The 5 Ways to INSTANTLY IMPROVE Your MECHANICS! - League of Legends

The 5 Ways to INSTANTLY IMPROVE Your MECHANICS! - League of Legends

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@uri8578 - 11.04.2023 14:31

what about the "Replace Quick Cast with Quick Cast with indicatori in the quickbind UI" option? if you just press it fast its almost as fast a squickcast, but if you hold the hability is normal cast.

@shawnzack6923 - 28.05.2022 13:20

Draven: gets epileptic attack

Jinx: He's crazy... He's scaring me.

@GrayzBDF - 29.03.2022 20:35

This is so good info. Will use this video alot of when learning Lost Ark

If anyone knows videos about mechanics for LA let me know.. I'm fiending for it

Peace n love

@AlryFireBlade - 12.10.2021 14:28

I cant understand why there are still so many p3ople that dont 6se attack champs only

@pa_3op - 09.10.2021 16:13

I saw explanations about «ability+flash» dozens of times and not a single one of them included actual explanation of that mechanic. The thing is: a lot (and I mean A LOT) of abilities in LoL that don't have mentioned channel time in their description actually have .25 sec channel. It's so small that you most of the time don't even notice standard channel bar on screen, but it is actually there. Of course, some abilities (mostly defensive ones) are instantaneous, but you will be surprised if you check the number of that .25 channels. And that's exactly what makes «ability+flash» possible even on non-point'n'click abilities. So now you can at least know what to check. Of course it can be obvious for some people, but I needed to come to it by myself.

@mattthieman257 - 30.09.2021 20:11

Does anyone know if you can make attack move click work with target champs only. Is there a setting missing there because attack move click still hits everything

@automaticcaptions - 29.09.2021 02:34

Probably the most helpful video skill cap has ever posted. Nice

@MrReese - 24.09.2021 14:37

Holding "attack champions only" is not annoying at all, I have had it on V for many years and it's second nature really just resting the thumb on it when needed.

@TheRolemodel1337 - 24.09.2021 11:21

much better voice over

@khielhydre5288 - 22.09.2021 04:44

that's a very good video

@VzKraazy - 20.09.2021 04:33

for the target champions only key bind mine stopped working after my key binds got reset, It will work for fighting in between minions or other objectives like dragon/baron but wont when an enemy champion is standing behind a tower(when its most useful to be honest). Ive tested it various times and have gone back and check all settings but i cant attempt tower dives anymore . If anyone has had a similar problem or a solution please do share. ( Yes i have tried reparing the client)

@starttakinnotez - 20.09.2021 02:34

You guys should start a twitch channel

@franciscojaviermartinezarg7669 - 19.09.2021 22:06

what can i do when enemies group a lot and have better tf comp?

@beqte5556 - 19.09.2021 17:57

Is this Skill Capped or Pro guides? not seing any difference anymore ..
-clickbaiting titles, eye catching pictures
and then only a few informations everybody above bronze already knows ...

wasn't your core essence to not be as ProGuides but more serious and realistic?

I am definitely supporting the old Skill Capped - serious and classical! Loving the style you had in your beginnings!

@JustValiant- - 19.09.2021 05:55

This was an excellent video! Great 10/10

@autonomousanonymous6468 - 19.09.2021 02:35

Personally, I leave the "target champions only" as held down. I play Warwick alot, and his healing off autos is bonkers early game, and you can bait people out by autoing minions while they try to finish off your deceptive little bit of hp. And it would suck to accidently smite a champion when you're fighting over drag
But I'm a jungler, and really bad with toggle abilities, so chose what you want

@boomlabee5274 - 19.09.2021 00:11

I use quick cast with indicators so I can do both without extra key bindings

@castjiterbug1293 - 18.09.2021 20:56

ok so the quick cast and normal cast, they both show the indicators of where your ability is going to go all you have to do is old say jhin W, and you can see the range same with his E, and R, Twisted fate Q and veigar cage, both can be seen if you just hold the Q or veigar cage E, and once you let go of the key itll do the animation, same thing applies to all things in the game with quick cast, hold the button to see the range, put it where you want it, let go to do the ability IMO normal cast is useless

@Negativity - 18.09.2021 19:50

Please NEVER go to /r/yasuomains again. I'm a faithful subscriber. Please don't do us dirty like that

@Danaragones - 18.09.2021 13:42

For the Attack Champs only key. Which key do people tend to use?

@snitelcucartoficr4633 - 18.09.2021 07:08

Is there any way to die twice at once ? This would be the only way I could reach my 0/10 yas mid main power spike faster

@Tietous - 18.09.2021 05:48

I miss old Fiora

@BFFWAOPZ - 18.09.2021 02:06

Wish attack move could work with target champions only

@someidiot6545 - 17.09.2021 23:51

I actually managed to pull off the Leblanc example with Cho'Gath ult and it was hilarious.

@ChriLsiao - 17.09.2021 22:56

So Input buffering is quick cast?

@mrsubzero780 - 17.09.2021 22:51

The Riven one is shown incorrectly; you are supposed to E and then wait a short duration before doing W+Q. You can also auto after the E and it is the same timing. If done correctly the W and Q should come out at the same exact time, not one after the other.

@rtg_j0318 - 17.09.2021 22:16

Jesus is King and loves u and thanks for the great content you have a great day

@harstar12345 - 17.09.2021 21:39

Noticed the refilming of the Morgana q clip, appreciate it.

@dirkronge1275 - 17.09.2021 20:43

wtf im pretty sure most golds got that good mechanics that they dont click like 10 m awaqy from their champion like annie in the example.
even me as a silver doesnt do that THIS badly

@eunejinx4100 - 17.09.2021 20:36

The only reason I got to the silver is cuz my mechanics my mechanics are better than plats but I don't play ranked I play ranked only to silver and than I stop

@interclone7968 - 17.09.2021 18:26


@flameofmage1099 - 17.09.2021 18:25

Thanks, I'll try the attack champions only. I misclick minions all the time when chasing people.

@solidaritytime3650 - 17.09.2021 18:19

I am a Gold ADC and I constantly see enemy AD's screw up their positioning because they don't have "attack click on Cursor"

This is the single most important setting for AD players.

@daMCcookie - 17.09.2021 17:47

This is not Rivens double cast. In the clip Riven cancels the W animation with E and Q comes after, the actual double cast is E into WQ, so Q and W overlap within one animation.

@nikusha432 - 17.09.2021 17:24

They funny thing is idk how but i was doing them xddd

@kingzagza5949 - 17.09.2021 17:17

Self Cast is important to when u can self cast one ability like karma (E), Kayle (R), Lee Sin (W) instead of moving your courser to your champion and lose some time, u just self cast it and there u win time for reacting to the opponent

@dualdarkelu8495 - 17.09.2021 17:14

"animation cancels"
riven go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

@mattiiful - 17.09.2021 16:58

"There is a target champions only option"
Me: "Wait what?!"

@antoniovlassa5886 - 17.09.2021 16:57

you should have said "every champion in the game with the exception of katarina has an animation required"
would have been more precise

@g2makz361 - 17.09.2021 16:53

You did the riven e+wq wrong

@tomekbukoski9912 - 17.09.2021 16:50


@svenpohlmann3357 - 17.09.2021 16:29

This is pretty adc specific but i think the „Target champions only“ setting does not work with the „a-click“ setting. You will still aa minions of they are closer to the cursor.

@Hitman-mw2ce - 17.09.2021 16:29

Guess what 😃 i don t give a fuck

@heidtb6746 - 17.09.2021 16:27

I actually prefer Quick cast with indicator. There are only a few champions where it doesnt allow me to normal cast (Karthus Q for example) but most of them are quick cast as usual, but if you hold own the key, you can aim

@wildexperiense - 17.09.2021 16:27

I already am doing all of these, except the last toggle, because it takes more time to press a button and let go, then to hold it down, in case I want to auto a minion in between for some reason, after all. League is a game of milliseconds.

@alexmotte8509 - 17.09.2021 16:24

Jo can anyone give me a skillcapped acc? Im a Teen and cant afford it 🥺

@natdaone5075 - 17.09.2021 16:22

I would like to know which keybind is best for target champions only. The default keybind is very hard to use.
