The Creator: The State of Original Filmmaking in Hollywood

The Creator: The State of Original Filmmaking in Hollywood

Chris Stuckmann

9 месяцев назад

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@Spooky_Psyche - 31.01.2024 20:11

You mentioned A24 and I looked them up, realized that literally all of my favorite movies/shows that stuck out as beautifully original were made by them. Didn't even know.

@gmack8138 - 31.01.2024 05:30

I think it’s an abomination. The man had a baby with a robot. It was interesting

@mariabogas - 30.01.2024 01:05

Well, I didn't like the movie and thought the story was quite shallow. I finished the movie waiting for an explanation of what kind of robots need or can eat and sleep like humans. It's just frustrating to see a movie and keep getting pushed out of the story about such obnoxious behaviour (let's not even go to a supposedly robot child that grows like a living being). That was it for me, another waste of money for a movie made by Hollywood.

@peternguyen2022 - 29.01.2024 11:42

I thought I was on board with Elon Musk when he was accused by Larry Page of being a "specist" (someone who favors humans over other species, including digital AI). But this (amazing) movie makes me think that perhaps humans (or the elite in Washington) have an over-inflated opinion of themselves. Perhaps Larry page is right in driving forward an agenda where humans merge with AI and the resulting cybernetic entity will be wiser and more peaceful than mankind is currently.

This movie is almost the opposite of the Terminator, where humans are the enemy threatening world peace and AI (the simulants) just wants peace.

There is nothing more stupid or uncivilized than to kill other humans (even animals don't kill, except for survival/food).

So it's not difficult to imagine an AI that becomes wiser (or at least less violent) than humans, especially if they are inspired by the best human specimens as was the case in this movie.

@isak6626 - 29.01.2024 11:24

This movie didn't bring nothing to the AI genre. The others movies you mentioned brought some, but nothing in comparison to Westworld (the series). Westworld is by far the most in-depth exploration of AI, and it's amazingly well done.

@chris.dillon - 29.01.2024 07:13

I thought this movie was incredible, no caveats. I had no idea it had a small budget.

@williamprm - 28.01.2024 13:50

Got to disagree. Didn't like the film in the slightest. Too many dumb choices in the story or scenes. Ice cream scene... The ending... The bomb robots

@MrWhiskybreath - 28.01.2024 00:02

I thought asking the audience to not care that LA was nuked and cheer on communist China, where their country lives in harmony, was very original.

@abdullahialhaji2036 - 27.01.2024 18:42

despite the reviews, i thought it was brilliant. just watched it. great directing and cinematography. i enjoyed and it felt fresh, even with all the comparisons to other movies, it still emotional 😭

@hdgehog6 - 25.01.2024 22:30

This movie was probably the most amateurish high budget production in a long time. The plot and sequencing was terrible....

@davidphones7290 - 25.01.2024 05:40

People did not support Barbie wholeheartedly


Ooooh. This is not a particularly interesting film in my opinion. How could I portray him on my channel? Well, this is how my review turned out. There are too many questions that are not answered. And the topic is big in terms of communication between the child and the parent. But the director probably said, “It will do.”

@boostergold9160 - 21.01.2024 23:04

I agree... I saw a lot of other film references when watching this film, but overall I liked it.

@kraphik3d - 21.01.2024 19:39

What a piece of crap movie. Only a war movie with AI as a sidenote. Commercial hollywood crap where visuals are 90% and story is 10%.

@JazzMaster9780 - 21.01.2024 18:41

There is a Swedish author and a visual artist called Simon Stålenhag who’s first book was called Tales From The Loop. This gave me strong vibes of that book. Which is great this movie was emotional left and right and I loved it.

@squamish4244 - 21.01.2024 12:06

Edwards thought of going with an AI-generated soundtrack, but ultimately decided on Hans Zimmer. So appropriately for this film.

@padraigkilkenny13 - 21.01.2024 01:59

Great movie.

@jonahn1841 - 21.01.2024 01:33

Nothing made sense in this film. Ridiculous…but visually stunning I give it that

@Leotique - 19.01.2024 00:51

Great movie

@Frissdas1207 - 18.01.2024 08:04

This movie was stupid as heck.

@h4xx0rren3 - 17.01.2024 00:47

Great review! I personally thought it was a brilliant movie, and is way over hated right now by so many. Sure, some scenes may be like other movies, but all good writing is derivative of something else. There is plain out copying, and there is respect and homage to something great. I never at all sat and thought how something felt stolen during the movie. The acting was top notch from all of the cast in my opinion. And most importantly, it was new and interesting movie that simply had a story that it wanted to tell. Too often nowadays is everything tied to something in the past. Be inspired, absolutely. That is what this movie does and I think it does it great. But so many things are tied to IPs. Even things like Rebel Moon only gained fame from being "Zack Snyder's take on Star Wars." Too many films are hated nowadays, so I felt it nice to see a review not centered on the hatred of something that doesn't deserve the hate.

@ahtepacholiztli - 13.01.2024 23:58

I went to see this film 3 times just to support it, I was surprised and happy to see a film on the big screen, let alone Sci-fi film, that wasn't based on an IP, or historical character, or anything, it feels like a relic of old Hollywood. But it kinda made me a little sad, seeing how Hollywood cinema is really dying, for real this time

@volodymyrzeleniuk51 - 12.01.2024 20:33

The movie is primitive and so cliche I've turned it off after 15 mins watching. There's no excuse it is an original movie. No, it is just stupid. 1/10

@jerryoltremari317 - 12.01.2024 01:11

What does "IP" mean?

@justinedge8553 - 10.01.2024 18:21

The creator sucked

@ianmillerdevilsfan1223 - 09.01.2024 22:37

The movie sucks, and there are still great movies being made that aren’t generic crap like this. They are called independent and foreign films, although to ask you Chris to watch more than 5 movies a year that have subtitles is to tall to ask

@stpetersburg - 07.01.2024 02:23

history will be kinder to this film than the public and the critics were

@ianbarrand6403 - 06.01.2024 22:45

Class movie. Wish i went to the cinema to see it

@jfb3361 - 06.01.2024 06:43

I feel that if the creator hits Netflix, it'll blow up. It was very good. Barbie was based on a pre-existing IP. And Oppenheimer had the Christopher Nolan name attached to it.

@leobat7007 - 05.01.2024 16:27

I just watched and it was the worst movie I've seen in a long while. Great visuals and acting, but the script was beyond terrible, the whole plot didn't make sense.

@Deagnetic - 04.01.2024 20:08

The Rebel Moon comes along, is shit, and scares Hollywood in rehashing shit

@thisisnotras - 04.01.2024 01:38

Just watched it on Hulu and it made me wish I'd seen it in theaters. This is an experience.

@bradz9709 - 02.01.2024 21:56

Chris I love your reviews and have been watching them forever. You provide quality insight on the film as well as the industry behind it. However, I would like you to bring back your old style with a more personal touch to it. I’d love for you to say simply if you enjoyed it or not and why and maybe even throw in a rating. I know you’re conservative with that approach because you love the effort into the creation of a film but you have a lot of influence on which movies or not and you should have the right to rank/rate/review it as if you enjoyed it or not and why. Thanks again, love your page and will continue to follow.

@mileslaw - 02.01.2024 17:25

That's an interesting angle to look at it and sadly it's probably true.

@Ray03595 - 02.01.2024 04:38

This movie was terrible and John David Washington can’t act. I’m sorry but honestly might be the worst of 2023. It is for me

@woollywoolwoolz - 01.01.2024 16:02

District 9 accomplished all this over a decade ago with a lesser budget and a superior story / character development than the creator, I don’t know what everyone is raving about, it was visually pretty yes, but the plot/story and characters were mediocre at best…

@AmpND - 01.01.2024 11:44

Just no. This movie felt like 2-3 movies smashed together. The third act was all over the place. The character development didn't emotionally grab me and I'm a combat veteran. I've done protection missions and this movie just did not have any emotional pull for me. The VFX are cool if all you do is look at the VFX. When one starts to use their mind as to what are the VFX telling us in relation to the story the VFX become superfluous.

If this movie is an indication of what future original story telling is going to look like in movies, I'll take a hard pass.

@Jonzouz123 - 01.01.2024 08:01

It's absolutely an awful script, with lots of plot holes. How does the U.S. have air superiority but is losing the war? Why do the humans need one large target to fire missiles? We have land based missiles in the US today that are intercontinental. This movie is completely awful.

@garyjaurique5028 - 01.01.2024 07:30

Holy shit just review already! Stop with you personal input. I’m out

@shugertits - 31.12.2023 22:12

Looks great. Terrible terrible movie though.
Seems like it's written by 2nd graders for 2nd graders. Huge plot holes. Overly simplistic.
Even with the great visuals, just a total waste of time.

This movie would be better viewed muted with a good album playing over it.

Just another sci-fi disappointment.

@Orashidimaru - 31.12.2023 09:14

People forget Marvel 300m budgets because bunch of A lister they hired. This movie had less well known actor.

@user-ux3gh3nt8i - 31.12.2023 03:31

I have never seen such worst editing in a film in all my life ….pure film destroying

@los-one - 31.12.2023 00:59

This was one of the most believable looking sci-fi movies in a very long time. The script was fine. But if Marvel is watching, they need these people to do all the rest of whatever they got left in their roster. It cost half as much and looked ten times better.

@villesanti1 - 30.12.2023 00:32

The movie looks amazing, but the plot makes little sense, and the characters are not relatable.

@Jetes233 - 29.12.2023 18:16

Everyone I know who’s watched this movie is underwhelmed, as am I. I was so looking forward to some epic cinematic experience, but was left thinking that the best part of this flick was the marketing. It sure is the darling of the critic community though.

@jonainsworth1020 - 29.12.2023 05:10

The effects were great but beyond that I found it disjointed and extremely boring.

@paulyang748 - 28.12.2023 21:25

This movie should have been a mini series or at least 3 hr movie. The ending felt so rushed.

@againsttheleftandright4065 - 28.12.2023 13:19

"It's a very good movie and if you want more original films you should support it."

lol, fuck off bugman

@catering1988 - 28.12.2023 08:34

?? I felt like this movie could have been something, but somehow felt rushed. 0 character development, relationships felt forced and very choppy story line. The best part of this movie was its visuals.
