it's quite forgivable. i am russian & even i got lost in moscow like 8 times or more :)
Ответитьif you are stupid it's forever!
ОтветитьWell, yes, the 90s were crazy for all people. The last 20+ years are different, and a lot safer. So, come visit us :)
ОтветитьHonestly sounds like BS in Russia back then no one speaks Russian specially gangsters
ОтветитьHow clueless can you be BEFORE you even go there.
ОтветитьHe forgot to say there were bears with balalaykas))
ОтветитьHow much did putin pay this man?
ОтветитьSo.. Here we are, the massive t wat joe Rogan hearing this. yet.. he is against Ukraine and thinks Ruzzia is hevaen on Earth.. Just get a life man.. You are awful..
ОтветитьПро какой век он говорит?
ОтветитьBS ...this guy is a liar
ОтветитьSuch a nonsense crap
ОтветитьI've lived in Russia for 16 years, what he says about the lack of pretense and general honesty is so true.
ОтветитьПарк Горького - shitty area in Moscow, whaaaaaaaaaaat??????
ОтветитьMan, that's one creepy pasta story. Poor writing, sadly.
Ответитьrussia as it is, cruel, insane and unhuman
ОтветитьThis world is sick. A dozens of brutal honesty admirers, rossians as brutal honesty warriors, and IGNORING the fact of beating a woman publicly(!) as if there are no ligal, no moral responsibility. Because de facto it is a NORM there. Disgusting.
ОтветитьWhat year it was?
ОтветитьNot even a minute in and shit on the beautiful Russia twice already. Good luck on your cool stories lol no salary ahaha what an idiot.
ОтветитьAmericans are the biggest bulshitters
ОтветитьThat's a lot of lies...
ОтветитьHow much is the gremlin paying for this?
ОтветитьI get it. Russia is a very bad sad place. Why do dumb Americans put themselves in these dangerous situations? Answer: Arrogance and stupidity.
ОтветитьThis guy is the definition of self loathing.
Пошол но хуй at every sentence
Very intelligent guy.
ОтветитьDefinitely 'true' story😂
ОтветитьAs Russian - this is a cool story that sounds made up to me.
ОтветитьТам где даги, там напряги 😂
ОтветитьAnd of course, there are a lot of whining Ukrainians in the comments who immediately fell out of love with Americans after Trump's victory😂😂😂
Ответитьsource: trust me bro
ОтветитьWhen you come to Russia in early 90th - man, even the Punisher isn't not cool, he's fuckin chilly)
Ответитьwhen you let the usa illegally dissolve your country
ОтветитьPK is a shitty area? It's practically in the center, lol
ОтветитьHahaha) who was that guy?))
Pls send any social
nothing bad happened but he is whining like a little girl about little stupid thing
ОтветитьJon Bernthal, truly an actor of our time. He probably neglected to mention how the streets flowed with vodka and it rained borscht on the Red Square on that day 😂
ОтветитьCulture Park is one of the most expensive places in Moscow, rent there approaches NYC
ОтветитьWhat year was that??? I`m guessing 90-s...after the USSR fell apart, that was the most harsh and scary times for the Russia...
ОтветитьSounds like what happens 100x per day in every part of USA populated with N-Words.
ОтветитьЖеня Горивысов
ОтветитьThere is no bullshit in Russia... because it's already been taken by russian government
ОтветитьВ 90-е конечно в стране разный пиздец творился, но тут чувак просто выдумывает историю покрасивше. За перебегание улицы на него автоматы направили? Ага, конечно. То, что взятку могли потребовать - верю. В автоматы - нет. А потом он видите ли, около Парка Культуры, видит сцену из фильмов про мафиози. Красивую рыжеволосую девушку начинают избивать какие-то мужики из лимузина. Её наверное ещё и звали Наташа Романофф, да?
Не, в теории такое могло произойти. Может он это видел. Но когда каждый поголовно американский актёр, комик, музыкант, и т.д. рассказывает подобную историю, невольно вспоминается Александр Дюма с его "женщина по имени Телега", "напиток Самовар", и вся остальная "развесистая клюква". Выдумать что-то красивое и эффектное, чтобы впечатлить своих соотечественников - любимое занятие туриста.
OMGl If you believe him, you're a MORON. This dude is full of shit. I've lived in Moscow for 20 years and never saw that happen LOL Especially when he said he ran towards them and said wtf you guys doing haha
ОтветитьWas this the 90s?
Ответитьno as a American you show no fear god will take care of me I would have absolutely crashed out about that girl you would have to kill me to stop me
ОтветитьA person with a highly developed imagination.
ОтветитьI'd love to go to Russia. When the US says it's bad then it's probably the opposite.
ОтветитьIm a bit suspicious of this story. Gorky park is one of the most noble areas of Moscow. Living there cost a mountain of money. Also, seems a bit exaggerated the reaction of the cops, as much as the 90’s were a crazy time.