The Victorian Household Items That Were Secretly Killing People | Hidden Killers | All Out History

The Victorian Household Items That Were Secretly Killing People | Hidden Killers | All Out History

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kat Bat
kat Bat - 29.09.2023 00:48

To talk about electricity and not even mention Tesla or his harmless electricity, is like talking about dams and not mentioning water.....

Charles Jackson
Charles Jackson - 28.09.2023 11:05

Micah’s daddy breath absolutely lethal

Athila Struys
Athila Struys - 28.09.2023 09:03

Gaslighting is still popular nowadays. My ex swears by it and uses nothing else.

Frank Roush
Frank Roush - 28.09.2023 08:28

I love that lady's hair, I'll bet its a nightmare to take care of right?

Emily G
Emily G - 28.09.2023 08:15

"Women continue to be the willing victims of the cosmetics industry" is an absolutely wild line to sum up a bunch of stories about women being mutilated by shoddy products

Jay Woods
Jay Woods - 27.09.2023 20:52

I woke up to this in the middle of the night like wtf???

S Wood
S Wood - 27.09.2023 07:43

Who is the presenter? She uber hot ...

Rexford's mama
Rexford's mama - 26.09.2023 19:40

Many years ago I met a woman in a nursing home who is in bad shape with arthritis. She couldn't really talk very well because she'd had a stroke but I found out from the family why her two fingers were together. She had operated a hot press for laundry and had gotten her finger stuck in there and it melted them together and if I remember correctly, part of the skin was torn off on one finger, exposing the bone.

m j
m j - 26.09.2023 18:48

lol so my irrational childhood fear of spontaneous human combustion was evidently due to celluloid?

AmberWool - 26.09.2023 04:29

These challenges are designed to prove the survival of the Fittest.

THIRD EYE ON THE SKY - 25.09.2023 12:31

Yeah if you think these examples of specific and devastating health effects of products are mere accidents still you are not paying attention. Ignorance is bliss though so go back to your democracy and voting process to fix societal problems that is the proper way to take responsibility 🧢 because politics would never be weaponized like healthcare, education and the piss poor education and info out there right?

J P - 25.09.2023 08:33

@baileysarian 😳😳😳😳😩😩😩

lissamanthei - 25.09.2023 08:19

"The fact that people were afraid of each other, because of germs."👀

GotWafflesBish - 25.09.2023 05:23

man Victorian living was crazy

MegoRex - 25.09.2023 00:25

And now people are following tiktok influencers and injecting borax….

Stefan Krogh
Stefan Krogh - 24.09.2023 23:24

I like history now! Thank’s dr. Suzannah!

7thWardCreole - 24.09.2023 16:29

The lies about Borax, smh.

Kayla F.
Kayla F. - 24.09.2023 05:30

Hard to believe a 3 year old in a work house

Jenny Simon
Jenny Simon - 23.09.2023 03:54

Have u ever tried to heat a house with a chimney? It doesn't actually work. Mythbusters did an experiment. It actually sucks all the hot air out of the house. I've tried it. Had two chimneys in a big one story house. Cold house. Pacific Northwest under trees next to a creek. Slab foundation. House was always cold. Fireplaces didn't heat it at all.

Ian Bruce
Ian Bruce - 23.09.2023 01:34


The donkey said to the tiger:

- "The grass is blue".

The tiger replied:

- "No, the grass is green."

The discussion heated up, and the two decided to submit him to arbitration, and for this they went before the lion, the King of the Jungle.

Already before reaching the forest clearing, where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey began to shout:

- "His Highness, is it true that the grass is blue?".

The lion replied:

- "True, the grass is blue."

The donkey hurried and continued:

- "The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts and annoys me, please punish him."

The king then declared:

- "The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence."

The donkey jumped cheerfully and went on his way, content and repeating:

- "The Grass Is Blue"...

The tiger accepted his punishment, but before he asked the lion:

- "Your Majesty, why have you punished me?, after all, the grass is green."

The lion replied:

- "In fact, the grass is green."

The tiger asked:
- "So why are you punishing me?".

The lion replied:

- "That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green.

The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that come and bother me with that question."

The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don't make sense...

There are people who, no matter how much evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not.

When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quietness are worth more. 🤎

narcissistic abuse victim
narcissistic abuse victim - 22.09.2023 08:02

Things haven't changed. We still use chemicals in food

Wolraad Woltemade
Wolraad Woltemade - 21.09.2023 15:47


S Mode
S Mode - 21.09.2023 12:48

You did the right thing and you don't need to defend yourself. It was an unusual situation and a dangerous situation regardless. If you'd done it for clout you would have been recording from the minute you called 911. What would be better for content than recording you following them and the cops swooping in but that's not what you did. When in doubt, call.

My partner and I, after 48 hours working multiple job sites and being on the road, pulled in a rest area to sleep. We were so tired we fell asleep sitting up as soon as we parked, I being slumped over forward. We woke up to multiple cop cars around us, officer screaming and banging on my window and them getting ready to break his. Talk about a confusing way to wake up lol. Someone had seen us and became concerned that we were a potential overdose. The cops had been banging on the window right next to my head for over 5 minutes and I did not budge lol. The cops thought we were dead or dieing. I wasn't mad someone called, I was grateful that someone cared enough to notice and to call. We don't use substances but what if we did and we were dieing? Or what if we did and we could have woken up and decided to drive risking others' safety? What if it was carbon monoxide and that phone call saved our lives? To the caller it didn't look right so they did the right thing, safe over sorry. I felt terrible knowing we'd scared someone though.

Guest - 21.09.2023 11:31

They still use akalie in chocolate 🍫 so wtf is the difference not much and they still use toxic things in other foods and products like toothpaste. Makes people sick 🤢🤕

Eddie Rodriguez
Eddie Rodriguez - 20.09.2023 23:42

This woman is gorgeous 😍

Jomar Carire
Jomar Carire - 20.09.2023 17:56

Profesor Jake Paul

Stephie Amanda
Stephie Amanda - 19.09.2023 09:24

sorry?! thomas Crapper?? did u say invented the toilet?! stop 😂😂

EPizzle - 18.09.2023 06:49

Adulteration of foods really is awful and still goes on today. I believe this is a HUGE reason for the increase in cancer and other diseases in todays world. Companies are more concerned with profit then having healthy customers. Greed will be the demise of the human civilization

Liberty - 18.09.2023 04:42

And yet the food industry still put products that hurt people until today too.

wDXAW WACAWC - 17.09.2023 18:18

So this is why the myth of the sickly Victorian child exists, they were all being poisoned basically

Kain Flynn
Kain Flynn - 17.09.2023 14:01

Victorians: “You See Ephraim, one simply must employ an impeccable routine to keep his hygiene of the highest order. It’s what separates us from beasts and most importantly, the poor 🤢

Also Victorians: deathly afraid of their own genitalia, and when they did bathe - it was once a week and the entire family used the same tub full of putrid water

Yeah, Next to Godliness 🫠

P. Mercedes Sellustti
P. Mercedes Sellustti - 16.09.2023 07:19

It sounds like the list of "bad" ingredients in bread or most foods is longer today...

Len Wood-Cöster
Len Wood-Cöster - 14.09.2023 04:25

I love this...
"I didn't waste time at work! I was being proactive in my awareness of my surroundings"

Billy Szigety
Billy Szigety - 13.09.2023 23:40


Sylvia Fraga
Sylvia Fraga - 13.09.2023 13:10

Remove the music to vastly improve this production.

Blazius Rex Entertainment
Blazius Rex Entertainment - 13.09.2023 00:02

We have a city in BC Canada called "Radium" Hot Springs. Just fyi, means nothing!

G I C - 12.09.2023 22:23

The Victorians really took one for the team didn’t they
Honestly sitting here paying my respects to all the people who died from good intentions and lack of knowledge…they are the sole reasons we live the way we do.

Blazius Rex Entertainment
Blazius Rex Entertainment - 12.09.2023 21:46

The thing is, this is still going on in 2023. Look at the ingredients before you buy. I make bread; brown white, pizza bread, you name it. You need flour, water, salt, yeast and MAYBE an egg or two, depending on what you are aiming for. Anything more than that is frakking filler and not necessarily healthy. You know that you cannot trust the market.

Richard Simon
Richard Simon - 12.09.2023 21:32

Why do they black out the newspaper articles?

Auresaus - 12.09.2023 15:14

Borax is like 13 in 1 body wash

Who Cares
Who Cares - 12.09.2023 13:39

British accents 🤮🤮

Jane - 12.09.2023 04:50

Watching the one about the breads.. all into it and I’m eating hot Cheetos 😅 🤦🏽‍♀️ lol

Danielle Jacques
Danielle Jacques - 12.09.2023 01:40

This host is so sexy
