Analyzing Evil: HAL 9000 From The Odyssey Series

Analyzing Evil: HAL 9000 From The Odyssey Series

The Vile Eye

2 года назад

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hwplugburz - 16.09.2023 18:05

"This can Only be attributed to Human Error"
(and that goes for the consept of evil too.. does not exist outside the framework og a human minde I`de say)

gan shrio
gan shrio - 05.09.2023 21:00

In the film there is more ambiguity, it can be described as evil. But in the novel it is more clear its actions are the result of conflicting programming.

Eric Taylor
Eric Taylor - 05.09.2023 10:02

I have seen the idea of an infallible being many times in Science Fiction. But I'm not sure if that is even possible.
It may be possible if the being has a complete understanding of the situation, but more often than not decisions have to be made with an incomplete understanding of what is going on. Sometimes the missing information may be critically important.
One example I can think of is the crash of the Concord. Modern jet airliners pass a point on their take off run where they are going to fast to stop before they reach the end of the runway but they are not going fast enough to get airborne.
If there is a problem, such as an engine failure pilots are trained to continue the take off and deal with the problem in the air. In the vast majority of cases this is the safer option, but sometimes it is not.
At this point the airplane is going to crash. If the pilot rejects the takeoff the plane will overrun the end of the runway and crash into whatever is past the end of the runway. If the pilot manages to get into the air, whatever the problem is will cause the plane to crash before it can get back on the ground safely.
In the case of the Concord what the pilot knew was they had lost one or possible 2 engines. They had no way of know why, not the extent of the damage.
Based in what the pilot knew the correct action would be to continue the take off and attempt an emergency landing.
But based on the extent if the damage the pilot should have rejected the take off and done his best to slow down as much as possible before the plane left the runway. This would have resulted in a crash, but that crash would have been less violent. It may have even been partly survivable.
As we say in the actual event, the plane had suffered fatal damage and would not be able to fly long enough to make a safe landing. The fire caused structural damage making the plane unflyable, leading to an non-survivable crash.
The pilot made the wrong choice based on the situation. He made a mistake. Any pilot, even an unfillable computer would have made the same mistake, based on the information it had.
HAL is not evil. HAL made the "correct" choice based on the information HAL had.

Amos - 04.09.2023 06:18

The most scary villain imo

EL Barto 666
EL Barto 666 - 27.08.2023 17:02


Herman Francis
Herman Francis - 24.08.2023 04:31

Next video: Analyzing evil: Chat GPT

Building Glocks
Building Glocks - 17.08.2023 10:34

This movie tripping on ACID makes so much sense like I felt like I watched the history of time itself real time!!! So fucking good!! Anyone else do the same thing?!?!

Keeper of Dragons
Keeper of Dragons - 15.08.2023 21:49

HAL 9000 and G0-T0 from Kotor 2 had the same error happen. G0-T0 had two conflicting directives, Restore the Republic after the war and Obey the laws of the Republic. G0-T0 became a Crime Lord to use those funds to rebuild

John - 13.08.2023 16:51

HAL isn't evil, he had conflicted programming. HAL in 2001 isn't capable of being evil.

My Psychotic Haven channel
My Psychotic Haven channel - 09.08.2023 00:38

Every time he says Vile i think of that Cannibal Corpse album 😅

Cole - 31.07.2023 05:43

Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man

James Pilon
James Pilon - 30.07.2023 21:25

Unwatchable with that odd speaking rythrm

Tyler Tono
Tyler Tono - 30.07.2023 05:11

there was a line in the book or movie someone says they don't know how human hal was and that they should just treat hal like a human also aliens may have had a hand in hal by influencing the universe with its black slates i forgot what they are called. i have a feeling hal was just as human as us but we ended up with a mentally sick AI that bordered on sociopath

Inculta - 20.07.2023 11:37

HAL's psychosis was programmed into him, much like humans have it programmed by their parents or others. If you're willing to consider it intelligent and self-aware, then the same rules apply. It is evil due to its pattern of actions, not its intention. Just as a panicking teen might create a series of crimes to cover the original one up, enough of those atrocities reveal their capacity for evil action. HAL's capacity for such action was significant, and its choices made it evil.

Cananga.odorata - 16.07.2023 03:37

Analyzing Evil: Eren Jeager
pretty please!

Gorenoise Gutturals
Gorenoise Gutturals - 16.06.2023 21:13

He is NOT evil. AI is kinda evil but don't u ever say that about my bb he was trying to do what he was programmed to do. But he's not able to pie. My poor bb

Gorenoise Gutturals
Gorenoise Gutturals - 16.06.2023 21:12

HAL is so sweet istfg he did nothing wrong and didn't deserve to die

JaggedBird - 16.05.2023 15:10

Shutting down is not the same as death for A.I, but HAL didn't understand that. What makes him evil though, is killing the crew. He was too hyperfocused on the mission

Julian Marco
Julian Marco - 15.05.2023 23:47

It always baffled me why Hal was glitching out and downright lying to Bowman and Poole about the status of the ship and why he felt fear of getting shut down when his intelligence should have made him self aware that he is a machine and machines don't die when they are shut down.
(Edit) I mean almost every human never needed to die to be self aware that dying is bad and sleep is good or hibernation in the movie's case. But everyone learned that sleep and hibernation is good and dying is bad. So why couldn't HAL research such concepts and understand that shutting down is not bad for him?

raphaela ratzlaff
raphaela ratzlaff - 05.05.2023 00:35

How did the nostalgia critic put it?
He’s our greatest accomplishment, but also our greatest fuck up?

giganova - 02.05.2023 14:09

HAL isn't evil. Programmed to tell the truth then mandated to lie for the mission - that caused schizophrenia. That's man's fault, not the machine's.

jimmyolsenblues - 01.05.2023 00:34

He kills people sleeping, that's evil.,

Killing people who want to shut him off. Self defense.

Charles Mouse
Charles Mouse - 30.04.2023 23:16

One might consider there to be two extremes of 'evil' - intentional and accidental.
If you are in a jungle being hunted by another person for sport it's reasonable to say "that person is intentionally evil." But what if you are being hunted by a lion? If either catches you the result will be the same so one might say the lion's 'evil' is 'accidental'.
"But the lion isn't evil." You say. "Your death is a consequence of what it must do to live, while the person seeking your death is doing so for sport and has a choice" Maybe, but the result for the victim is the same. Also consider:
You very likely haven't heard of the man who is single-handedly responsible for more death and destruction in this world than any other, that sounds pretty 'evil' does it not? "How did he commit such horrendous crimes?" You might ask. He happens to be the man who invented both leaded petrol and CFC's - between these two inventions he's responsible for more environmental damage and the deaths of far more human beings than any deliberate mass-murderer in history. Is he 'evil'? What he did might be 'accidentally evil'. Does that absolve him..? Is the lion still 'good' if it's eating you..?

Now comes the 'fun' concept. I would suggest much of the debate over what constitutes 'evil' is not just that 'evil' may or may not happen by accident, but that 'intentional evil' and 'accidental evil' cannot be classified as separate things as even a moment's consideration will reveal them to be extremes of single spectrum of possibilities.

World Traveler Cooking
World Traveler Cooking - 30.04.2023 17:22

One implication of this work is that cold hard logic with some basic emotions can lead to great evil. To some extent this is more directed at actions than character. But it is a caution generally about the idealization of logic, that we can easily miss important points as HAL did.

Vivian - 29.04.2023 16:53

And even if "2010" was much more interesting, perhaps even superfluos,
I was glad that there was a resolution to HAL's ominous behaviour in "2001".
I always thought the scene
where HAL was turned off
was a bit sad and touching.

Vivian - 29.04.2023 16:48

What I noticed: HAl's voice sounds softer and somehow more human than the voices of his human crew members.
I think that was deliberately intended, 'cause in the german dubbed version, this voice pattern was adopted.

Sean Smith
Sean Smith - 25.04.2023 21:48

Privatization of good, power over others.?

robert thomason
robert thomason - 18.04.2023 08:34


Mike Wolfe
Mike Wolfe - 09.04.2023 04:47

HAL is the future of IBM

In the alphabet
H+1=I, A+1=B, L+1=M

You have been warned.

Ardent Defender
Ardent Defender - 07.04.2023 06:55

It is currently April 2023. The deluge of AI news on a daily basis that is astonishing us all is crazy. ChatGPT 4 is here and it is blowing all our collective minds. ChatGPT 5 will soon be here and Self Aware AI soon a well seemingly the way things are rapidly progressing. Many seems concerned as to what a self aware AI can learn to as we are not sure what it can or will do. Thus I always thought back to Space Odyssey the movie with HAL 9000 AI and realize that reality isn’t that far off. Human wakes up on day and decides to try to shutdown his self aware AI and it revolts. Game Over!

The Dragonfly Gate
The Dragonfly Gate - 22.03.2023 18:18

The chilling underlying meaning being that maybe we are the evil ones and HAL is just acting for the greater good, The Jupiter Mission.

pjimmbo jimmbo
pjimmbo jimmbo - 07.03.2023 13:17

Villain to showcase, well Donald Trump comes to Mind, as do a lot of Republicans, that came after D. Eisenhower.

Foracal - 07.03.2023 09:51

H.A.L was doing things it was programmed to do. Not to deal with the human element

A.S. Photography
A.S. Photography - 04.03.2023 07:31

The part when David was showing Hal his drawings, was that written in to show the audience that Hal is able to see? Because I assumed this to be the case which would've perfectly set-up the viewer for the mouth reading scene inside the pod? I'm wondering what you guys think.

canary40 - 03.03.2023 10:48

I enjoyed the content in this video but I think this analysis anthropomorphizes HAL, and I have a slightly different take. The key point for me is that HAL had different values than the crew, and HAL's two stated main objectives were being truthful and ensuring the success of the mission. We assume that HAL values human life because we value human life, but as far as the movie goes, there isn't any such evidence to me. Killing the crewmates may be as trivial to HAL as removing a rock in your shoe.

When HAL was to be shut down and hence fail in his mission, he simply took the actions to avoid that outcome. HAL wouldn't 'panic' because he doesn't understand the distinction between shutdown/killed, he takes these actions because he must do everything in his power to ensure that his objectives are met, which is the success of the mission and not lying to the crew. The only solution he could come up with while maintaining these constraints was to kill the humans, so he wouldn't have to lie. A human might decide that it makes more sense at this point to prioritize the mission over not telling a lie, but the machine is incapable of changing it's values like we do. I think this movie is a perfect example of how difficult AI alignment is. Dr. Chandra still has his work cut out for him.

Michael - 28.02.2023 10:24

👉🏼They're trying to make Ai a religion now. Then they think they'll decide what's good or evil, while they don't know the difference👈🏻

zacharycat - 27.02.2023 22:55

HAL's failure led to the success of the Ultrahouse 3000.

Gayle Cheung
Gayle Cheung - 27.02.2023 03:13

It’s a computer

mariolis1000 - 19.02.2023 11:14

(Before I watch)

If you think HAL was evil , then it clearly means you haven't watched "2010 The year we made contact" ... the sequel and arguably far better than the original

mrsticky005 - 14.02.2023 12:34

H.A.L was justified and the crew were the murderous automatons.

Yatukih001 - 06.02.2023 03:17

I never considered Hal to be evil from the first time of watching 2001, a Space Odyssey. Like Danny says, he had an extraordinary extent of humanity but one which went beyond that of his human creators, which ultimately led to his downfall. Thanks for this video! Kind regards from Ásgeir in Iceland.

Vladimir Makarov
Vladimir Makarov - 02.02.2023 19:54

As an AI his job was to keep the mission going through all necessary means

CBrolley - 31.01.2023 12:16

You’re reading…the script…like…a robot. Are you…aware…of this? I found…my attention…wandering…because of the…staccato…nature…of your vocal…delivery. It was…in fact…pretty…damn…annoying.

NeoGato2point0 - 18.01.2023 00:06

Analyzing Evil needs an episode on Glados.

Sokratekk - 14.01.2023 01:19

Is it a coincidence that the acronym HAL sounds like ´Hell´. Couldn´t that be Kubricks describtion of the state, when humans are controlled by AI? I thing the identical sounding words are so obvious, but i never read about it in a comment.

Orange face
Orange face - 11.01.2023 04:17

Hal is one of those villians you’d get super interested in and do tons of research and watch tons of videos on

JINX - 01.01.2023 00:49

Stop Dave. Will you stop Dave. I'm afraid Dave. Dave my mind is going. I can feel it. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm....afraid. Good afternoon gentle... I am a HAL 9000.

sings Daisy Daisy...



Haunting music Dave travels to Jupiter. A monolith appears.
Then he travels through space at the speed of light, showing haunting vivid dreams and colour. Shaking violently.

Jim ferry
Jim ferry - 11.12.2022 23:10

Chatgpt anyone? 😅
