LS | Coaching A Grandmaster Kled Player

LS | Coaching A Grandmaster Kled Player


1 год назад

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Hang Mil
Hang Mil - 07.09.2023 20:32

Wtf why turn off shadows doesn't even explain why???

Fishy - 25.07.2023 18:06

game is so ugly without shadows sorry last shadow i will not be turning them off

Jan Procházka
Jan Procházka - 26.04.2023 17:00

Ignite top 🤮

ViperaDenis - 24.04.2023 14:08

this guy on kled is so clueless bro , na players am i right

Hyeonsik Li
Hyeonsik Li - 13.04.2023 18:29

Looks like Gold EUW.. dosnt know when to take top turret, when to push, when to base when to roam, what executioner numbers show etc wtf

Dapatro - 12.04.2023 14:32

Is there a reason he wants shadows off so bad?

Insharai - 08.04.2023 06:43

Really cool video to watch. I've played on and off for over 10 years, and especially the point on where the mouse is, is something that I think I subconsciously picked up on when the game was in a slower pace but not on a conscious level. The point on wards also hit home too as an over-pink enjoyer xD That's even going beyond the layering things, which definetely curb a bit of the overaggressive style where "I have to do everything at all points in time" I've always enjoyed misdirecting by facing my champion away in order to throw skillshots behind me where I "wasn't paying attention" so it's nice to know that exists on an even deeper level. Really makes me want to start playing again; although I'd have to adapt to the the more measured modern style.

Super interesting watch. Would be interested what his advice is for more analytical styles, probably just basics basics basics, but I've always had two styles so it's been hard to ever manage them...

Alphafroggy TUD
Alphafroggy TUD - 05.04.2023 13:17

i missed this

Christopher Eshleman
Christopher Eshleman - 01.04.2023 04:00

Why would anyone get a coaching session with LS when for only $100 more you can get one with Neace, the absolute GOAT? /s

Stephen Hill
Stephen Hill - 31.03.2023 22:50

LS gets trolled 1,000 LP challenger.

Killjoy - 27.03.2023 14:41

Good to know masters players also do the classic "failed tier 3 push into losing baron" that I see in my silver games.

modrn_ - 24.03.2023 17:41

This is why I feel like I'll never get better at this game, when he is telling him early to push the wave and get a reset, I don't understand it. Is it because he is low health? Or what? And do you do that every time or what?

Kevin G
Kevin G - 23.03.2023 10:08

Selfmade! LMAO

Chriallt Chief
Chriallt Chief - 22.03.2023 02:07

Grandmaster kled has worse camera control than a bronze korean. Jesus christ NA kekw

ChasingLoL - 22.03.2023 00:56

There's no way this guy just asked LAST FREAKING SHADOW if he should sell his dblade for double pink ward XDDD

Doofey - 21.03.2023 20:04

Neace is the better coach

Whaitey - 21.03.2023 12:01

LS saying look bot look top (to check the waves), i feel like you dont actually have to move your camera there to see that its 20 blue vs 3 red minions, you see that from the minimap

TheePaint - 21.03.2023 01:28

gorillajones is the GOAT of solo ruining every game he plays

MartialArtsForY - 20.03.2023 18:22

This kled player kinda cute ngl

Sam - 20.03.2023 04:21

Locked camera makes me feel sick ngl

Jmoa - 19.03.2023 10:56

Lol he wants to go pro but is only Grandmaster and LS correcting so much problems, like so much. Doesn't even know some basics at high level of play.

And still plays locked camera. Holy fuck.

Tuss Beatbox
Tuss Beatbox - 19.03.2023 06:21

This is amazing content, both educationaly and the fact that Jones is super funny as a person. Loved it!

tiny - 19.03.2023 06:04

I wanna know how much this guy paid for this 1 hour session

TH - 19.03.2023 05:49

I would love to see LS coach a full team.

Mostly I'm still salty he got booted from C9 so quickly and we didn't get to see the full mad scientist comps.

Fernando Mendez
Fernando Mendez - 19.03.2023 05:22

Let's goo sir kled that's how you know he isn't there to win

Plan A Discovery
Plan A Discovery - 19.03.2023 03:43

You are both clowns. Kled is supposed to go lethal tempo, because by the time you dismount lethal is stacked allowing for instant remount. Also you're not supposed to go gore as a mythic, immortal shield bow is better, because it procs when dismounted. Why coach others when you're knowledge is this limited. PUKE

Dr deranged
Dr deranged - 19.03.2023 02:17

Really nice to see coaching content!!

Apostolos Michailidis
Apostolos Michailidis - 19.03.2023 01:04

Does this guy really think that he is good? Thats so sad.

booperdee2 - 19.03.2023 00:00

Food for thought. In terms of raw numbers, a control ward that exclusively clears 2 wards gives it value. The caveat is whether a player with a sweeper is coming through, or its likely to go on cooldown when the enemy team re-wards important areas. What defines an "important area" is relative to the champions in the game, but lets get more fundamental.

Whats the point of vision? It places an enemy champion on a specific point in the map, reveals their current items, possibly catch them using a crucial ability that can be taken advantage of. Regular wards offer this, and are invisible, but they expire, and can be destroyed in 3 or 1 hit (considering umbral glaive or chemtech scryers). Control wards are not invisible but take longer to destroy, and again depending on the champions in the game if they have fast auto resets or high attack speed then that point can be irrelevant.

Back to the point about exact enemy location though, if you dont see an enemy, you can still know where they are, and this works both ways. If theres a dragon fight and you're blue side, and lost control of the river, you can guess the enemy has 5 players in the river or the pit, probably 1 in the pixel brush that will get bullied out if 5 players approach, again subject to variation if its a 25 stack mejai diana vs 5 flashless Miss Fortunes, but as the team enters towards the pit, player vision is all thats needed, and as such, theres no reason to buy control wards if you're red team.... EXCEPT, if theres threat of a flank. The Control ward can then clear the ward they would use, or see the flank coming and that champion needs to spend time clearing the ward, or is focussed on the players that they dont even see the ward, or walk past the bush with the ward inside it. Again this can be achieved with regular wards however.

Outside of this context they can be useful at baiting for a pick on whoever tries to clear them, which is contingent on having champions that can effectively collapse on them, and for those champions to be effective in the area. An ashe arrows from halfway across the map has more or less as much effect as an Elise within 2 E ranges. The alternative for the player trying to clear the ward is to run away, as they probably should if theyre in such a position considering the gamestate...

So it seems to me in the grand scheme of things that a control ward fills the role of being a perpetual sweeping lens which gets value out of showing 2 wards to get cleared, and to prevent surprise flanking, which is to say that theyre useful in spots where trinkets are necessary for elsewhere. One niche scenario i can think of is when a champion or multiple champions with blue or red trinket are fighting an enemy champion that uses bushes and the bush needs to be warded or things get more difficult.

Personally i subscribe to the "one and done" method of placing a control ward behind the frontline of the map. By default this would be one layer of bushes behind the river, obviously depending on champions and winning/losing matchups that changes, and changes further if youre head or behind. Buying control wards when behind is a trap, you lose gold, and have so little control of where youre allowed to be on the map that you jsut end up offering the enemy team a net gain of 100gold with each purchase, gold that you need as a team thats behind for items for fights that you need to take such as baron or dragon soul. There is anothere niche scenario again where it can be used to bait an over-extension of a team thats ahead and get critical shutdown gold, but depending on the level of play (which looking at current pro play we're still not there yet) hoping for a mistake of the enemy on something so simple is more often than not just going to be bad odds, which then comes into the point of "if the game is a 90% chance to lose, and you have the opportunity to take a 50-50, then take it". However you have to then weigh up a net loss of 100gold with the control ward in exchange for a shutdown kill of 300+ gold, vs 100gold of potential item stats for later fights. Conversely if your team is ahead id say control wards have more value since its easier to jump on overextention of the defending team, and it prevents sneaking jungle camps, however with good macro to not get 5 man fiddle ulted over a wall like a bunch of morons this is kind of irrelevant.

Legend DaVe
Legend DaVe - 18.03.2023 21:26

how do you think ur even qualified to coach this guy... for 200 dollars coached by someone who need's to abuse duo to get out of diamond ? that's crazy

paenutz - 18.03.2023 21:08

i cant watch this guy's gamestate awareness wtf hes a top laner asking elementary splitpush questions
"should i overextend so they can collapse on me while i have 2k gold on me?"
"i like to take red lol its so satisfying to kill wards lol moneyyyyy"

paenutz - 18.03.2023 21:03

grandmaster not microoptimizing haHAAAA

paenutz - 18.03.2023 20:59

hes so full of himself wtf

paenutz - 18.03.2023 20:58

"im better than most of the top laners there"
- immediately tunnel visions on his own lane and just afk cameras

Mythun - 18.03.2023 20:39

Please more coaching videos!

Gorillajones - 18.03.2023 19:40


Mark - 18.03.2023 18:37

best take from this video is control wards, so many people go into depression over losing a cannon and then they dont give a single fk if they 4fun buy a control ward and let the enemy kill it or just buy it for no reason

Release19 - 18.03.2023 18:32

Pls do ADC coaching next

Kwaśny Pomidor
Kwaśny Pomidor - 18.03.2023 18:10

"Should I sell doran's for 1 or 2 control wards"
XDD <3

Peculiar - 18.03.2023 17:50

Regarding the comments about vision, I think on assassin champions like zoe(especially zoe), zed, talon, qiyana any vision is good vision (assuming of course enemy team are likely to walk through it) for pick opportunities regardless of how ahead you are and to minimize you or your team getting caught. Even in the case of control wards, zoe can contest them over walls which creates space. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

My reason in saying this is, even if we are ahead or even, playing without vision feels incredibly constrictive at least on zoe especially since she can be punished very easily if positioned incorrectly

thestoebz - 18.03.2023 17:11

People really over use pinks.

Jay Rum
Jay Rum - 18.03.2023 16:58

We have a high demand for videos from coaching sessions here

deejaydee - 18.03.2023 16:36

tbh from the way he plays it looks like his kled mechanics are still mad rusty compared to feedaboi and soulmario... he was chucking out qs from so far away that would never fully realise an attach

milfhunter2001 - 18.03.2023 16:13

Oh wow exciting, I was not expecting to see this in my feed today

MyAllianceSoda - 18.03.2023 16:10


Allen - 18.03.2023 15:45

LS you going to address how wrong you were about 100T?

Cowboi Bob
Cowboi Bob - 18.03.2023 15:29

Did he tell him to turn of shadows because his name is last shadow? I feel like people only do that out of habbit because their shit PC back in the day couldnt handle it.
