How The Amazons Are Rapists And Child Slavers  (Wonder Woman)

How The Amazons Are Rapists And Child Slavers (Wonder Woman)

NeedleMouse Productions

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Nunya Biz
Nunya Biz - 26.10.2023 05:35

While the dislike of Men has been pretty consistent through out the entire comics. Honestly the raping the sailors and selling off the men is a fairly new thing. Brought on by a writer who is awesome. But wanted to do more Hardcore and non black and white things for wonder woman. The man usually wrote stories more hard boiled that involved sex drugs betrayal and torture's. Basically. Not to down play it. He wanted to make it edgy and controversial.
Couple of things though .They were not SOLD to the God of the forge. They were given as other wise they would have been thrown into the ocean. And its never stated they raped the men on the ships. Actually its more implied they heavily seduced them and maybe even used some magic. Not really any better in any category. But its important to get the details straight. Also Even though they work in the forges. Its never stated they are slaves or not free to leave. Your drawing that conclusion based on them working.

Also. Not 100% but pretty certain that this has also been retconned out. Like it was only ever really a thing in the New 52. Which lasted less than 6 years. So it was literally only cannon for a hair over 5 years.

Michelle Dowler
Michelle Dowler - 14.10.2023 04:22

Well at least wonder woman is warming up to the idea that men like Batman and Superman are good people and wonder woman I’m not sure about the other Amazons seem to not really mind all those patients lake Martian Manhunter

Michelle Dowler
Michelle Dowler - 14.10.2023 04:18

Yes and is the Amazon serve curving the wrong point wrong except for wonder woman she seems like the most reasonable Amazon still a little out of touch with so-called man’s world I am normal man or a woman

K Azania
K Azania - 10.10.2023 12:59

This makes me love the amazons even more

GET THE A* FOR TESTS - 21.09.2023 06:15

Sounds like good old feminism lol

Andreea Ce?
Andreea Ce? - 20.09.2023 16:15

The title it's so bs. But ofc, males and their fantasies...
Yes, the irony, because the whole thing comes from the male fantasy pov.
So these men have the fantasy of wanting to be raped? Or what? But they don't want to be raped but want to be raped? I don't quite get it...
You want it non-consensual, beaten almost until death? You think you'd still have an erection? Well some do have an erection upon applying aggressive behaviour upon them, sort of like Sadistic. Dudes, look, some of us get it, you had been abused as young lads, porn also gave you some false impressions, entertainment industry as well.

Emmanuel Oluwalana
Emmanuel Oluwalana - 20.09.2023 09:54

They are so hypocrite

Sans The skeleton
Sans The skeleton - 18.09.2023 09:49

okay, i have a question. so i know they inslave the boys on separate island but what do they do woth intersex babies? like both genitalia and such? i couldn't find an answer on google an I'd like some idea because although a bit rare it could happen to them.

𐀩 Ph𐃏enixPrism 𐀩
𐀩 Ph𐃏enixPrism 𐀩 - 16.09.2023 00:53

an atom bomb fixes everything

Aaron Callahan
Aaron Callahan - 15.09.2023 17:03

Even if they are immortal they still need to replace their loss of numbers for any who die.

Jack R
Jack R - 09.09.2023 22:46

I'd be curious how the backstories correlate across time and the different eras. Then plot them against the rise of feminism and the fear of feminists.

Game Mations
Game Mations - 09.09.2023 06:45

Mr when the culture has problems in it: 😲

CosmicMutant27X - 26.08.2023 22:14

If Injustice Wasn't enough To fuel my Hate for Wonder Woman

PsychoLaw - 12.08.2023 22:14

Imagine if they weren't confined to their island, and how fucked things would become for everyone. The everage amazonian resort to violence upon encountering any sort of adversity, and being raised amongst hundreds I really doubt they could keep their compusure/culture once their population grow exponentially.. those people make for terrible diplomat, they would press the nuclear button without any second though or logical motive under than they said I was (insert reason)

Wouldn't be surprised if it turned out they did leave the island, but would (eveytime) either be fighting amongst themselves once their ideology diversifies and people aren't forced to live on a island where being weak or having a male child is taboo.. or they attempted going agaisn't the roman legion thinking sheer might would givethem an easy victory and got annihilated

funman - 06.08.2023 04:07

You mean overcome with the most evil crimes there are

funman - 06.08.2023 04:05

Yeah none of them are pacifists but some men are so cut that bullcrap

ChangedShaded - 03.08.2023 12:56

Its great they removed these disgusting attributes in the real life action movie of wonder woman

Nova #WWNA #USA #EU - 22.07.2023 02:06

Even when you discard the warcrimes the Amazons have commited, all the stuff you'd mentioned, they're still just a bunch of ignorant, stuck-up, hypocrites. They talk about how violent and barbaric "man's world" even though the Amazons are a culture of warrior women who train from birth and glorify fighting while less than 10% of people in "man's world" are soldiers, police officers, mercenaries, guards, etc. "Man's world" also isn't nearly as patriarcle and favoring towards men as the Amazons think, especially when it comes to Western nations. "Man's world" isn't even as patriarcle as Themyscira is matriarcle, at least in "man's world," women play an important role in society like teachers, caregivers, mothers, medics, artists, writers, and even sometimes leaders, women can also still aquire power in "man's world." Even in mysoginistic societies, having great amounts of wealth or having conntections to powerful men can help a women rise up the ranks. Men in Thymscira can't do literally anything in Themyscira besides just leaving, dying, or being sold to Hephaestus.

Incurable Romantic
Incurable Romantic - 12.07.2023 18:35

There was a great opportunity in the "Wonder Woman" film for the Amazons to get a rude awakening in how backward and fossilized their society is when they encounter Germans with rifles and machine guns. But instead they had to make the Germans act like idiots so they'd lose the battle.

Neutralmob - 08.07.2023 20:00

Amazon feels like hige elfs from warhammer fantasy...
