When Anxiety Attacks | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

When Anxiety Attacks | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

Elevation Church

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Dik Siam
Dik Siam - 23.09.2023 18:26

I am too tired to go on....

Smitha Day
Smitha Day - 23.09.2023 04:54

No my boss actually attacks people who challenge her ethics. Blanket statements like that can make people feel like it's their fault

Jen C
Jen C - 23.09.2023 01:46

I needed this so much! Thank You Jesus!!! ❤

Ethel Comer
Ethel Comer - 22.09.2023 16:32

🙏 that the peace of God comes and rests upon you, dear today and everyday. 🕊️ 😇 🙏 ❤️

Christine Danganan
Christine Danganan - 22.09.2023 14:36

please pray for me🤍

Cristian McMerty
Cristian McMerty - 22.09.2023 00:30

I have anxiety attack to I am Lutheran North Dakota my name is Cristian McMerty i born 2001 my life trying I loves ones my faith I was suffering hurt my feelings people hate me I was afraid so mark my don’t believe me is not nice to me aman

Mad Mad
Mad Mad - 21.09.2023 14:31

This is exactly what I needed.

Justin Hibner
Justin Hibner - 20.09.2023 13:18

I want to start by saying thank you for doing Gods work as you do. I have been watching all your sermons on here for days. I wont go into all the things i been dealing with because i try not to complain. You have really helped my faith and you bring the word in a way that touches my soul. Keep up the good work sir i pray God keeps using you for his glory. I ask that you pray for me just that i get what God has for me and that I get out the middle. God bless you and yours

Ofelia Congson
Ofelia Congson - 17.09.2023 15:48

Thank you God my Father

Matthew Fondren
Matthew Fondren - 16.09.2023 19:04

I'm the one crying I feel that message was just for me I'm going threw something so serious But I'm in his grip and gonna keeping my faith

Fatima - 15.09.2023 17:45

🙌🏾Sooo deep, thank you so much Lord! 🙏🏾

GothGirlWorld - 14.09.2023 03:37

I'm weighed down under a ton of anxiety right now. I also believe I'm trapped in a house full of negative energy. Things keep getting worse every day. I question why I exist if all I do is suffer.

Kylea Mahoney
Kylea Mahoney - 13.09.2023 21:25

Thank you pastor for this message. I have listened specifically to all my favorite preachers “anxiety” sermons and I like what you have to say about it. I cast my anxiety on to the lord everyday and I believe he convicts me when I do things that I promised I wouldn’t and in return I get anxiety as a reminder.

Jax Allan
Jax Allan - 12.09.2023 01:47

The True teachings are very clear : ) ` God ` is Love ! ! !
` Devil ` is Selfishness & Greed ! ! !
We must work for Equality, Unity, & Peace on Earth
The teaching is KINDNESS : ) : ) : )

Bobbie Rascon
Bobbie Rascon - 11.09.2023 19:10

The birthmark of a believer is a bullseye

Jacob Pacheco
Jacob Pacheco - 11.09.2023 06:31

Thank you Jesuit

Lisa Martin
Lisa Martin - 10.09.2023 23:39

I am going through some fear and anxiety.

XhiefMj - 06.09.2023 16:14

Im in need of prayer to overcome this anxiety, and addiction, please pray for me , I need to become a stronger man spiritually,, I keep failing God and Jesus, I do good for a little, and then right back into sin. Please keep me in prayer, my name is Michael. Thank you

April Rosario
April Rosario - 06.09.2023 00:28

I woke up today afraid of everything, doubting everything I am, everything I’m working towards, I woke up today convinced I am unworthy and that the rest of my life is unworthy, I grabbed my Bible and sat defeated, where do I start God how can I even expect any help when I am nothing, but here I go, I typed in the search bar what do I do with God when I feel down. And this video came across and I needed this, I needed this understanding and point of view and reminder and motivation. And most of all I needed someone to help me through this mental battle I feel, along with all the other burdens that fall onto me, and that’s what I got I got to be taught by someone who God used to help others, I needed this sermon today, thank you God. Thank you God for this church for allowing this lesson for allowing this man to speak and reach millions. And thank you God for being here when I neeeded you.

Stef Kukla
Stef Kukla - 05.09.2023 05:48

This is such dangerous, damaging advice

BiggestGD - 02.09.2023 10:36

You’ve been a big motivation for me man seriously. Got me preaching to my girlfriend and I’m bout to start a page so I can preach to people

Becca-JournalismJustice - 01.09.2023 06:52

Yes I've been under attack, but realized and prayed and turned to your message! 🙏

Caitlyn Parsons
Caitlyn Parsons - 27.08.2023 01:56


Heavenbound Pomeranians
Heavenbound Pomeranians - 22.08.2023 03:58

Anxiety attacks are fear.... Timothy tells us God is not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

If you have a spirit of fear it's because you are listening to the enemy. He is a liar and the father of lies. There is no truth in him. Stop listening to him

Instead read Proverbs 3:5 and 6 and do it. Read Philippians 4:8, and do it. If you do those two verses you should not remain in depression or anxiety. We serve a God who spoke this universe into existence. Cast your care upon him for he cares for you. King James version.

Do not dwell on the negative thoughts of Satan's trying to keep in your minds. Bible tells us whatsoever is not of faith, is sin.

Abraham Rocha
Abraham Rocha - 21.08.2023 02:07

To reach a level of tranquility and peace in one's soul one must visit the BLESSED SACRAMENT. He is the fount of all life from which we draw peace...
Affirmations without our Lord, the source of grace avails nothing

Abraham Rocha
Abraham Rocha - 21.08.2023 02:05

To reach a level of tranquility and peace in one's soul one must visit the BLESSED SACRAMENT. He is the fount of all life from which we draw peace...
Affirmations without our Lord, the source of grace avails nothing

Puro Norte!
Puro Norte! - 21.08.2023 00:31

To reach a level of tranquility and peace in one's soul one must visit the BLESSED SACRAMENT. He is the fount of all life from which we draw peace...
Affirmations without our Lord, the source of grace avails nothing

Gabriel Gonzalez
Gabriel Gonzalez - 18.08.2023 06:47

Lord Jesus is my savior...

Selestine Shiro
Selestine Shiro - 17.08.2023 12:47

God's Got me in His Grip. I won't sink in Jesus' Mighty Name

God Loves your Family
God Loves your Family - 16.08.2023 21:18

Wonderful brother

Zabrina’s story time🌻
Zabrina’s story time🌻 - 12.08.2023 22:06

Heaven sent both speaker /and the message 🙏🏻✝️

Charles Tolbert
Charles Tolbert - 12.08.2023 20:25

Help Lord✝️

Charles Tolbert
Charles Tolbert - 12.08.2023 20:25

I'm in his Grip. ✝️

Charles Tolbert
Charles Tolbert - 12.08.2023 20:13

The birthmark of a believer is a bullseye

Michelle Burdine
Michelle Burdine - 12.08.2023 16:20

I am a Christian and I asked God all the time and pray for making me a faithful servant but Satan has really dragging our family down started having chest pains and headaches now I'm in hospital having a stress test have to have cardiologist coming in I cry out to God I pray the Lord to lift me up have seizures things going on bills can't pay losing our home health but I try to remain faithful I love the Lord with all my heart and glad I am a child of God but my husband lost and some of our kids leaning away from God trying to be a good wife mother Christian friend but it's so true because I am a faithful believer Satan has a bullseye and I'm a target but I will never give up my passion for God I will always pray and worship but brother Steven I thank God for you and I love hearing you preach it means a lot to me may God bless everyone

Deanna Eagleson
Deanna Eagleson - 12.08.2023 08:46


Deanna Eagleson
Deanna Eagleson - 12.08.2023 08:20

Thank you Jesus 🙌

Bridget Lee
Bridget Lee - 11.08.2023 03:31

You are attacking people with a medical condition. It is the same as saying that a diabetic is at fault for eating the wrong thing or working out. Or that lung cancer is someone's fault because they smoked or was around second smoke or what ever other excuse your tinny small mind can think up. There is truly NO love, kindness or understanding like that of the Christian. 1 Corinthians 13. 1: If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

David Bailey
David Bailey - 08.08.2023 05:03

PLEASE seek actual medical advice for your anxiety first;
Only then, move down to some vague "superstitious, supernatural" explanation.

April Jasmin
April Jasmin - 06.08.2023 20:06

My youth pastor sent me this video when I was 19, I'm 24 now. Back then I thought there was no way out of suffering from anxiety and depression. I had dropped my college courses and was hiding from God because I kept feeling ashamed for coming to him with the same issues for so long. I was emotionally numb and spiritually drain. I felt I got no rest from constant struggle with my mental and physical health. This sermon helped me to grow in a way I never thought possible. I went back to school and completed my courses and I did fall again but never as hard as that previous time. I went from not being able to make eye contact with people to not feeling anxious talking in front of a crowd. I sang solos I'm front of our full church, over a thousand people and people streaming.I made it 2 years into my studies before the pandemic hit and online classes weren't easy for me so I had to take another break. However, In that break I never lost faith and I never will. I will forever be grateful for the things God has shown me to keep me going. I never thought I'd make it past 19. I'm so happy to still be here and to be able to share to encourage someone else in a similar place to where I was

Brody McDowell
Brody McDowell - 06.08.2023 08:02

My anxiety is through the roof I have alot of issues. Some are from my past. Please please pray pray for me. Amen praise the lord

Brody McDowell
Brody McDowell - 06.08.2023 07:33

The lord is my Shepard. He has given me so much in life that has made me so happy. I'm trying to break my addiction and it is working with prayer and rest and my mind is coming back. I believe in the lord.

Angie Logue
Angie Logue - 05.08.2023 02:20

Wow! Proverbs 13:10
"Only by pride comes contention, but with the well advised is wisdom."
Anxiety and depression is PRIDE! I didn't know that! Now I know what I need to study and LEARN!

WhiteVeils - 03.08.2023 04:37

The connection between the "I" being the center of anxiety and pride makes no sense. "I" is also in the center of Christ... It's a common vowel used in our language. Also, if you say "The Devil is going after YOU" "God made YOU in his image" then obviously people are going to think "I". Telling Christians that the worst being in the entire universe is targeting them and then acting like they are victimizing themselves, is contradicting and gaslighting. This sermon in it's entirety does not make any sense. The root problem of anxiety is in the mind, not because of the Devil. If you are genuinely having really bad anxiety, please seek a professional to help. They actually know about anxiety. Having this rhetoric that mental illness or any aliments are the Devil is extremely damaging because it constantly invalidates people's experience and causes a lot of victim blaming, especially for things people legitimately have no control over, such as anxiety.

Rebecca Reddy
Rebecca Reddy - 02.08.2023 22:33

Prayer requst for my nephew vikash using drugs

Trauma-based Birdfeederman
Trauma-based Birdfeederman - 30.07.2023 05:44

The devil has to ask permission from the "good lord" to do all of what he does. That's enough to give me anxiety, to think a god like that runs this place.

IntensiveCareBear - 30.07.2023 02:01

garbage content

sam mckenna
sam mckenna - 26.07.2023 20:08

The anxiety/pride connection is deep. Its so true, though, humans fear looking ridiculous. It's hard to feel vulnerable. Chosing to do something you aren't confident in, is basically chosing to look ridiculous - on PURPOSE. But my anxiety is phobia related, fear of death and dying, for some people, it's a genuine fear - it is based on a feeling of vulnerability, physically. I've never felt safe. Its debilitating.
