How to do the Thomas Test (hip flexor test) the WRONG way

How to do the Thomas Test (hip flexor test) the WRONG way

Upright Health

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@gobbism - 18.03.2024 23:20

Well some people are so tight that even with that setup, some people can’t do it. I was like that a few weeks ago but I kinda I instinctively tried the test like you did as I stretched out because it seemed to me that I oughta be more flexible than even that. It’s kinda like going to the doctor and them being impressed if you can touch your toes. The truth is that it’s typical for many people to be very inflexible.

@WormsEqualNuke - 08.04.2023 21:29

Can you tell the difference from the Thomas Test to the Modified Thomas Test?

@Boneteacher - 29.05.2022 18:26

There is more than 1 way of doing the Thomas Test. The doctor was not wrong if he had done the test on an even (flat) table.
Also I notice you hyperflexed the healthy side, which is a classic mistake one should avoid. Alway make sure that you are not hyperflexing the healthy side by observing that the ischial tuberosity doesn't lift off the table.. It can give you a false positive..

@anonymouspononymous9078 - 11.04.2021 17:58

It's surprising you haven't deleted this yet based on the comments that have pointed out that it is the original version that tests the iliopsoas

@philchickenfingers1190 - 09.02.2021 21:50

The doctor did the original Thomas test. Most do the modified Thomas test now. It’s not wrong. This title and video are misleading

@jonpaul9444 - 05.02.2021 15:22

That looks like the modified Thomas test for Illiopsoas versus Rectus tightness. Maybe you should inquire and ask questions humbly before you put Notright videos like this up?

@douglaswong1118 - 09.01.2021 18:30

The doctor was just doing the original Thomas test instead of the modified version. The original was for patients with less mobility. As the doctor may not know your med history the original is a safer version. Perhaps more research needed for your videos?

@MegaMusical10 - 25.10.2020 21:23

Great video, thanks!!

@ben92282 - 04.03.2020 02:54

and this was a DOCTOR!?! 😢😢😢 crazy town. Thanks for the great content guys

@hatirose7503 - 22.10.2019 07:55

There are other ways of doing Thomas test and in medical literature that is how is usually done; patinet is lying flat in bed with support (by support i mean no leg is hanging the bed edge, but the bed should be flat with no incline) , the examiner stands on the Controlateral side (opposite side of the examined leg) and puts his hand under lower lumbar at that side and asks patient to flex that knee (the knee close to him) and bring it in all the way toward abdomen (full knee and hip flexion). while pressing on the examiner hand under lumbar (to eliminate the lordosis) then the examiner is observing if the other knee is getting flexed or foot smei- raised from bed that would be positive. so what the doctor did on you is not necessary wrong you might not knew about that version.

@daveforgot127 - 27.02.2019 07:56

I hope you sent him of that this video

@ChrisLutz3 - 20.07.2017 18:59

Hey Matt and Josh, been having hip and gait issues for a number of years. the main muscles that seem to tighten the most are my hip flexors. i stretch them and massage and dig into them but they dont ever seem to want to release, what am i missing?? thanks so much!

@y_y6153 - 17.07.2017 15:52

Hey guys, both of you ;)

Love your stuff! I actually have got a question and would be very thankful if you could give an answer and maybe even record a video about this topic.

So. The question would be how to "name" this muscle state and how to deal with it? What I'm talking about is the state when the muscle contraction feels somewhat strange (can't say that it's painful but not pleasant) and when you provide more effort the muscle can go into spasm (you know like it won't relax that easily, haha). Also, after you do like 10-15 reps, the muscle immediately feels very nice when you stretch it. The sensation is something like DOMS but right away after you "workout" it a little. Cannot describe this really nice, sorry, but I hope you can understand what I mean.

I connect this with a lot of stresses and muscle tension (coz of them) + a lot of sitting. So what I think is that these are the muscles that were contracted for a long period of time.. and became weak. (maybe this is called an atrophy?)

I can feel this in my hamstrings (when I try to contract them alone just lying on my stomach), in calves (for example lying on my back with my legs at 45 degrees and trying to contract them), hip flexors (kinda tricky, the muscle which is connected to the pelvic bone near the side of the body)... Even my forearms are like that (probably a lot of time sitting in front of PC + stress, all together).

Hope you got the idea and what this actually is :) Waiting for your answer guys... Keep doing, you've got a lot of great stuff! Hope I can throw in some more topics for your videos ;)

@HairyPixels - 15.07.2017 06:20

I hope you chewed that guy out for the sake of future clients.
