roxana Braescu
Roxana Braescu - 20.12.2022 08:09

Newbie, what will happen if I copy the code from etherscan and change the wallet address

Independence DEV
Independence DEV - 23.11.2022 15:09

Thanks man, that's useful

tedyp3k - 19.11.2022 05:14

Great tutorial!
However, you forgot to add approve functions before swap, otherwise it doesn't work (unless manually approved or swapped prior to this)
Suggestion for next video: make the same multicall, but with smart contract so approve can be in same transaction. Thanks!

0xAA - 13.11.2022 22:41

Thank you for this tutorial.
it would be REALLY interesting to use Multicall with smart contracts, your code only works with stable ones to me, if I try to swap smart contracts V3 or V2 it doesn't work

velie a
velie a - 02.11.2022 05:46

do we have to call `encodeDataFunction`. is it specific to ethers.js.

Viktor Cortez
Viktor Cortez - 29.10.2022 18:55

So whst's the point of multi call?Seems like it’s the same as 2 exactinputSingle swaps. Smth with gas optimisation?

Xana Podcasts
Xana Podcasts - 17.10.2022 02:04

How can this same thing be done using smart contracts?

Blockman Codes
Blockman Codes - 16.10.2022 22:21

What else do you want to learn to do with Uniswap?

Muhammad Bayu Pratama
Muhammad Bayu Pratama - 16.10.2022 15:16

hello sir, can i contact you? i will learning about blochchain

Chương Trần
Chương Trần - 16.10.2022 15:05

Thank you very much, wish you good health always 😊
