Finally telling my story - I hope this helps you!

Finally telling my story - I hope this helps you!

Elena Nevza

4 месяца назад

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@eyesea123 - 10.11.2024 03:06

Thanks for sharing your experience. Tell your mom hi! I can't wait to start living there and opening my first Airbnb.

@LeeMan-q4b - 10.11.2024 03:23

Shame on you!

@arthurr4747 - 10.11.2024 06:04

Is there a lawyer you recommend? Im flying in this week to look at a presale which I already put a hold on.

@jessemartinez1105 - 10.11.2024 06:45

Thanks Elena, you have beautiful eyes. The one thing I am worried about buying in Vallarta is buying a place with ocean views then having a building constructed that blocks my ocean view

@williamtiffee3799 - 10.11.2024 12:03

You're looking great, Elena. Another good idea, for perhaps a series... of videos? (HOAs are universally, a challenge... so I try NOT to deal with them. What's currently happening in say Florida, is quite telling. And I know of REIs who 'target' HOA as well as tax and lender foreclosures.) The majority are always interested in advice from experienced people, who "tested the waters," before them!

@PoonamSharma-ur3ip - 10.11.2024 16:19

Thanks for sharing Elena! I experienced somethings similar…I own a property in PV, bought it presale. There were a lot of hurdles and a big learning curve buying in Mexico but 3 years later, I’m still happy with the decision. I own rental property in New Jersey also and there are problems everywhere…just do careful due diligence, always hire lawyer, assume 5x more time for everything in mexico, and look for a team of professionals you can trust. After a lot of patience, it’s been so worth it :)

@freetowandernow - 10.11.2024 16:35

One of your best as it addresses the DRAMA that goes along forming an HOA with a pre-sale. Thankfully we did our research and are really happy with our condo at Cuatro Estaciones in Bucerias. It was a great decision and we can't wait to get back!

@jilliangoralski5840 - 10.11.2024 17:40

This is an excellent smart video with priceless advice & facts 🌟

@alvasquez752 - 10.11.2024 18:45

Hola, Elena, how do I get thar screen saver that's on your t v in the background, I like it alot😂

@NorthSouth88 - 10.11.2024 21:59

PV is horribly dangerous. Cartels in control. The U.S. State dept issued a Mexico Travel Advisory against Jalisco state where PV is located. Real estate controlled by the cartels.
Who is paying these promoters and influencers? Buyers need to do their homework because there are lots of kidnappings and shakedowns of foreigners

@TheAccidentalRetiree - 10.11.2024 22:22

Great video. Good job

@LifeQuestTraderRobertAnnenberg - 10.11.2024 22:45

Get to the point you Ray Ray

@LifeQuestTraderRobertAnnenberg - 10.11.2024 22:48

You ramble like retard

@frankflex4465 - 11.11.2024 02:09

stop repeating things over and over.We get it first time.

@lorenzo306 - 11.11.2024 02:33

Thank you this is great insight.

@allenchecora3219 - 11.11.2024 05:01

Did you see the story on Bucerías Joel. What do you think?

@hugoreyes5133 - 11.11.2024 06:25

Good info.

@vsummers33 - 11.11.2024 22:20

Well done articulating the issues that come with buying Real Estate in Latin America. I sold Condos in Costa Rica years ago, loved it but every builder had their issues along with the HOA drama. I am thinking about coming down to the Puerta Vallarta/Bucerias area and look around at the Real Estate there. Keep up that adorable delivery and smile!

@dgferreira4065 - 12.11.2024 02:14

Seapal just came out and said they are two hundred million pesos over budget. What does that mean for the water situation in vallarta?

@FranCisco-n2m9q - 15.11.2024 03:56

This is so helpful and honest. Thanks for sharing. We are just starting the search now and finally visiting PV area specifically just to look for our ideal property in 2025. This is really timely. Considering the drama we're seeing publicly with owners who purchased at Cuatro Estaciones in Bucerias, I'm thankful in hearing about your experience and a list of trusted references. It sounds like a nightmare at Cuatro Estaciones for some owner (but not all) so we will ensure we do our due diligence. I look forward to working with you. Keep up the great work sharing these videos with us.

@sonjaarrasi - 17.11.2024 02:35

When you say you spent 5k on your lawyer, was that Pesos or Dollars? Thank you for your always informative content!

@matthewanderson4772 - 21.11.2024 10:52

Purchased 2 pre-sales in Tulum. One is a nightmare and will likely never finish. We'll be lucky just to get our money back. the other property is a year behind schedule but at least we received $500/month penalty credits for the delay. However, there was a 120 day grace period for developer delays. The management company RUMBA backed out so now the owners are left high and dry. Need to decide if we independently manage (AirBnb or VRBO) or do we find another company that will do all the advertising, marketing, booking and run it like a hotel as promised. I'm in the process of hiring an attorney and a Notary to do the Fideicomiso and help with the dozens of other steps to close on this property. It's so much more complicated in Mexico than in the states. I've looked up MexLaw for a quote, if you have a real estate attorney to refer, that would be much appreciated. The agency who sold the property and the developer DK Del Karibe haven't done a great job of mapping out what the next steps are. I'm a foreign investor and need more guidance as these are my first 2 investments in Mexico. At the end of the day, I don't think pre-sale is the way to go. Too many unknowns. Especially when it comes to who pays the utilities. First we were told the water/tras/electric was covered by our management fees. Now it looks like we may share the entire complexes utility bill rather than just our unit. Again, total nightmare. Anyway... sorry for the rant. Just putting this out there for buyers who are considering PRESALE.

@alexanderlougheed - 24.11.2024 05:09

Thank you for more insights on owning in PV, Elena! (I was expecting more horror stories, actually 😅.) looking forward to visiting in March 2025 and touring around myself!
Always the best,

@paraisoprincipessa - 24.11.2024 20:42

love your lipstick, 5000 pesos or dollars? Mines is late too. Thank you Elena

@lupeperez6446 - 12.01.2025 02:21

Hu pay fore closing cost ?

@mikejohns8701 - 07.03.2025 01:19

The fact that you live in PVR helps with the issues that come up with your Air BnB rentals. You're able to address the problem right away. Good content. Living in the YVR area, you can not buy for anything for 200K beach front.

@sonjaponath4914 - 21.03.2025 19:57

Hi Elena! Thank you so much. This was really informative. I’m coming down for my first ever trip to PV and I think I will really love it. So yes, I am interested in buying something for myself, to possibly rent out, but to be able to visit PV. The whole area looks amazing and beautiful, so I have no idea where I’d wanna be. I will hit you up for any kind of recommendations for realtors, for lawyers especially. I love your videos and you’re absolutely right to perform your own due diligence on any investment. 😊
