Dark Souls 3 Story ► The Grand Betrayal

Dark Souls 3 Story ► The Grand Betrayal


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Alex Hyena
Alex Hyena - 28.08.2023 01:13

I still like to think that the firelink we use as a base of operations is a painted copy of the firelink that fell to darkness. we’re summoned there by the tolling of a bell, we cannot physically travel to this version; it maybe that after Ludelith rose to become a lord, he or someone else painted firelink shrine with its bonfire still burning so that the hope of the world would not be extinguished by the princes’ betrayal

Limelightning 3000
Limelightning 3000 - 25.08.2023 00:12

Wait what’s Lorain and Lothric’s relationship I don’t think they ever mention it

Jr big boss
Jr big boss - 16.08.2023 07:55


chris jackson
chris jackson - 01.07.2023 17:09

i feel bad for for ludleth, a weak lord but a lord nonetheless

Gwyndolin - 12.06.2023 18:07

It’s funny how Lothric a child of Gwynevere, therefore a god would be the one to refuse to link the fire. Quite fitting since all the characters think that all the gods want to link the fire.

Cephalon Bob
Cephalon Bob - 09.06.2023 23:12

Gee, who could have thought that burning your soul really hurts

Daynthelife - 11.05.2023 13:15

Men i wish your voice would wake me up every day

Rat Sewage
Rat Sewage - 16.04.2023 19:25

Nothing I love more than watching videos with explanations/interpretations of Dark Souls lore and thinking to myself afterward, "Ahhhhh okay, it still doesn't make any sense to me." But I still love the videos and games nonetheless.

Liam Huehn
Liam Huehn - 17.03.2023 23:19

hear me out. im not very well versed in ds3
Ludlith might have linked the fire but could the fire have been set out as he was kindling? that explains why he is charred, but maybe he was a great warrior before it

Honkmonk - 12.02.2023 20:44

I love this format so much. Could watch it endlessly in repeat.

Stroimex - 21.01.2023 19:20

"What's good about a world that goes on forever? That sounds pretty lame!"

Mobydick Cat
Mobydick Cat - 19.01.2023 18:14

i just realised ds 3 voice actors are the best voice actors in the world

eddy rapino
eddy rapino - 04.01.2023 21:00

Theres no way this video cam out 5 years ago....

Caleb Wang
Caleb Wang - 04.01.2023 18:18

This is so far the best explanation of the storyline I've ever seen. Thank your for the great work. I always had the confusion why all the lords of cinder refused so much to return to their own thrones. This story script is absolutely genius!

Alfonso Alvarenga
Alfonso Alvarenga - 06.12.2022 08:28

Did I miss the PVP event? I fall asleep

Jee Zed
Jee Zed - 17.11.2022 22:07

I got this ending first time it's so good! The true ending to dark souls imo. Gwyn wouldn't have wanted this ruinous heap of a world and so much suffering to continue, I don't think he would've linked the fire if he knew how bad the world would get.

It was a pretty good run, but this world must end for a far better one to be rekindled. Even so, a new painted world may hold the hope of the forlorn.

Juan Santiago Romagnoli
Juan Santiago Romagnoli - 11.10.2022 22:08

Hello i just wanna know what gs is he using on the dark shrine link with the artorias set, thanx in advance and srry for bein stoopid

Tertial5574 - 11.10.2022 03:05

You think im late for the PVP tournament?

Deathstroke - 10.10.2022 17:51

The Untended Graves is 100% in the past. To test this leave a message on the ground in regular Firelink Shrine. Then go to the Untended Graves's shrine and you will find the message is not there.
Now leave a message there and travel back to regular Firelink Shrine and the message IS there.

You can read a message from the past but you can't read one you haven't written yet.

Gamers odyssey
Gamers odyssey - 09.10.2022 23:20

who won the arena lol

Jake Longbella
Jake Longbella - 27.09.2022 21:28

Oh boy, I can't wait to fight vaati vidya. Hopefully I'm not too late

Amazing Chest
Amazing Chest - 26.09.2022 18:31

Thanks for sharing this video👍

Cal Kaine
Cal Kaine - 22.08.2022 08:36

This is such a well written episode. It’s so smooth in how it tells the story. Maybe it’s my love of the Princes but jeez I could listen to this over and over.

The music, the voice, the cinematic 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻

Veli Leon
Veli Leon - 19.08.2022 21:30

This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too, if you like.

Poison Volkswagon
Poison Volkswagon - 16.08.2022 19:45

Can someone explain why Lothric and Lorian have embered forms even though they have not linked the flame? Why are they called Lords of Cinder if they never linked the flame?

Bodhi Mage
Bodhi Mage - 15.08.2022 12:56

Anyone ever consider Ludleth was a child when he linked the flame? His dream sounds like the thoughts of a child.

Ben Decam
Ben Decam - 28.05.2022 04:58


Jason Eh
Jason Eh - 05.05.2022 11:35

Good video; unfortunately VaatiVidya goes hollow at the end and demands pvp.

Preston Garvey
Preston Garvey - 28.04.2022 01:42

Darksouls 3 is secretly a highly complex dark fantasy time travel story.

TheWill - 01.04.2022 09:50

1st of the scholars ehhh? Sounds like aldiah

TheWill - 01.04.2022 09:47

So canon ending for every game is to betray the cycle. So we can start the new age I.E. the next game

Jesse Rothhammer
Jesse Rothhammer - 23.03.2022 19:40


SupahFly - 20.03.2022 06:24

I might be grasping at straws here but the unkindled were awakened by a bell right?
And there is only one mention in the entire franchise of a bell that would be able to awaken something. Which is the bell of awakening mentioned by Oscar of Astora in ds1.
So could it somehow mean that the prophecy he tells you is not entirely correct and is in fact talking about the unkindled and the bell that awakens them? As the undead get no clarification whatsoever about their fate.

Again. This might be complete Bs. But chances are that the bell of awakening is the very same bell that awakens the unkindled

chrisphoenix77 - 18.03.2022 18:36

Ludleth had to be the one to link the flame last. His failure to fully complete the ritual is why he's partially there and partially not. His failure would have ruined the ritual in the eyes of who convinced Lothric not to link, and Lothric himself.

Alternatively, when Lothric refused to link, Ludleth was present and panicked. The flame was all important, and so he sacrificed himself to keep it lit, if even for a moment. But he's insufficient to keep it alive, and by the time you get to it, it cannot be saved, because ash cannot burn and it's too weak to continue on. Ludleth sealed the fate of the world by trying to save it.

Trần Hoàng Nam
Trần Hoàng Nam - 18.03.2022 12:59

well ... this ending.. like .. a reset for every things. And then in the future far far way... the unknow age, some dude will have a tiny ember again, but this time ... that dude gona be gywn, or he make a different choice? having another beginning, and another result, but it a far far away future that we don't know. Open the new age, the new world. Maybe it better, or worst ... we don't know and we don't care about that future, it too far, but we now, giving a chance for every living souls, every living being to restart, to start again, what they doing, what is there choice to be in the future, it there story. Atleast now, everything having a chance to choose what they will be, and what they will do, and a chance to shape there future, there world... it the ending, but it the beginning in dark souls 1, but now, they will do the same like the old gods, or they will choice the different road. We don't know, we only giving a chance for a future...for their new story

Burning bronze
Burning bronze - 16.03.2022 23:58

what is the track at the end?

Joseph Coates
Joseph Coates - 12.03.2022 17:49

Ludleth’s dialogue brought me to tears. I’m not sure why but there’s something deeply sad about his suffering and the suffering of all the past lords of cinder.

Nazo- kage
Nazo- kage - 06.02.2022 10:59

When it comes to the untended graves.
In both the first area of the game and the secret dark world variant.
One thing is kind of forgot. Something that was mentioned long ago by Solair.

Time is convoluted. Each of the areas that you find the other lords of cinder were not there originally all those pieces of geography have been smashed together.
And I think that’s the ultimate truth of the untended graveyard. It doesn’t really matter which version of the intended grave comes before the other because with time as warped as it is, The game basically has them happening simultaneously, so maybe the pygmy Lord did link it after it went out, but in the end if you perform the grand betrayal ending.
You are finally putting out the first flame.
So that a New World can take its place unhindered by the undead curse.
Maybe that world is blood-borne maybe it’s sekiro or Elden ring it could even well become demon souls.

Alec - 16.01.2022 20:05

Lothric and Lorian are two certified badasses. Their grandfather was Gwyn, but they say, "fuck grandpa, our absentee mom and our legacy," And plunge the world into the Age of Dark. Well, they die trying, anyway.

Zsiga Daniel
Zsiga Daniel - 16.01.2022 14:41

So is it so bad to put an end to this circle of fire by extinguishing it once and for all? Humanity allways finds a way to move forward, I'm sure the inhabitants of the souls series would too.

sora roxas
sora roxas - 14.01.2022 06:00

soo annoyed at how lothric didnt lite up the flame. Couldn't we just go to him and force him to take it

enjoji - 12.01.2022 23:57

I view the twin princes as a reincarnation of vendrick. when they are whole, they repeat his decision to betray the flame. the regal hollow vessel holding only a sword, the fated soul meant to link the flame, these are vendrick himself split after fleeing nashandra, but also descriptions of the princes. I love those chaps!

Angry Wizard
Angry Wizard - 10.01.2022 17:37

The Dark ending is my favourite; Linking the Fire seems as though it will be meaningless within a few cycles, Lord of Hollows is manipulative, and Betraying the Keeper is actuslly horrific.

Jason Xvon
Jason Xvon - 08.01.2022 04:37

this game feels so deep and too simple all at the same time :D

Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper - 11.12.2021 11:24

Fun fact: any message you write in the dark shrine, will appear in the exact same place in the main shrine.

Ross L
Ross L - 03.12.2021 21:59

Why is it only those 4 that are chosen to relink the fire there must’ve been countless lords of cinders to choose from like the chosen undead and solaire
