Game 99: Inca Part 1

Game 99: Inca Part 1


9 лет назад

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@trequor - 22.07.2023 20:28

Holy smokes that start was amazing! I've never seen ruins so lucky either: turn 1 population, turn 5 spearman with immediate tribute, and turn 8 free tech FOR YOUR LUXURIES!

@rpan1738 - 31.07.2022 19:48

I think only the Spain salt kailash start tops this one

@MacWave710 - 24.03.2022 23:42

Anybody knows why he enslaes the workers instead of stealing them by going to war and then making peace again?

@1puppypaw172 - 28.08.2021 12:53

"Fairly strong"

@bl8976 - 23.07.2018 21:35

The opening banter between filthy, cole, bob was hilarious

@gregfollin5211 - 05.01.2018 15:24

Filthy, I just started watching your videos, I'm late to the civ games but you're the man, thoroughly enjoy everything you've done and all you're doing, great job bro, can't say enough nice things about you

@stuartconrod8364 - 04.10.2017 19:30

This game showed me the strength of the Tribute Train! I'd been dubious about it because most of the time I'm playing vs. AI and their initial army scores are so much better than human players, so extracting any tribute is pretty damn hard. Now I can see how good it'll be in multiplayer.

@bendj4105 - 27.04.2016 19:11

If you take a city state and build a wonder there, if it is liberated does the cs get it?

@chrisbit6297 - 02.04.2016 02:18

What do they mean by "OCC"?

@frisianmouve - 16.11.2015 06:27

I just found out how good the inca where from your civilization tier list and deciced to play them. I've got one crazy city with nothing but mountains and desert hills. It's my second city because i knew that's where i wanted Petra and wanted to rush it. Well with desert folklore, Petra, construction and fertilizer that city now works about 13 tiles with 4- 8! food, 3 hammers and 1 faith each. I have to get all the specialist buildings over there just so it doesn't grow too quickly. The best tile is a dead end desert hill surrounded by 5 mountains. so foodwise: 6 from terrace, 1 from fertilizer and 1 from Petra. Production 2 from hill, 1 from Petra, And a faith. 8 food, 3 producation, 1 faith. BEST FUCKING TILE i've ever seen. And i've got the hanging gardens over there mostly for the gardens which i couldn't get there otherwise so it can generate even crazier amounts of great people. Such a strong city for land which would otherwise be completely worthless. Absolutely crazy strong civilization if you spawn on the right land

@conwayoud7south - 26.08.2015 03:09

what snacks were those are the beginning?

@johndunn8154 - 22.02.2015 23:58

Retitle: Inca-nt hear over you chewing: Part 1.

@orochimarusamisima - 10.12.2014 00:11

Hey can u give me the name of the game and how I can download to my computer

@alexwilson2844 - 25.09.2014 12:13

with inca is it better to delay seeing iron to get farms on hills?

@Bomstep - 23.09.2014 20:04

"dont listen to him bob he's already plotting to kill you"

"i think its a game to kill bob"

@jerseysoxfan - 23.09.2014 02:55

do workers stolen through tribute not get returned to city states?
