How to Check Linux Disk Space | Linux DF and DU Commands | How to Clear Space | Linux Tutorials

How to Check Linux Disk Space | Linux DF and DU Commands | How to Clear Space | Linux Tutorials

Virtual IT Learning

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@sivaprasadghanta - 13.07.2023 05:40

very well explained. in the server if we unable to execute the df,du commands how to check disk utilization

@lorianguillaume - 10.07.2023 17:39

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! It was very helpful 🙏

@ShankarDada010 - 10.03.2023 04:49

What is the command to check total space of Linux server

@TanmoyDas-pn1nd - 04.12.2022 17:22

How do I clear my sda1 folder? Kindly help me.

[root@centos-4gb-nbg1-3 log]# df . -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 38G 37G 0 100% /

@ZiaKhan-fj8wn - 21.10.2022 09:45

Buddy Some time I face an issue during login of Linux I am stuck in the Linux login loop and other ever I try to install something. Linux how me a message like this you ""don't have enough free space in var/cache/archives............."" Do You have a solution for this Kindly make a video on it? how I can increase my Linux space.

@amitdubey986 - 25.09.2022 14:02

Very well explained. I am new to Linux and this would really help in determining disk utilisation issues. Really appreciate your video.

@superg-reezy943 - 16.06.2022 19:53

why does look like rocket science? no offense you know what your doing but its just really hard to figure this out.

@kehindedabiri422 - 11.06.2022 10:10

i am having low disk space on 'filesystem root" on my NVR , but dont know how to go about it, any help?. The vendor has stopped supporting me, and i dont have linux knowledge

@shankarijayaram8044 - 08.06.2022 09:43

Great video.. Thanks much for this information and video is very clear.

@Catge - 07.05.2022 05:54

How would you list the amount of disk on a linux system?

@excalibur7733 - 04.05.2022 04:56

Can u tell me exactly how to clear disk space for linux because I need more disk space or I don't have enough.

@antarinchakrabarty8896 - 18.03.2022 06:38

Very nice illustration through examples...combining output of du/df with grep, sort etc. Very useful. I will re-visit surely in the course of work

@MohamedHelmys - 04.11.2021 19:22

du -shc * | sort -n | grep G

You can use this if have lots of folders and you need to sort them with G gigabyte

@anasakura5660 - 04.09.2021 16:28

How about the historical data?
