How foster care placements can harm a child's brain

How foster care placements can harm a child's brain

Kansas City Star

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@Bill0102 - 10.12.2023 02:04

This is ingenious content. A similar book I read was equally brilliant. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

@beataannanowak659 - 12.11.2023 07:13

According to study results, mothers who lost custody of a child to foster care experienced significantly higher rates of depression, substance use, physician visits for mental illness, and prescriptions of psychotropic medications compared to mothers surviving the death of a child. Interpreting these results, authors suggest the disproportionate share of mental health burden among women with children in foster care is likely a reflection of lower social support and a lack of social acknowledgment of grief following this form of loss.

@Vitolcraft - 22.10.2023 17:26

As a person who was in foster care(my biological dad lied to the police about my mum abusing me) for half a year,I will admit that I always put a happy face on but deep down I hated it.

@sarahstrong7174 - 13.08.2023 05:12

Being left with a family where you are repeatedly beaten unconscious is pretty bad too.

@brianjanes4700 - 22.07.2023 16:05

I am 35 and still struggling I been thru 12 foster homes and 2 opranges homes .

@Aldo4432 - 31.03.2023 09:12

I got taken from my loving and caring parents. social services had no right in taking me and my siblings away. They were a few niggles but not enough to warrant me being taken and in the manner they did. Physically dragging me away from my parents and put into the back of a strangers car and being told to live with a complete stranger. They saw a good very close family and decided to tear it to shreds, my siblings are still in the system and even though I’m with my biological parents again I still struggle to accept what has happened. I can relate to a lot of people here and hope we can all recover somehow.

@arrelle-2222 - 29.03.2023 07:03

The government force people's families to break, religion reverse our family unit and tore us apart. They put kill on my son then forced him to harm me

@SurvivorOfChildAbuse886 - 14.03.2023 03:40

I lived in the system for a year and a half when I was 14 and 15. Before I was sent to live with family out of state. In that year and a half I was in 22 homes 18 of which I was abused bye the foster parents and or their kids I reported most of them however there was never an investigation in to any of my reports except for the 1st one. The social workers would rather send you to a new home rather then have to deal with potentially losing a home as there are not enough foster home for the number of kids in the system and they don’t feel they can afford to Lose even one. Most faster parents are not the good people that the ordinary public makes them out to be I have seen it first hand. The system set theses kids up to fail in life from not financially supporting them when I ago out leading them to live on the streets and not being able to get an education. Some employers won’t even hire a foster child witch makes it even harder when we age out. To all the foster children in the system and those that have found a loving family or have aged out I am praying for you all and wish you the best of luck in life. You are all my brothers sisters of the system see you on the flip side.

@azulbernal1051 - 19.02.2023 02:10

I have really come to believe that group homes, in an orphanage style, are much better that the foster care system in the US and Canada. Children that grow up in group homes have more stability. They can grow attached to peers, carers, teachers… their new beds, new smells, tastes, etc… They are not moved time after time, and if they get to go back to their family and then placed back into de system, at least they get to go back to the same place, the same people they are already attached to.

@flashgordon10001 - 16.02.2023 09:40

Absolute rubbish. Psycho babble. Spirit overrules "brain"

@methus57 - 25.01.2023 12:19

How Mom's who are Bad Parents by Doing Drugs can harm a child's brain

@kotababy411 - 20.01.2023 10:00

Yeah but pro life lol most of these kids would have better been aborted but pro life people loves to have depressed suicidal trama induced teens

@wii8789 - 15.01.2023 22:38

I've spent my teenage years in the foster system (thankfully out now) and I've come out worse than I already was. I'm always depressed and anxious and on high-alert and it's horrible. I once asked my social worker for therapy and the school and my foster family told her I was faking being mentally ill to avoid doing school work. I waited for almost a year to get therapy only to then find out after I'd left the system, that I wasn't actually on the waiting list for therapy at all because I was supposedly faking. I never trusted social services from the start and I only trusted them less after that.

@gigischuster3078 - 20.12.2022 03:17

I have several CPTSD amd that's partially because of it.

@TheFukkyahh - 17.12.2022 23:14

What is the alternative

@caitlinsoliman1658 - 22.10.2022 16:20

Why not leave in same home?

@k3hind3 - 10.10.2022 01:12

i feel like im not wanted. my mum didn’t want me , my dad didn’t want me, friends at school don’t want me and the care system didn’t care enough to do anything. im so depressed but ive never been taught what it is to just want something

@DIV1D - 18.09.2022 10:52

I’m now out of foster care but many of my households were horrible to live in, many I experienced both types of abuse, neglect and worst one for me personally was losing my little brother due to the carelessness of my foster parents at the time. However the final household I’m in now and have lived in for 12 years and am now adopted by them I truely feel like I’ve won the lottery because the chances of having amazing parents is extremely low and not every other foster child will have the same experience, it’s the sad reality of foster care 🙁

@mariastevens6406 - 31.08.2022 02:19

My mom dropped me in the system at 6 and I spent the 90s in psychiatric placements. All I can say is I'm glad they never put me in foster care. I saw kids go to those families and come back after only a few months so much more screwed up in the head than they were when they left. And the places I was in were really bad.

@amandahunter9186 - 13.06.2022 02:07

My foster mom Debbie is evil and venomous because she doesn't care about me because I was abused by them. I never had love and attention or respect from anyone in my family

@rehehehehehe__4569 - 01.06.2022 13:14

I like how ur foster parents tell u to trust them when ur gonna move there's honestly no point of trusting them

@Johnnyo1300 - 29.04.2022 05:19

Complex PTSD that’s what foster care will do to you I lived in 15 different foster homes moved back home several times during that process just to go back to a foster home fight or flight you live in constant fear of survival your emotions are changed either extremely angry or extremely sad not much in the middle like most people your emotions don’t swing very far between the two but when you grow up in foster care your thermostat is broken it doesn’t stay at 72° its wings from below zero to over 100° without much in the middle story of my life

@mzsammyg. - 12.04.2022 14:54

My parents died at a young age. My dad died from a heart attack and mom from cancer, I was 9. My whole life changed. I stayed with my Oma (Grandma) but not because of her I had to move back to Australia. Long story cut I was an angry child and family couldn’t deal with my emotions. I don’t blame my relatives I was a devil child. I then went from refuge to refuge and finally I found a home…. 5 yrs later I was set free at 18 yrs old. Life was crazy after that I had many crazy times but I also found a love for music. If not for poetry I think I wouldn’t be here today.

My biggest advise is that ITS NEVER TO LATE TO FIND YOURSELF. It’s never to late to feel you finally found your ground. I’m 38 now and its taking me a long time of dealing with anger, lost, insecurity, fear and all that comes with feeling abandoned. It’s never to late. Show kindness and show the world your energy ❤️ you’re not alone.

Big Hugs xxx

@vjs4539 - 18.03.2022 08:03

The CPS system is so corrupt, it needs shut down.

@RoxieRHeart - 17.01.2022 07:27

There was a person i knew who was chronically homeless, we had been friends for many years and one day while we were walking our dogs I asked " when was the last time you had a real stable home, not a tent or a rv but like a actual home where you felt safe and grounded that you lived in?" She had to think about it and then she said idk I don't think I ever had that before. I had know she was in foster care and had a troubled relationship with her family, she alway seemed to make really bad decisions even decisions that I thought would be simple or obvious, this video really helps me understand her thought process a bit better. She is a good person, even though she was homeless she was always willing to help me when I needed her to and she wasn't a thief or a untrustworthy person she just was someone who made terrible life choices because she wasn't taught any better, sadly we lost touch after I moved but I think about her every now and again

@janetgarcia6106 - 14.01.2022 21:04

MK ultra. Everything the government funds is to destroy people. In Los Angeles there's a skid row and it's full of homeless people. Abuse creates these situations. Government organization love to rape and torture the vulnerable.

@steph49391 - 08.01.2022 12:09

One of my friends who’s a guy, got married to someone who grew out of the foster care system and over time she has blocked every person from his family and friends, told lies about them. It’s gotten so bad that she randomly blocked me.
So I came here to understand why she would do that. She probably has abandonment issues, and maybe she thinks someone will steal the only person who actually loves her? I’m still learning. I want to make sure my friend is safe with her because that’s toxic to tell someone who they can and can’t be around, or else.. anyone got any ideas? I’m trying to learn and be patient.

@christopherpoucher483 - 28.12.2021 05:49

23 years ago i was in foster care at the age of 9

@mariahhall8481 - 20.12.2021 06:12

As a 19 year old who is now currently back at my Mother’s house I still feel depressed and anxious because my mother has been messed up by the system and so have I and she has gotten toxic since I came back. Our relationship has been destroyed. It is crazy. The foster mother I have is no help and she is loving and has been good to me. This is the third home I’ve been in to that was good to me but it was just time to move on. I didn’t like it there as much it got boring and depressing there.

@Cellcell.22 - 17.12.2021 12:42

I would rather have gone into foster care than to be severely mentally/physical abused by my shit mom I don’t even like calling her that… but I was severely neglected by this b***ch … I would have been better off being adopted… because I’m so traumatized by the woman who birthed me I now have a severe personality disorder, I’m scared of others and I have a severe anxiety disorder… I have zero family members and I’m alone in this world.

@adamcanada6862 - 13.12.2021 21:10

Now we have had 2 babies girls that we have had since June of 2020. One was 12 months other was 2 months. Mom on meth, dad not in picture, kids tested positive for meth and pot. Well both parents have not done anything no jobs , no classes, got no house, mom in motels, dad lives with parents cause he supposedly slow in the head. Dad on parole, failed every drug test past 17 months, hair folicle and urine. Mother had failed first few than clean but she was only doing urine, judge said do hair folicle well she passed urine failed folicle high doses of pot and cocaine in her system and she 7 months pregnant again, so never learned, the dad has another girl pregnant as well and her kids removed from her due to abuse by cps. The dad dontvwant baby said no bond with her he only want the older daughter mad that clear whole time including our last 2 court hearing most recent being month ago. The grandpa has 2 counts of terrorism threats, 4 threats with a gun, 3 accounts of trying to run over the babies mother , there home got denied home study due to his violent history and said girls can not live there. But yet here we are judge recommended over night visits unsupervised 2 times a week with the dad and his parents. Month in to this , the older one is beating up on the baby, she has came home, cuts, brusies, a knot on her little head , comes to us dirty , starving and thirsty, she literally stuffs her mouth and chokes on food and water first day back with us from visits, the older one is feed , in clean clothes ,hair done up. Monitor sees it notes it down, this last visit the dad sent there backpack back to use with 2 sets of clothes covered in urine not washed soaked and wet , they could not even wash the dam clothes, you can tell they Hitting the baby cause she has started flinching and ducking anytime someone makes movements, she never done that , she won't sleep at night cries everything me or wife step out of room, she won't let us go, just hangs onto us, cries and hangs onto wife and Monitor don't want to go to the dads, the older one we got to watch like a hawk now cause as soon as you turn your back she trying to push the baby down, take things away from her, trying to gouge at her eyes, pulling her hair, and fucking pisses me off that this baby getting abused and neglected over there cps knows it caseworker knows it but all they say is write it down . We got court this Friday again caseworker said may extend case might give them to the dad that same day don't know. If they do the destroying the babies life, especially little one, she getting abused, neglected for WHAT cause they only want the older one and if they say they don't want baby they could loose both , so say I want both just to keep older one and abuse the baby . This baby only knows my wife and I as they parents, she the sweatiest thing you ever seen and known. Hugs and kisses all day long always smiling but these visits have been so hard on her tiny heart. And we got these girls through new horizon as well in abiline tx. Caseworker is tony. He ain't worth a shit he has lied in court and covers for the mother as well. They pushing these girls out just to open our home up again .

@adamcanada6862 - 13.12.2021 20:49

Oh the foster agency is new horizons don't trust them. Our case worker name was kendra can't remember last name .

@brendabassman9549 - 02.11.2021 13:54

It's pts INJURED

@pokebee2332 - 18.09.2021 23:00

At 8 years old, I got taken for no reason, the letter came to my parents years later saying the social services had no authority to take me away. I suffered because child services took me for the money...its sad to say...I didn't get adopted till 16 and then at 17 I got kicked out by my foster mom...I'm 19 and still hurting

@ajacqueline1288 - 16.09.2021 11:46

Wow what a sad truth!

@missiahthornton5170 - 13.08.2021 05:54

Been in over 30 foster home had my daughter in foster care at 15 foster care isn’t shit don’t help and really tore my family apart more then what is was when my mom was on drugs

@drill_official6099 - 05.08.2021 20:21

They all blame us but it's them they don't make it any easier 😭😭

@enitjuh3344 - 20.06.2021 00:48

Definitely, I feel like my brain is impaired

@tankgirl1749 - 14.06.2021 18:09

As an adult who aged out of the Foster system I can tell you personally that 9 out of 10 homes are bad full of trauma and abuse of every form not just from the parents but from the other children that belong to those parents I.e the non foster children. I'm so glad that this video has been made but sadly it's not enough coverage, no one ever wants to talk about it even though EVERYONE knows that it's a serious problem and that all these children are growing up traumatized and unable to ask for help because adults won't listen to them. After about the 5th family I stopped telling child services about what was happening to me and each of these families because child services didn't do anything. There were many times a teacher or another adult outside of the home called the cops and reported the abuse and still nothing got done!!

@shaleenahunt9457 - 10.06.2021 15:15

Very true I was in foster care system to no good SS needs to change but they won't money is more important to them

@ayyykeepscrolling330 - 07.06.2021 04:45

I got put into at least 5 different placements in the past 3 years, I’m so lost 😪

@G514NonProfitMinistry - 26.05.2021 06:13

God bless the foster care system, May the children be safe in Jesus Name

@gigischuster3078 - 22.05.2021 23:54

From age 1 to 6 the abuse by parents and then put in Foster Care abused by potential Foster Care parents who want money and use this system to do so with no care for the children they take in. This is how my Complex Post Traumatic Disorder started. It only got worse and even after being adopted. My brother and I were dumb downed, shamed, and treated like embarrassment black sheep that added on to the emotional and psychological abuse and they still act like they aren't part of the reason I have CPTSD. Then I was bulled physically, psychologically and emotionally in school, teachers turned a blind eye after all that I lost faith and trust in all people and became numb to this world and the people in my life for not protecting and being there for me. 39 years late sounds, smells and people who resemble or part of the cause for my Complex Post Traumatic Disorder I have panic attacks, night terrors and CPTSD attacks and its been an up hill battle to get through each week as a Survivor of CPTSD. I'd never wish anyone child to go through what I did. People think something is wrong with you for having PTSD/CPTSD when they refuse to understand humans were the cause all these 39 years. I have fear of triggers going outside of my house cause of it, its destroyed my ability to work and feel safe going anywhere outside of home where lots of people are its not fair to me and other kids who suffer this at early childhood and teen years that could have all been prevented.

Adults are the key in preventing PTSD/CPTSD of a child as they grow up. If you can't ve a fit and good parent get yourself sterilized and don't have kids, no child should suffer because of unfit parents. Not all disabled adults are horrible abusive parents and deserve right to have kids, as it has been proven what is considered 'normal well looking outside of home parents' can be the ones as abusers towards their children.

@nataliekhalilrealtor - 02.05.2021 11:34

God bless this girl. She’s beautiful and God loves you

@jeremyhodge6216 - 16.03.2021 17:31

Finally the truth spoken 😔

@eyemallears2647 - 10.02.2021 01:03

I really empathise with kids who have been through the system.

Remember though that social workers have to weigh this damage up against the potential damage of NOT moving kids in some circumstances.

Much love to you all
