Italian Challenge: Win the Progetto M35 mod 46

Italian Challenge: Win the Progetto M35 mod 46

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@stephenpark8722 - 11.04.2018 19:31

What if you buy the base tank then complete the missions?

@FOKI5895 - 11.04.2018 19:33

5 good tier X games per stage? That seems doable

@HoZee34 - 11.04.2018 19:39

Well guys, this is a well balanced event, congrats! :) It's doable, and you can get a lot more info from the new loading system than you would have been got if you just sell it. Well done, it's good for both you, and for the players as well. :) Well done WG, you did this good now! :)

@aleksaanderluh1083 - 11.04.2018 19:39

WG.I REALLY DONT LOVE YOU BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE HAS TIER X(how do you think players wothout tier 10 can get 303k exp in tier 8 and lower?)

@theimmux3034 - 11.04.2018 19:40

How much experience do you need alltogether?

@aleksaanderluh1083 - 11.04.2018 19:44

Everithing you get in the game is too hard to get so we need to spend money.Thats is bad way to get money

@mateofrklic6068 - 11.04.2018 19:46

it is made for no lifers, you have to be super addicted

@AfroMyrdal - 11.04.2018 19:56

Now, this is how you do it! thanks WG. ill try my best :)

@damocles5069 - 11.04.2018 19:56

Now that my tanks will be added, I can't play cause 1.0... wow.

@benflap9374 - 11.04.2018 19:59

the requirements are very lame. I understand it's needed to set high requirements, but not like this.

..not even mentioning the amount of premium ammo spam that will happen within that period -_-

@thatchris1626 - 11.04.2018 20:03

This is good!
One of the first things off my head where wargaming does something worthy of award!
Do more of these!

@razorx9262 - 11.04.2018 20:41

Thank you Wargaming, for those of us who have a bunch of amazing tier 10 tanks, and some decent skill level, im sure we all will be getting this Italian beast just by doing the Mastery misisons. Good move by appreciating the skilled players and also those who have tier 10 vehicles.

@peiper5744 - 11.04.2018 20:41

Is it necesary to play with tanks from tier 1 up to tier 10 ?

@kostaverle3551 - 11.04.2018 20:47

What I really hate is that these kind of "marathons" are only made so that WG has an excuse that they've "given you a chance" to win a "free" tier 8 premium tank.

Only a slight minority of the players even has a tier X tank to start with (and you'll need several of them), and that's the only way to play since it's obvious that exp gathering missions are plain impossible.

So the only people that profit from these kind of marathons are rambo unicum players that already have tons of tier 8 premiums, and no-lives that play 12 hours a day. And it comes at a cost of completely ruining the game for everyone else for 2 weeks. GG WG.

@gijsvandergracht8000 - 11.04.2018 20:49

Seems like a cool event, wargaming! Looking forward to it! The double way of earning stages seems really nice!

@manuelgailberger6836 - 11.04.2018 21:03

Why does this challange only conclude tier 10 tank, i only have one tier 9 light and some tier 5-7 heavies and tds
This really sucks

@jonathanmartigny7227 - 11.04.2018 21:04

And how much costs the prize to cross the 10 stages ? x)

@marekpirsel3293 - 11.04.2018 21:25


@darioblue4272 - 11.04.2018 21:25

I dont have tier X tanks yet.WG good job, gg

@izdeglavec2488 - 11.04.2018 21:54

Thank you WG for the free tank

@Vidarho - 11.04.2018 22:36

jeesus christ tier 10 matchmaking the following days will be like ranked.

@yorudaan - 11.04.2018 22:41

And of course, I don't have the time participate in another marathon😓 (If your wondering why I don't just buy it, it's because i don't have the money)

@cathaldelaney7329 - 11.04.2018 23:14

Will this event be avaliable on xbox

@MakaveliTheHusla - 11.04.2018 23:35

Who are you and what have you done with Wargaming ? This marathon is so well thought, I can't even believe it's the same company.
2 ways of getting things done, one short but hard, one long but easy. Great rewards along the way, which you also get if you decide to slap the marathon with your wallet. And a tier 8 prem tank for full completion ? Hell, Serb's moon base must have been finished.

@manuelgailberger6836 - 12.04.2018 00:30

Cant the challange last longer? I have no clue how i should earn that experience cos i have 4 times 10 lessons in school

@UPgradzZtwo - 12.04.2018 00:40

BUY A BUNDLE (all the bundle) .com

@samivwow - 12.04.2018 00:58

Only Tier X for the non XP part of the challenge ? Only base XP for the other part ?....

@ERROR-zo9oi - 12.04.2018 01:25

Spoilers: op premiums tanks everywhere when its finished. And for a whole month there will be only progetos at tier 8+ games

@warrmalaski8570 - 12.04.2018 03:47

2 weeks just not enough. 4 weeks like the wz111 marathon .Please

@yakufox - 12.04.2018 07:45

Yeah "everyone" can win this tank....

@synzap - 12.04.2018 10:01

i only have a tier 3.... ;_____;

@CaptainGrief66 - 12.04.2018 10:20

The intro was great, but as usual it's kinda difficult to complete the rewards

Especially if you aren't close to having tier ten tanks, and even then, you either need to be an exceptionally good player or you have to play for entire days.

@rainierpeters2532 - 12.04.2018 11:02

Does this count for console aswell?

@mikeobrien9829 - 12.04.2018 13:28

312.000 XP Base Required in 14 days or 22,285 XP per day, every day , at an average of 450XP per battle, requires you play 50 battles per day (if you can finish in the top 10 each battle) @ average of 8 minutes per battle, so 400 minutes or around 7 hours playing per day for 14 days. This is one for the account sharers, who the hell can play for 7 hrs a day for 2 weeks

@markoperic4558 - 12.04.2018 15:46

Well i dont have time to play missions cause of my job.... guess i buy... :(

@steliyangeorgiev878 - 12.04.2018 19:36

So if I complete only the missions for commitment or missions of mastery I can get the tank ? (sorry bad english)

@rubenmagyar5368 - 12.04.2018 19:45

Just play 7-10 hours a day and you will get this permium tank gor "free"!

@s0lar0v51 - 12.04.2018 20:23

Do you unlock stages by completing the one before or you must wait for next day(I hope you unlock them )(PLS SOMEONE ANSWER)???

@Baka_Sensei133 - 12.04.2018 21:38

This event is including on xbox ?

@Coisinho2021 - 13.04.2018 00:01

Great event! Really nice from wg to give the chance to every player to get a new tier 8 premium from a new nation and with a new gun mechanic! I wasn't expecting nothing like this.

@spinster4000 - 13.04.2018 16:21

I literally suck at this game so I might just buy it.. I can't do challenges xd

@madman2u - 13.04.2018 19:00

So 1 player will grind themselves this tank for like every 10 000 players playing. Doesn't seem fair. The grind itself is ridiculous and some of the T10 challenges are too hard. You'd be lucky if you made top damage/exp in a T10 heavy in 50 rounds and you'd have to do that several times to complete a mission. Not going to work out so well for most players. If they made it total exp including the daily bonus, then it'd actually be manageable.

@AK90R90 - 13.04.2018 19:07

Will try.

@This_Pleases_The_Nut - 16.04.2018 00:13

Ah yes an event for the pasta tank line, when will my Spaghetti tank arrive?

@Қазақстанқарулыкүштері - 16.04.2018 20:40

the question? Did the Italian tanks live?

@senorzaxery6450 - 18.04.2018 08:07


@LOGICALMAGNET - 24.04.2018 07:52

i have GOLD in my garage why cant i buy it at reduced price from my garage?

@kindersurprise842 - 29.04.2018 19:18

помойму маленько не честно,нам какую то хуйню типо вк 100.01 а этим имбббу

@Mmpullmis - 06.05.2018 16:09

this tank is the beginning of the end of the game. Try to fight with 2 and more (often) in the battle .. with non prem tank.
