Metabase create dashboard from imported data

Metabase create dashboard from imported data

Heikki Koivisto

1 год назад

506 Просмотров

Metabase is a business intelligence and analytics tool that allows users to create dashboards from imported data. Here's a short summary of the steps involved in creating a dashboard:

Connect your data source: Metabase supports a variety of databases and data sources. You'll need to connect your data source to Metabase in order to import your data.

Import your data: Once you've connected your data source, you can import your data into Metabase. This will allow you to view and analyze your data within Metabase.

Create a question: A question in Metabase is a query that retrieves data from your imported data. You can create a question by selecting the appropriate data source and then defining the query.

Create a visualization: Once you've created a question, you can use it to create a visualization. Metabase supports a variety of visualization types, including line charts, bar charts, pie charts, and tables.

Add the visualization to a dashboard: Once you've created your visualization, you can add it to a dashboard. A dashboard in Metabase is a collection of visualizations that provides an overview of your data.

Customize your dashboard: You can customize your dashboard by adding text, images, and other components. You can also arrange your visualizations in a way that makes sense for your data.

Share your dashboard: Once you've created your dashboard, you can share it with others. Metabase allows you to share your dashboard via a public URL, embed code, or email.

Python program code on Github:


#imported_data_to_dashborad_on_metabase #metabase_import_postgresql #dashboard_on_metabase #Metabase_erstellt_Dashboard_aus_importierten_Daten #Tablero_de_creación_de_metabase_a_partir_de_datos_importados #Metabase_crée_un_tableau_de_bord_à_partir_de_données_importées #Metabase_crea_dashboard_dai_dati_importati #Metabase_cria_painel_a_partir_de_dados_importados #O_Metabase_cria_um_painel_de_controle_a_partir_de_dados_importados #Metabase_tworzy_dashboard_z_zaimportowanych_danych
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