The PHOTO MISTAKES Beginner Photographers Make

The PHOTO MISTAKES Beginner Photographers Make

Nigel Danson

2 года назад

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Luzr - 26.02.2023 06:45

I imagine you sitting on that bleak peak, waiting for the light to arrive, passing your time knitting that excellent Aran. Well done all 'round. Great channel and all the best from a cabin in a swamp in a rain-forest in New Zealand.

Saurav Sinha
Saurav Sinha - 29.01.2023 02:02

Absolutely amazing video! Nigel you're amazing

Ashley Tolton Art
Ashley Tolton Art - 21.01.2023 08:13

Another awesome video! Thank you!

Eric Seale
Eric Seale - 17.01.2023 00:33

Great tips, thanks! Now, an odd question -- what "Markup" app are you using to walk through your photos? There are a bunch of similarly-named apps out there, with widely differing function sets.

Sebastian Bisewski
Sebastian Bisewski - 07.01.2023 01:12

Very useful info about needing to know WHY your photos are unsuccessful to be able to improve. one thing I would add, if your struggling to figure out the why, trying comparing the bad photo to one of your good ones. Or someone else's good photo. This way you can look at the differences to identify elements that make an image look good or bad.

Dylan Evans
Dylan Evans - 10.12.2022 13:30

One of your best yet in my opinion This video really resonated and deals so well with issues that will be common to so many of us. It takes real discipline to avoid being 'lost' in the experience, slow down, and really think hard about the compositional elements. Great piece of work. 👏

Sterling Silver
Sterling Silver - 20.11.2022 22:25

Thanks! 👍🏾

Neumah - 01.11.2022 20:55

" the scene for just 20 minutes" well... I guess I've got work to do since I get frustrated after 2. lol

Zeth - 30.10.2022 05:25

Great video, great points ! Took some things from this video for sure, learned alot. At the end of the day though photography is subjective, personally I feel alot of his photos he was critical on were good. What one may think of as "ok" may be an amazing photo to another :)

Wong Jefx
Wong Jefx - 19.09.2022 21:58

Dang, the no so good photos are way better than my best photos 😁

Frank Sierow
Frank Sierow - 11.09.2022 15:41

SUGGESTION: show us the images for a short while before you tell whether you are using as an example of mistake(s), or of success(es), and even before what aspect you are talking about.

I think it is too easy to pre-judge an image based on what one has been told before seeing it.

A lot of people are saying how much they agree with you; would that be affected by this change of order of doing things?

Frank Sierow
Frank Sierow - 11.09.2022 12:02

I am very much a beginner in having my photos assessed in competitions. Some interesting comments I have had:

- "Exposure well controlled": the judge did not know that the photo was taken in totally automatic mode with a cheap (about £150) camera.

- "not enough space around the main subject; feels squashed": I had not realised the "squashed" issue before, but then I decided I liked it!

- another judge, about someone else's photo, suggested cropping the foreground, and keeping the "3 trees" in the background. I thought the foreground was the interesting bit, and that "3 trees" was a cliché.

I found that the judges, and the long-term photo club members as well, were often appreciative of unusual photos, because long-time were often "stuck in a rut": comments like "I've taken that photo myself" and "at that viewpoint you can see the 3 marks on the ground of previous tripods [maybe be not literally]".

cherylfisher1 - 07.09.2022 20:06

Really enjoyed this. Great tips & easy to understand explanations. Thank you

Obi Kenobi
Obi Kenobi - 06.09.2022 17:34

me seeing the failed photos and thinking they look great

Besos de NYC
Besos de NYC - 02.09.2022 13:14

Thank you! You gave me so much to think about and put it all into context. I now understand the concept of negative space because you explained it so well and showed us the other elements that come into play. I can’t wait to go back out and take photographs exercising the concepts I learned here.

Pixelpoppy - 01.09.2022 23:12

Thankyou Nigel..great revision and reminder to be intentional when viewing potential landscape scenes.

Stephen Femi
Stephen Femi - 01.09.2022 02:52

Nice one.. It's informative. But would have love you to also include portraits and full body shots of someone not just the landscape. Cos to me, I feel like you cannot leave unnecessary space while taking images of a person either portrait and full body.. For instance you have close shots, headshot, etc.. All these do not need unnecessary space either below, above or side. But all the same thank you for the videos. I am here to learn🙌🔥

Sam710 - 31.08.2022 09:58

I kept asking why it doesnt work all the time and my answer leads to ""i dont know" all the time. 😅

Jonathan De Bolster
Jonathan De Bolster - 23.08.2022 21:40

Very helpful explanation and I think you have developed a natural feel for composing by practice and iteration. There is a big difference between finding reasoning in why a photo works "after" the shot has been captured, and proactively using this knowledge whilst live composing (because one probably does not have the necessary experience, yet). It's good to know the basics, but my advise would be to take as many shots as you can, analyze them afterwards and try to figure out "why" some photos work better than others. You'll gradually start to take less "random" pictures, and you'll get a feel for it naturally. I really enjoyed your video and I also like watching people "explore" their own work from years ago!

Furly 707
Furly 707 - 17.08.2022 21:26

clicked video, saw giants hat. subbed. Great input and tips ty

Ivan ferro
Ivan ferro - 17.08.2022 16:51

That was a lot to take in . Thanks 🙏

Jimmy Brannan
Jimmy Brannan - 13.08.2022 17:40

Makes zero sense to me. You take the same picture and add fog and it's okay? Artists???

Enis - 10.08.2022 15:55

I'm going over countless videos right now, these pointers are amazing, thank you.

Not once held a decent camera, can't wait to get practicing!

Levi Stock
Levi Stock - 09.08.2022 19:05

I love your jumper.

Eason Thomas
Eason Thomas - 07.08.2022 20:03

This is a great, straight to the point video and I really like your personality. Thank you for this. Cheers!

Kağan Yıldırım
Kağan Yıldırım - 06.08.2022 11:49

Thank you very much for sharing

Grant Spoon
Grant Spoon - 03.08.2022 18:00

I like how you think about composition.. I'm not a fan of most landscape pics though.

Daniel Calvo Camacho
Daniel Calvo Camacho - 01.08.2022 23:31

Great video! Thanks a lot for the tips you shared!

Suzanne Wang
Suzanne Wang - 30.07.2022 01:04


Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy - 25.07.2022 12:42

Like golf sometimes photography needs a “swing thought”, ONE key point to work on. Mine will be “room to breath” for awhile. Thanks for the video.

Calfilms - 21.07.2022 21:16

Hey, im a new videographer, and im learning in videographer school! And i understand your thinking process about compozition, but it really is proffesionally talked thru it will be really hard to understand to a new photographer! But thanks you gave me new ideas!!!👍

British Rose
British Rose - 21.07.2022 11:03

The standout comment for me is about taking your time! It's so easy to get to a location and be buzzing with excitement because your eyes and brain are taking all the information in and processing it in context of where you are. It makes you believe that what the camera records is exactly what you are feeling in that moment, and it really isn't! You have to take your time (have an apple!) and study carefully and patiently, and judge by the viewfinder and not what your eyes are taking in about the whole experience. You see tourists arrive at a location and immediately start snapping randomly in every direction with no thought of composition, because they are caught up in the moment. Give yourself 15 mins to look at your camera screen and really analyse what your camera sees, not what your stereoscopic eyes and 180 degree vision are telling you.

Random4Logic - 20.07.2022 16:18

An Apple when looking at a scene ?

KermitFace - 18.07.2022 01:00

I am not a photographer but this video is still really interesting to me. You are very good at taking pictures!

Fluffless Game Movies
Fluffless Game Movies - 12.07.2022 10:37

Thank you, that will help me, with the composition of my Thumbnails 😉

sam evans
sam evans - 11.07.2022 06:57

Great tips & process, thank you

Gürhan Pekuz
Gürhan Pekuz - 10.07.2022 06:49

Great talk about photos. Not many people critique photos. Thank you so much

Ken Fu
Ken Fu - 07.07.2022 03:46

Well made video! experienced ideas

Michael Girgis
Michael Girgis - 06.07.2022 16:51

For number 3, if you're eyes are continuously scanning the image, is that necessarily a bad thing? I like being able to look at the several aspects of an image sometimes.

BarTech TV
BarTech TV - 03.07.2022 14:35

I actually preferred the photos you said weren't very good. It just goes to show that it's all subjective and there are no rules.

Adventures with Frodo
Adventures with Frodo - 01.07.2022 23:53

Sorry but your photos still don't work. The second photo you show of the pond is horrible. I am serious the points you comment on don't Sorry.

Ashley Daniell
Ashley Daniell - 01.07.2022 22:30

We used to always say "crop until you merit" LOL But seriously, cropping a photo in the right way can make or break the image.

Standaard - 01.07.2022 22:19

Excellent tutorial. Thank you.

Maen Zeidan
Maen Zeidan - 30.06.2022 09:40

Thank you, that was helpful
