1-2: Dev Boards

1-2: Dev Boards

Mair Swartz

4 года назад

2,185 Просмотров

See the full course on http://learnesp32.com
Module 1 - 2: Dev Boards
This video covers some history of the ESP 32 and goes over various dev boards and their features.
This module is part of an extensive course on programming the ESP32 using the I-o-T Development Framework from Espressif. It covers setting up your development environment, debugging, FreeRTOS, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), memory, storage, GPIO, I2C, Wi-Fi (including MQTT) and setting up an Internet server.


#esp32 #microcontrollers #programming #IOT #GPIO #BLE #Wi-Fi #Espressif #home_automation #debugging #Arduino #Visual_Studio_Code #ESP_IDF #development_environment #FreeRTOS #I2C #Internet_of_Things #dev_boards
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