Destiny 2: My Favorite Raids (Tier List)

Destiny 2: My Favorite Raids (Tier List)


2 года назад

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Rektalof Blades
Rektalof Blades - 17.09.2023 18:52

Oh god I’m here after Crota 2.0. It kicked your ass 😂😂😂

Star gold
Star gold - 30.08.2023 04:00

To me it’s with the one for Europa or kings fall

Red Nova Tyrant
Red Nova Tyrant - 21.06.2023 20:18

Last Wish is #1, with Vow of the Disciple and Deep Stone Crypt fighting interchangeably for 2nd and 3rd place. Last Wish is just perfect in every regard, I love the challenge it brings and the immense "legendary" feel it has, and Riven legit is the best raid boss in the entire franchise so far. Vow is another great challenge, neat encounters, and Rhulk is a truly life-or-death style fight that lives up to the title of "The First Disciple". Deep Stone Crypt, while significantly easier, is a good meme-y raid night for The Bois (one night we randomly named all of the bomb disposals after US states and haven't stopped since), and it has the strongest atmosphere of any raid for me.

Viflo - 20.06.2023 03:24

Nothing beats wotm, nothing even comes close in terms of aesthetics and loot. Personal opinion of course.

Benjamin Pedersen
Benjamin Pedersen - 09.04.2023 23:06

Crota not at the bottom? L+ ratio lmao😂 thats not a raid thats a strike homie

Potatis, Kell Of Potatos
Potatis, Kell Of Potatos - 06.04.2023 18:57

Vault of glass it has a great atmosphere and I love how I have to call out my part for oracles

SergeantRubber - 29.03.2023 08:30

deep stone is the best raid in d2

Jaqarius Jamarco the 3rd
Jaqarius Jamarco the 3rd - 22.03.2023 06:03

are we gonna ignore the fact that he was doing a SOTP boss damage with crimson at snipers distance

Brandon - 19.03.2023 07:56

Wraith of the machine will always be my favorite can't wait for it to be in d2

John Johnson
John Johnson - 26.02.2023 09:25

Played in 2014, never played D2. VOG is the best, crota and wrath are special. Kings fall fell short in my opinion, took too long, hard to learn, worst loot in any raid.

Grumpy Sandwich
Grumpy Sandwich - 30.01.2023 23:08

Deepstone crypt purely for the vibe it gives off

Emmarald - 29.12.2022 16:04

Last Wish has become a lot more fun for me since our clan adopted the "we're not cheesing Riven anymore, its a fun fight"
definitely one of the best fights there is, especially with newer players

Nate Roberts
Nate Roberts - 18.12.2022 03:45

Please, give us wrath of the machines in d2. It would be so much fun to have it in the setting we are in now.

Son of Tanavast
Son of Tanavast - 31.10.2022 00:53

Mine will always be Last Wish, it was my first major raid experience (I had played a fair amount before, just never raided) and I was very fortunate with the LFG I joined. I still play with those guys today, and it was so satisfying to beat. It took about 8 hours, and I had so much fun. The atmosphere, the fight, the challenge, the lore, all of it was just perfect. I still remember the hype surrounding the raid race, and wishing so badly I could do it. Definitely one of my favorite gaming moments.

Son of Tanavast
Son of Tanavast - 31.10.2022 00:53

Mine will always be Last Wish, it was my first major raid experience (I had played a fair amount before, just never raided) and I was very fortunate with the LFG I joined. I still play with those guys today, and it was so satisfying to beat. It took about 8 hours, and I had so much fun.

Bigbrisk - 27.10.2022 18:33

Last wish I've completed through 1 time😂😂 the rest are just cheese runs never actually done a riven with the mechanics😂 just cheese

rvbrt - 13.10.2022 19:44

Deep Stone Crypt is forever my favorite raid. Soundtrack and setting are S-tier. Atraks and Taniks are such fun boss fights. Loot is great, I still use heritage to this day. And deep stone lullaby while jumping through space is just flawless.

Scam Nugget
Scam Nugget - 13.10.2022 18:10

My favorite is also last wish overall but my favorite boss is atheon

Frigid - 09.10.2022 10:27

I love when I disagree with what is at highest tier in these videos across your tube because it starts a debate in my mind and honestly you’ve swayed me to like wrath more. It was my most hated raid in the series by far but from your points I’ve gained a new perspective and I’m happy to reconsider given it’s probably the next raid to come to d2

Starwarsgeek 5782
Starwarsgeek 5782 - 08.10.2022 20:51

Mine would have to be wrath of the machine. I always enjoyed the fallen enemies and their lore the most and I loved trying to get all the armor from the raid. Not including for me my favorite DLC is Rise of Iron. I also enjoyed kings fall mainly because the hype around Destiny at the time of Kings Fall and the taken king dlc was amazing.

Antonio Hernadez
Antonio Hernadez - 05.10.2022 05:58

1- wrath of the machines
2- king’s fall
3- Deep stone crypt
4- scourge of the past
5- last wish
6- everything else
And the top 5 not in that specifics order but my number one is wrath of the machines and I can wait for bungie to put it in light fall 😊😂

Arca - 04.10.2022 14:06

garden is my favorite raid and no I will not elaborate

SmoothOperator 55
SmoothOperator 55 - 14.09.2022 18:29

Kings Fall. I remember staying up till 7 am trying to finish it for the first time.

OvenHut - 13.09.2022 22:22

I love how the final raid of D1 was spent fighting the very first enemy type you encounter in Destiny

Sir JoJo Huizar II
Sir JoJo Huizar II - 12.09.2022 19:26

I know this'll be the black sheep of raids, but personally I love the Leviathan raids, the atmosphere, a big planet eating ship that youre invited to show your power to an Emperor, the gold everwhere, its clean and elegant and not some dirty alien raid or run down earth shack, the game show like encounters with calus rewarding you each time and to fight his bot at the end was phenomenal. Im a sucker for ancient gold style palaces and it felt right at home for me. Hopefully bungie brings back these raids one day.

Rolo Contreras
Rolo Contreras - 08.09.2022 18:08

The feeling of finishing Oryx for the first time was incredible and is one of my favorite gaming moments ever, but my most favorite and fun raid has to be Wrath of the Machine, fun, quick, engaging mechanics, the environment, I did this raid multiple times a week, across my 3 characters on my Xbox and 2 more times on my PS4 characters, and yes I was an addict during D1 😁😂

Sam LaSalle
Sam LaSalle - 08.09.2022 04:25

Would love to see how Kings Fall D2 and Vow stack up in this list

Bryon M
Bryon M - 07.09.2022 15:33

Now that we have Vow and KF 2.0, where would you put those on this list?

Ponch126 - 06.09.2022 15:41

LFG team and I recently made ourselves do three challenges for each encounter of DSC. Storm area we tried to Shatter/Well Skate only, skip two bubbles, and no deaths. Security we did text chat only, sub machine guns only, and Red Rover. Atraks we did no communication, keep all Shanks alive, and Copies of Copies. Bombs we did no comms, and Of All Trades. And for Taniks was no comms, chaos, and The Core Four. Was pretty fun and if we died we had to take a shot each time. Made the night a good one, would highly recommend this strat

Toby m
Toby m - 05.09.2022 10:34

My favourite raid has to be scourge of the past as it was my first raid and I was in an lfg where only one person knew what to do. It took us a long time but it was the most fun I had in a while

Quickword15 - 02.09.2022 17:44

Crota's End is my favorite. Its arguably the most casual raid, you could low-man it if you didn't have enough people, and just a quick raid to run overall. Not very frustrating at all to run either.

However, if they do bring it into D2 I would like for them to tune up the encounters, possibly adding a new one like they did with D2 VoG.

Benjamin Ghailane
Benjamin Ghailane - 21.08.2022 15:14

My favourite raid is the one I have to solo to find team mates up for a raid

TheJoshy009 - 20.08.2022 04:21

Vault of glass a day every day

ArrowStrike117 - 19.08.2022 18:50

Between D1 VoG and Crota's End, I'd pick Crota. They're the only raids I've ever done.

senpi usoe
senpi usoe - 16.08.2022 02:57

Kings fall by a mile the feel and story line was the best todate

Jacob Inman
Jacob Inman - 11.08.2022 18:11

Yeah I've never done a raid cause I have no friends who play destiny/d2

Falcons Punch
Falcons Punch - 06.08.2022 00:46

Most fun raid for me is dsc. Chaos strat for life

DesperateOak48 - 02.08.2022 00:43

I need more people to raid with. I definitely haven't raided enough, and wanna just do more raids and dungeons

Taniks, Dank Perfected
Taniks, Dank Perfected - 20.07.2022 22:16

My favorite raid was wrath of the machine due to the fact that it was my first ever raid it just has the nostalgia factor with it.

Jay Simpson
Jay Simpson - 17.07.2022 02:33

I’m not really wanting the difficulty increased in raids, it’s hard enough just getting a team together.

SevvForShort - 15.07.2022 19:54

I love last wish I just wish I had the Rivensbane title

Exchatche - 04.07.2022 03:57

I've only played Crota's End and D2 VoG all the way through, unfortunately. I played the first 2 encounters in Last Wish and WotM, but in both cases we eventually lost the other LFGers. I'd definitely like to learn them all, especially Last Wish, I just need a bit more LFG luck

Angler27 - 04.07.2022 03:15

I have to agree on last wish. I’m not a huge raider so I only played leviathan, scourge, last wish, vow, and vog. Out of all of them I like last wish the most. 1k is my favorite weapon even if it has drifted out of meta. The weapons look great, the encounters are fun and just the right amount of difficult. Vow is cool because it’s atmosphere actually feels threatening. VOG was entirely too easy. Scourge was pretty good but it left before I could master it. And leviathan was just so old no one would run it with me so I had 1 clear

Cooly - 30.06.2022 08:30

I’m kinda sad now.

Teo Teo
Teo Teo - 29.06.2022 16:56

D1 raids were so much fun. Beating oryx in challenge mode was so satisfying as 16balls pop at the same time, and there couldn't be any mistakes made. I still remember the night that my group were stuck on Aksis challenge mode till 4 in the morning, we were all so tired from it but still got it done, totally worth it and enjoyable

Vince V.
Vince V. - 25.06.2022 00:54

1. Leviathan (I’m not even sure what probably cause I had some of the most fun in that raid across my entire Destiny experience)

2. Last wish (cause it’s hands down the best looking and most well balanced between difficult and fun IMO)

3. Crota (because that was the first raid I truly mastered. Learning how to be the sword bearer leading to my multi year stint as a hunter. And it was where I FINALLLY got the Gjallarhor for the first time. Cause papa RNGesus hated me)

The rest you can kinda jumble in a pot and I would run em with equal joy. Except kings fall cause unfortunately I never got to experience that raid with a group of chill people.. always toxic bossy people that didn’t wanna really teach anyone
