What are my thoughts on next.js app router vs pages router

What are my thoughts on next.js app router vs pages router

Web Dev Cody

1 год назад

22,513 Просмотров

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NoSchool-Life - 29.09.2023 18:44

Ranting at its very best.

Thắng - 26.09.2023 20:29

What is vscode theme name?

Antharithm - 21.09.2023 21:05

Why don't you just change the page.tsx file name inside all of your folders? I think that's the point of this new approach to the folder structure

Max Sturges
Max Sturges - 19.09.2023 16:55

Yeah i tried converting my t3 pages directory to app directory and it wasn't a pleasant experience. There is much less community support upgrading the the app directory at this time. I'm going to stick with pages directory until app directory gets more momentum. Not worth the loss of dev velocity at this time for me. Will revisit in the future, as pages directory will be supported for many major releases for several years.

Eshgod - 14.09.2023 18:54

hey cody just want to tell you, you can stil search all of the files even though all of them have page.tsx, you can type command shift 5, and it will search the folder name, and the file will come.

Eshgod - 03.08.2023 00:04

Personally i loved the page.tsx name, made me see that this is the main file route for whatever folder, but yeah everyone can have different opinions, its dope how we have the option between pages and app router though.

Huey Vam
Huey Vam - 30.07.2023 20:49

What are your thoughts on UI component libraries with server components? I've heard most don't work because of client state that's usually backed into many of the components.

Jack Weaver
Jack Weaver - 17.07.2023 23:02

From where do you clone these projects? Or are they always project that you creat from scratch?

Nyoman Sunima
Nyoman Sunima - 12.07.2023 10:31

I been realize that workig with pages directory is much easier for me. That's why now i learn nuxtjs 😀

Pedro Zurita
Pedro Zurita - 10.07.2023 06:35

Honestly this new version of Next feels like a hacked version of Angular

Hackerman - 08.06.2023 01:07

I struggle a bit with server components and i18n, maybe I switch back to pages until all the libs catch up.

User - 07.06.2023 03:47

Don’t use app route😂
I am using app route and keep founding error. There are many conflicts with ui/js libraries and SSR. Eg. Chakra ui Color mode, dompurify, etc.

Woolygan - 06.06.2023 20:44

What’s the extension that shows the colored bar for the opening and closing tags?

Guillaume - 05.06.2023 15:59

I played a bit with app directory as well and here are some subjects that to me are a bit messy :

- I was hyped with the "loading/page/error" setup but in a real production case scenario, this is a mess. when you have multiples Api call on the same page. You wouldn't want to wait for all of them before showing the page. Since i've been using Astro, i've tried to emulate the "island architecture" and organize my code in component rather than "pages".
- When using a component lib ( Chakra for the most part) you almost have to tag everything as client, loosing the SSR capibilities of Next.

Maybe i'm using Next wrong, but i wouldn't really use this solution for heavy project. But I love to use it for POC or rather small project.

I guess it comes down to making the right decision depending on the project, you cant really have only on stack above everything else :)

Jesse Williams
Jesse Williams - 05.06.2023 13:16

With the mess that RSC looks like it will be, I tried out svelte and solid over the weekend and I must say they're looking pretty good. Both solutions feel so much less convoluted and less error prone.

Saeed Madadi
Saeed Madadi - 05.06.2023 13:06

I suggest you to look at Remix framework 👍

Eduard Stefan
Eduard Stefan - 05.06.2023 10:51

The name convention is a bit weird indeed but really when you will realistically have 5 open pages at the same time. Usually when you develop you focus on a page at a time plus the related components of that page with a loading and error tsx. So I don’t see that as a huge problem.

greendesertsnow - 05.06.2023 09:32

You're not a fan because you're not working on a single page at a time. Why do you ever need to open more than 2 pages??

Майанк Шарма
Майанк Шарма - 05.06.2023 08:33

Remember that app pages are twice as slow as regular pages in benchmarks. I'll stick to pages for that reason. I don't wanna increase my server costs just for some async components.

Swaroop Dhungana
Swaroop Dhungana - 05.06.2023 08:32

I have difficulty learning use-client. How does it work if I use "use-client" then initially it is rendered as SSR then after its been rendered will it turn into client or what ?

Oluwafemi Kayode
Oluwafemi Kayode - 05.06.2023 00:56

Anyone noticed the hot reloading in next 13 is a mess and way too slow?

tmxwll - 05.06.2023 00:32

Documentation till now is absolutely trash, imo, sadly

Jani Kaikkonen
Jani Kaikkonen - 04.06.2023 21:57

Just started learning Next with app router without never touching pages router. No problem with file namings and such, but data fetching seems to be quite a piece to learn. Coming from basic Vite/React app and separate apis, so now I’m quite confused, for what should I use the api folder 😅

Mehrab Mahmudpur
Mehrab Mahmudpur - 04.06.2023 21:08

I think tRPC still should be used in App Router cause the structure that it gives you like creating public or protected procedures or validation with zod or the middleware is quite hard to implement by yourself and it gives you them with clean syntax.

Martijn Jansen
Martijn Jansen - 04.06.2023 20:40

Great video but honesty, once we start using it more! You will see and understand the benefits from it. Am using it for like 6 months ish?? And it’s so powerful! What I do see though is that u basically use use client in all your pages which does make it user rendered instead of server side. I also see that you have set revalidate = 0 in your main layout which is going to force your whole project to fetch on request time instead of build time or revalidate in increments! Keep up the content though, love it ❤

Reality Designers
Reality Designers - 04.06.2023 20:09

it takes a while to learn, but i'm all for it!

Nitin - 04.06.2023 19:29

still waiting for some more vue content.....

dueft - 04.06.2023 19:25

I don't like the nextjs's built in api. It is simple and that's also what it is made for - for simple cases. But if you have a huge projekt it won't scale architecture-wise.

Tysian - 04.06.2023 19:21

Just let us use "my-custom-name-ignored-by-next-js.page.tsx" naming inside app directory

Coding in Flow
Coding in Flow - 04.06.2023 19:20

Haha I saw your tweet about page.tsx 😆 I agree with your points

HERO LOOTER - 04.06.2023 19:13

your theme looks cool theme name?

Ayandiran Daniel Oluwanifemi
Ayandiran Daniel Oluwanifemi - 04.06.2023 19:06

Hey , please im having issues with docker seeing the way i import components in next with @/ till i use relative paths it works. Do you have a solution for this ? Thanks ! 🙏🏾

yassine safraoui
yassine safraoui - 04.06.2023 18:51

So they're just two ways of doing the same thing, with slight differences between them

Remy - 04.06.2023 18:42

My hold off for the app directory is that I’d like to have an electron app but nextron does not support nextJS 13 yet.

Txreq - 04.06.2023 18:35

The "page.tsx" thing came for a reason, that's Next13, now provides different boundaries: Error Boundaries, Suspense, layouts, and templates, which's a trade-off of course
If they add an option where you can use both: pages' and app's approaches for creating pages, it would be cool

P.s. The app directory is away better, in my opinion 😅

Thom McCarthy
Thom McCarthy - 04.06.2023 18:24

Yeah, I'm watching from a distance but I'll wait until the ecosystem has matured before jumping in too hard.

Rumon Mahmudul Hasan
Rumon Mahmudul Hasan - 04.06.2023 18:12

What is the current tech stack u would recommend right now? like including your choice of framework, UI library, database, middleware, state manager etc..

mmzzzmeemee - 04.06.2023 18:05

regarding trpc, i remember someone mentioning from another video (can't remember which, might have been theo's) about a library called ts-rest.
I haven't tried it yet (even now), but i did check i out and at first glance it looks like it makes much more sense that trpc and might even work with the app directory for type safety.

btw, i'm still kinda new so i'm not sure if i'm asking the right question but,
what do you think about the tradeoffs that come with SSR by default?
If i'm understanding this correctly, the potential for reducing client-side JS is a lot but in return you have to make a lot of server-side calls.
Well, server-side calls aren't bad per se but, most hosting providers charge based on number of api calls or bandwidth (usually both).

so i imagine, in general, less JS but more api calls, so i'm not sure if this would be more or less expensive.

MZ Fitness
MZ Fitness - 04.06.2023 17:55

Can you make a vid on your thoughts about mongodb vs supabase?

Tina Seibert
Tina Seibert - 04.06.2023 17:54

I’m a huge fan of yours sir.❤ please reply 🙏

anhibitor - 04.06.2023 17:47

Having seven "page.tsx" open at the same time and trying to navigate back and forth is going to give me a brain aneurysm

Under Ctrl
Under Ctrl - 04.06.2023 17:37

Off topic, but what's your vscode icon pack?

Dante Mishima
Dante Mishima - 04.06.2023 17:33

The multiple `page.tsx` is what will stop me using this new thing

YOUSAF WAZIR - 04.06.2023 17:29

I prefer the app router and layouts
