World of Warcraft: Pest Control - Quest ID 12142 (Gameplay/Walkthrough)

World of Warcraft: Pest Control - Quest ID 12142 (Gameplay/Walkthrough)

The Chronicles of Azeroth

2 года назад

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World of Warcraft: Pest Control - Quest ID 12142 (Gameplay/Walkthrough)

- Quest information:

Duane at the 7th Legion Front wants you to kill 10 Snowplain Snobolds and 3 Dragonblight Magnataur at the magnataur camps surrounding Wyrmrest.

- Relevant Locations:

This quest starts and ends in Dragonblight.

- Description:

Ugh! One of those little snobold runts trashed our camp while we were busy with that last dragon. They've been plaguing us whenever we turn our backs... I've had enough!

To the south you'll find the snobolds hiding under the skirts of some of the local magnataur. Go slaughter them.

If the magnataur interfere on behalf of their slaves, kill them as well.

- Completion:

Good riddance.


Dragonblight is a level 61-80 quest hub in central Northrend. It makes a reappearance in Cataclysm as the backdrop for Dragon Soul and Hour of Twilight in patch 4.3. It is an icy valley, covered with the bodies of dead dragons. Players learn about two major plotlines here: the dragonflights at Wyrmrest Temple, and the Wrathgate plot, which has very different stories for Alliance and Horde.

Dragonblight ranges from levels 15-30.


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