Path of Exile How to Craft with Rog and Make Endgame Gear

Path of Exile How to Craft with Rog and Make Endgame Gear


2 года назад

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Zach Steiner
Zach Steiner - 18.06.2023 00:26

Rog is the Pog!

Theo - 27.10.2022 20:10

"Rarity, not very good" Only if we knew back then!

Богдан Горлов
Богдан Горлов - 18.09.2022 20:44

I read: How to with & what craft rog

mad - 09.09.2022 22:11

Bro, i never did this before. This is so fun and I sold a jewel for 50c when this video wasn't even over!

Kevorkyijan - 10.07.2022 12:08

i played SSF Hc on Expedition league and twas a blast .
This league i played it again softcore (because i didnt wanted to die from a random archnemesis enemy).
Used Rog ...because farming his currency is mich easier than farming crafting orbs, essences, and other stuff..and crafted with him my entire gear for my int stacking wander .
Setup rog is not that easy on average but , following a pattern and sticking to it , was really rewarding in the end.
Some items u craft with Rog are really really powerful or terribly bad but the odds are 80/20 and as i was checking other players crafting methods...i found Rog to be really really beginner friendly , super cheap and efficient .
Yes the options are all random but u can choose what u want to next with ur item;your not tossing into the drain multiple exalts and ur not breaking ur bank; run 5-10logbook and u have all the currency u need to do some Rog crafting .
Btw i love your content and im glad your not just showing us a build guide like most players/streamers do .
Keep it up. 😊😉💪💪

Jacob D
Jacob D - 08.06.2022 01:19

rog is so op now that we have recombinators and scrap metal is still dirt cheap…

Option Dezzo
Option Dezzo - 28.05.2022 05:58

Rog frequently crafts mana and attack damage modifiers on my rings when all i want life and resists. very frustrating. i understand his potential but its massively too much RNG personally.

Joshua Flattmann
Joshua Flattmann - 26.05.2022 08:52

How the hell have I not been doing expedition!! Thanks for showing me how!! Time to make some money!

Neco Harmeggido
Neco Harmeggido - 22.05.2022 15:45

All my homies love Rog

Jan W
Jan W - 23.04.2022 16:39

Just found your channel and binged some videos. They are great keep it up!

thayalol - 19.04.2022 03:14

Rogs definition of "best" is just "higher ilvl req of the mod = better", so the biases you're seeing on his rerolls are simply due to that. For example, the highest Life roll on Rings has an ilvl req of 44 - you're not going to see that one often when rerolling prefixes on high ilvl rings. On the other hand, resists and attributes have mods in their pools that go all the way up to ilvl req 84-85 on most slots, so you'll be seeing a lot of those when rerolling suffixes. You don't need to eyeball these trends and learn them thru "hundreds or thousands of rerolls", the science here is completely predictable.

TheMrCtulhu - 15.04.2022 12:20

When i used Rog last time - i created 0 suffix/prefix rare elegant shield.

It just has this type of shield implicit and yellow color lulw

Hagag Hamed
Hagag Hamed - 13.04.2022 03:50

Wow here I am with 12 hundred hours didn't even know you could craft items like that with rog... I have alot of his currency unused I bought stuff from him and didn't notice🤣 thanks alot

C9ing LUL
C9ing LUL - 01.04.2022 00:59

That was actually a great intro to rog for me ty

Nope Hah
Nope Hah - 27.03.2022 20:20

How To With, What Craft Rog

sirgog - 26.03.2022 05:50

I never touch boots that are under i86. This might be a mistake on my behalf but i86 makes it much more likely to roll 30% or better movespeed.

You should try i86 bows. It's shooting for the moon somewhat, but +2 arrows is somewhat of a big deal when it hits. Reforge suffixes keep rarest won't hit the +2 arrows version often but hitting +1 is a lot more common, then that can upgrade.

When I hit 40-50c items, I tend to add bottom tier Eldritch mods to them, not going for the best mods but just going for generically good mods that make the item better.

Denis Kim
Denis Kim - 25.03.2022 12:19

"How To With & What Craft Rog"

Porcus Aquaticus
Porcus Aquaticus - 22.03.2022 14:51

dont try this, unless u re a good player and then u dont bother with this, u get many bad items full stash of 4c items wothless

Any One
Any One - 21.03.2022 22:09

I made a few .5 ex stat rings and a very nice power charge shield that i sold for 1 ex. I like expedition/rog a lot. Rog is the most fun mechanic for me

Fart Smucker
Fart Smucker - 20.03.2022 16:58

That Scooby-Doo Reference...nice 8-)
