New mercy content that isnt a repeat of how to play mercy and use her abilities o.o I love positioning videos can we get a how to go against dva and peel for you team vs ball? i find my team stacks together not only because ball bumps them into each other, but also because thats how you "help" so advice would be great on how to deal with that
Ответитьi love this
Ответитьas a masters mercy main this is amazing and im still learning from people like you. amazing content and very inspiring ❤❤😂
ОтветитьOmg i literally love yr vids so much i’m literally stuck in master and i find ur vids to be so helpful tysmm💕💕🥰
ОтветитьJust found your channel and your vids are great! Easy to understand, entertaining, informative and funny!
ОтветитьI really enjoy your content <3 can you do videos with other supports like kiri/illari?
ОтветитьGM Mercy here and you summarized everything correctly.
I think you may want to talk about crouching, this is something that is way too much underrated and people don't know about especially in the metal ranks (also this is more advanced since OW2 made it harder but crouch + GA makes people harder to hit and allow us to get more "GA charge" for slings and superjumps). I do also believe so many people forget about the superjump (singleshot) by looking instead and they press crouch too often make them an easy target to hit.
Also you could talk about dash through wall/corners to gain more speed with friction etc.
I’ve gotten back into overwatch recently (it’s a love hate relationship) and I’ve been loving playing Mercy. She’s my most played hero now and videos like these really help me play her better. Thank you!
ОтветитьDiscovered your channel today, extremely helpful and hilarious content! Special thanks for the subtitles! Makes it easier to follow along as for a non-english speaker! Liked and subscribed =)
ОтветитьNice video❤
ОтветитьOn circuit royal first point, would you recommend taking the cover or the corner?
Or just switching to stay unpredictable?
(Also this was really helpful, I'm just trying to gain more knowledge on mercy👍)
I can't believe i've never seen one of your videos before you're hilarious AND informative, thanks!
ОтветитьI'm a hard stuck low master mercy main and I'm struggling a lot, the only time i managed to get to master 2 after a long win streak i had a really bad lose streak where i went 4-15 for the first time and got back to D1. I'm trying so bad to know what I'm doing wrong so lately I've been searching for these videos but most of them talk about basic stuffs that might be helpful in lower ranks but almost no one talks about what master mercy mains could be doing wrong:( . Hopefully this video will help, otherwise i wanted to post some clips of my games and hopefully people will tell me my mistakes lmao
ОтветитьOkay, i was in high masters back when i was playing on console now i’m plat on pc even though i didn’t lost any skills with mercy, now what?
ОтветитьElo hell is stopping me to get back to masters at least:(
Ответить“— If I don’t see the problems, they don’t exist to me” 😂 LMAO!
ОтветитьThis is really useful! Enjoyed the whole video, very funny! ♥️
Ответитьthis is an amazing guide! as a console mercy hard stuck in plat 5, i think my biggest problem is my teammates positioning, i often dont have escape routes so I'm trying to position around where i think they'll be. thank you for the tips, great video!
ОтветитьThis is so old but someone is asking me to help then learn mercy and I came across your video! I already LOVE so many of the points you mention (helping your other support, you might need to heal more, checking the scoreboard, etc.)! Amazing job!
ОтветитьNot the infomercial 😂
ОтветитьThx 👍🏽
Ответитьcorners killed me 😂
ОтветитьThis makes me want to play Mercy again
Ответитьtrust me i know this was a year ago.
i never usually look up videos to help with positioning, i don't know if it's different on pc and console i play on console, (hopefully pc soon) but id love ant tips for tanks who constantly dive without falling back as a mercy main. (i am a hard stuck silver 3-1 lol)
i do have a few questions. mostly about comp
1. if I'm being chased by a moira who hard locking be and i can't fly to anyone or get away (in comp) should i just stay still and die?
2. if I'm being targeted and dived what the hell do i do? lmao
3. should i care about footsteps or should i just stay on pocket. (I'm someone who doesn't normally pull out the Glock unless it's a tank like Reinhardt on me.)
4. should i play health packs or stay by the other support when being damaged? (If they heal of course)
5. if m other support isn't healing should i try my best or pressure them to heal? because when i have this happen i get flamed as well when I'm trying my best, is there something i can do?
6. what do the patches about mercy matter? is there a difference?
7. should i prioritize healing or damage boost? i mostly heal but damage boost an ult or when an ally has anti
open space make you open
ОтветитьAre you slaying right now?