Will Adding New Ships to Elite Dangerous Odyssey Save the Game in 2024?

Will Adding New Ships to Elite Dangerous Odyssey Save the Game in 2024?

Hawkes Gaming

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@HawkesGaming - 01.02.2024 11:34

The new 2024 Best start is currently being filmed. All guides will be updated for Odyssey right after! This will be done from the perspective of a fresh save. I hope you enjoy the complete journey as it unfolds through multiple videos. I will pick the 5 contest winners 7 days from today so good luck! <3

@toecutter9372 - 03.02.2024 18:46

After 5K hours invested and countless memories with ED, I hung up my helmet when odyssey was released. That was absolutely a dumpster fire. I haven’t played 5 min in 4 years. I now play Star Citizen full time. That game is more my style anyway. I’ll always love ED, it will always have a special place with me. Cool video!✌️

@silentjay3272 - 03.02.2024 17:53

New ships…….locked behind hours and hours of grind. You don’t think they’ll actually just let us have them. lol 😂

@ir8dudefpv - 03.02.2024 17:51

I know it’s been said too much, but until ship interiors I just can’t find any interest in ED any longer. Wish I did still enjoy the game. Star Citizen has set the bar even in its current alpha state.

@YamiPoyo - 03.02.2024 16:55

I was taking 10 tons of media to take part in a colonia expansion event my asp x was barelt capable of 21 ly jump

I parked next to a planet i was scanning on the old method where you uave to get close by

I got up from chair played with my baby boy and came back 20 mins later dead the planet had moved into me i had burned up in atmo

Fdev saved my ship the cargo and moved me to colonia i never seen so many dense stars before

@YamiPoyo - 03.02.2024 16:34

Without interiors new ships mean nothing

@soldier72 - 03.02.2024 15:24

My best memory is not a single memory but a conglomeration. Watching a video of yours for the first time in How To Have The Best Start many years ago, jumping into my Sidey to mine LTDs 70+LY or so away and jumping 1LY at a time as I didn't know about the setting to jump at max distance only to forget collection limpets: 70+ jumps back. Visiting the Conda crash site. Experiencing my first Goid hyperdiction. Busting rocks at the DBX map before the Painite nerf to FINALLY afford an FC. Watching Void Opal rocks explode for the first time... AHHHH. Discovering my first Guardian site. Fitting out Glorious to do 6/hr Robigo Runs. Zooming around Davs Hope. Falling into a star waiting for the enviable while I overheat. And of course, listening to CMDR Jameson's logs at the Cobra crash site and actually having a lump in my throat. How could they do that to him? All those... moments will be lost like... tears in the rain if I ever leave for good. Time... to fly.

@AndrzejWojtyniak - 03.02.2024 15:06

My best experience was teaching how to play Elite with lots of tutorials. Yours either (thanx). It was so complex and fun. And then teaching how to use Inara and EDDB. And after that deep core mining... Hours of gameplay to discover it was only beginning! Then go out of the Bubble for crystals with a little engenieerd ship. And after that making a couple of billions with trading without shields to maximize ptofit. And it was mayby half of the game 😊. Now with lots of ships and career it's time to explore some galaxy.

@Flyingtiger1726 - 03.02.2024 13:41

Started playing in 2016 on PS4 switched to PC in 2019. My first Conda Explorer went to the Formidine Rift, then on to Colonia and Sag-A. (2017) Worked my way back to the bubble and cashed in. Many trials and tribulations on that trip, learned navigation and exploring proficiently. I purposely didn't use the Nutron Hwy. Call me old school but I learned a lot on that voyage.

@smokejaguar67 - 03.02.2024 11:32

The solo engineering grind killed the game for me sadly and I say sadly because before the burnout I loved this game.

@Capper_Bra - 03.02.2024 11:22

it wont save it from low playercounts but it will help keep the playerbase

@nicolasmarin435 - 03.02.2024 08:52

we need new aliens on foot or something new ships will save the game for a couple months

@gillettethomas7329 - 03.02.2024 08:39

I’m super excited what they’re gonna for Powerplay 2.0

@Jigga1.21 - 03.02.2024 07:47

I used to love playing Elite Dangerous so much. I was really excited when I heard that Odyssey was coming out. Unfortunately, they announced that they would not be supporting VR. For me, I had an Oculus DK2 and the Saitek X52 controllers, and I used software called Voice Attack. I pretty much lived inside ED, just doing mining and reputation grinding. I'm glad to see that there's still a dedicated community playing, even though I've stopped playing myself. I'll continue watching your videos, my dude! o7

@Torrle - 03.02.2024 07:02

I'm most excited for ships that fill roles that aren't already taken. I feel like if it can't surpass a meta in some way, you risk the community saying that your ship sucks.

For me, I want to see ships that encourage more play in teams for what Odyssey has to offer. I'd love to see a SMALL 4-seater ship for friends that want to do exobiology together, or a true APC/dropship that isn't a sluggish Crusader or clumsy large ship. Would also love to see a 2 player small ship that can fit EPTs that isn't an Adder, like a 2-seat Courier (maybe the Mamba-lite will be this, should rumors be true). Granted, it seems like the new ships are going to be new versions of existing ships, but I'm still excited to see what they choose and what directions they take them in.

The Python mkII looks smaller than the original, don't you think? A fast, armed cargo-runner? Something that has all the advantages of a Imp.Clipper, but can land or medium pads?

@saleseng - 03.02.2024 06:22

I don’t agree with the premise, Elite is not a game that needs saving that’s nonsense. Elite at its core is a galaxy simulator with some interesting game lore mixed in as a starting point for the new player. After you earn enough money it’s off to play the map and enjoy being able to virtually explore a galaxy. I like space ships, shooting aliens and trading/mining and combat as much as the next man, but you can no more get tired of elite then you would Microsoft flight simulator or X plane, it’s a simulator you’re there for that experience. Elite has nothing left to prove it has established itself as one of the legendary Hall of Fame games in the genre everything at this point is icing on the cake for the veteran players but for new players if they want that experience as close as possible of anything out there for the actual Milky Way, ED is it.

@Ghostwulf.J.M. - 03.02.2024 04:41

Best Elite Experience for me: Making hundreds of millions with deep core mining void opals in my well engineered python..... until FDev nerfed this dramatically😡
What always annoyed me in Elite Dangerous, is the larger ships are obviously designed to have a crew of multiple pepole, surrounded by pretty furnishing. But you are always alone, not able to walk around in your own ship, even your contracted fighter pilots are never to see.
So what i wish, is the ability, to explore every single corner of my ships, wich are filled with npcs, who does NOT produce running costs, of course.

@playingwithfiregaming9536 - 03.02.2024 04:28

2000 plus hours...I haven't touched it since 2022... I'm actually excited for Powerplay changes and I've actually re downloaded! It can actually bring back community involvement. Not knocking anybody here, but the dedicated players are the explorers and such. The pvp crowd left long ago. But this crowd was arguably much larger, they don't get on forums, they just move on when the game gets old. The dynamics of the powerplay and BGS systems are the most extensive and well designed of any game. If you want players, reward them for their time appropriately, and allow them to create the community through PP and BGS.

My best experience is closely related. I remember being in an Xbox party of over 20 people. We were defending our clan's home system against a rival clan that was trying to sabotage our port by locking it down... it led to multiple conflicts that night, and subsequently generated months of inter-clan wars... the systems for success are there... ED could be so much more than a deep space exploration sim!

@tent7014 - 03.02.2024 03:20

Travelling to Beagle Point from Sag A was challenging and interesting and Scary at the same time as I was always searching for scoopable stars and they were scarce without using Boost function in the FSD which was resource draining.....................................PS check your material inventory before you venture out this far !

@DanielQuast - 03.02.2024 03:00

Space game needs ships, and new ships at that. it's a simple equation that I have always been suprised Fdev doesn't realise.

I still think my favorite experience in Elite was running out of fuel, calling a FuelRat and having them pop in and refuel my ship. It was just a simple thing but it really made me feel connected to the rest of the playerbase in a way that nothing else did at the time.

@andreasplosky8516 - 03.02.2024 02:19

I welcome new ships, but new ships will not save the game at all! A new ship will become an old ship within a few hours.
The problem is not the lack of ships, but gameplay mechanics that need to be revised and improved, or added still.

We still have no planetary mining mechanic. They should add a specialized mining rover to do this.
The stealth and smuggling mechanic needs a revision.
The scavenging mechanic needs an overhaul, and needs it own tools.
Trading needs to be enhanced.
Espionage, as a part of military gameplay, needs to become a mechanic with its own specialized tool set and missions.
Science needs specific scientific ship modules, and the ability to hire on board scientists for these modules.
Space stations need to get more distinct exteriors. A military station should never look like a mining station, or a science station, for example.
We still do not have true atmospheric planets with biomes.
We still have no caves in the game.
We still have no rivers, lakes, and seas.
We still have no volcanic activity, lava streams, lava lakes, awesome volcanoes etc.
We still do not see AI driving around on planets in vehicles.
There are no distinct imperial, federal etc. settlements and space stations. All look the same
Military ranking is broken as it is.
A true npc crew system needs to be added, like we had in the old Elite games.

etc. etc. etc. I can go on and on.

@tekviper9 - 03.02.2024 02:02

To revive this game to a whole new level Fdev needs to offer players to build space stations in multiplayer for us old players who have soo much money. New ships will only talk a vet player soo far.

@TheTruthHz - 03.02.2024 00:16

I've literally just started playing again. Much like you I gave up when I first got the game in 2021 on Steam because I didn't have a HOTAS setup and I found the M+KB setup too fiddly to actually experience the game. Thanks to your New Starter video and now having an x-56 to control the game, I'm just starting to enjoy the wonders that are Elite Dangerous.

Many thanks.

@jimblackford6680 - 03.02.2024 00:07

Elite put the last nail in the coffin when they decided to forget about supporting consoles.

@MohamedAly-tt9fv - 02.02.2024 22:45

Yes it will give the game an other chance and specialy if we get a bigger class of ships almost like a mix of fleet carriers and ships as in size for hauling stuff

@edt6290 - 02.02.2024 22:03

Instead of overhauling Power Play that a limited number of players actually play. FDev should overhaul the Oddity gun play. Instead of to 90's FPS they gave us, add cover, concelment, leaning around obstacles. A true stealth mechanic. Or better the experience in regards to exploring. Or even better a Starfield type ship builder.

@ScottTempler - 02.02.2024 20:09

Looks Like the EDI/Tin-Man from the Movie Stealth

@jacobite1017 - 02.02.2024 19:46

Shadow banning is both cowardly and deceitful

@68Snaps - 02.02.2024 19:02

And new ships? Great! I'm still waiting for a thargoid FSD booster that would allow you to hypercruise (no one enjoys going back to far out locations involving 100's of jumps, or worse: your FC).

@68Snaps - 02.02.2024 18:57

So many stories about ED... A funny one: to unlock an engineer I had to travel 6000LY away from the bubble. I picked the Cat's eye system to finally see a black hole (3 actually). At the time, travelling 6000LY seemed like the end of the world, but I made it, and back, only to realize days later that there one one black hole in the bubble, right there, at Maia...

@lootandgrind - 02.02.2024 18:46


@noriah9062 - 02.02.2024 18:31


@Cdre_Satori - 02.02.2024 18:29

I loved my time with Elite but just like any Ex once it turned toxic (oddysey launch) it just wasnt managable. The grind felt like we hit the bottom and they brought up the showels and the blatant get better PC noob. approach Fdev took just killed it in my eyes. My favourite experience though must be just doing the work. Getting in my Chieftain and going exploring just for the hell of it.

@ubermeg - 02.02.2024 16:31

My favourite experience in Elite was forming a player group and minor faction in game. It got me through Covid and even though I've now handed over the reigns to someone way more capable than I, that small but perfectly formed group of players in the After Earth Stella Alliance [AESA] are still going strong. It makes me very proud.

@freedomordeth - 02.02.2024 16:19

I hope they introduce a piracy geared ship. I'm not a pirate but, some of my favourite interactions with players were piracy based. My favourite to this day was a noob pirate. I normally evade interdictions but, was distracted with one of your videos on my 2nd monitor and got caught. I had about 120 tons of LTD on my Python, with another 30 of limpets. The pirate asked for 60 tons of LTD and after some back and forth we agreed to 30 tons. I dropped 30 limpets and ran before they realized I pulled a fast one. I never saw them again but, to this day I LOL when I think of it 😂

@orciencor6001 - 02.02.2024 14:11

Hmm, favorite adventure? I suppose that would have to be the Distant Worlds Expedition. Both of them, really, and the other expeditions I took part in with FleetComm, but the first stands out more for being the very first time I ever actually left the Bubble. Before it, thought going out to Obsidian Orbital was a loooong trip, and I was just bouncing around doing missions, slowly working myself up to ships I hoped I would enjoy more than the Asp (which I didn't really like, outside of it's great viewing capabilities). Then saw the forum post about it, figured why not, I've been wanting to actually go out into the Black since I started anyway. I almost chose to never come back home. There was just nothing like hanging out on random planets with a few hundreds (or a few thousands in DW2's case) of people, so far from civilization that any kind of damage, major or minor, is essentially permanent because it'd take hours or days of travel to fix it (or just come back at all if you blew up). And then just goofing off in silly ways, like making ship towers, canyon racing, abusing silly glitches that would make your ship consider itself landed anywhere if someone joined your instance (including hovering 20m above a parked fellow CMDR, upside down, just because), timing mass cmdr jumps that accidentally crash the servers..

It was an aspect of the game that was like no other, and has sadly felt like it was entirely ignored and rejected by FDev ever since after DW2. Though I'm sure there's still expeditions going on, you just don't really hear about them as much anymore, if at all. Maybe again someday. One can hope.

@Garryck-1 - 02.02.2024 13:24

It's ALL about the ships for me! (And exploring.)

@maximilianyuen - 02.02.2024 12:51

funny you mention purpose built but you dont care about the lack of proper PvE content...the extremely lackluster PvE mission, exact same template every weekly. they could have really add some touch for the event, even for just monthly....instead the changes are the location, number of cargo and some worse that chatGPT generated background 3 line story.

and the grinding part? shooting some alien rock, solve the same puzzle, pick up some random material with a very low chance is what you need, jump out then jump back and repeat. some indie game school kid dev could design a better game loop.

new ship only add some fresh piloting experience, the environment is the true key. exactly why odyseey make people turn away as they abandoned the space part, the reason people play Elite to begin with. if i need some third rate FPS there are tons of choice and none of them would be Elite.

and the carrier, was originally a group binding assets that everyone expected. turn out its a cheap personal mobile storage that eat your credit that contribute nothing. and they even dare to make you just sit in the hangar in your carrier, as a full experience. no AFK mission for the ships and crew you sink money into daily, can't send them for resources.

and the worst part? most of the major third party service are shutdown already.

adding 4 ships, or 40 ships wont bring ED back. Frontier just realize their stupid mistake, using money people paid for ED to develop other game that no one play. Now they trying to grab ED back hoping that would save them.

well lets see. at least not a cent from me.

@jesters1gamble201 - 02.02.2024 12:35

We need more ships and I would live more mining options

@maximilianyuen - 02.02.2024 12:31

whats the problem at the beginning? its the most enjoyable part....

@Kellett781 - 02.02.2024 12:12

If CIG, Bethesda, and Rockstar have proven anything, it’s that people will spend boat loads on virtual vehicles. Bored in Fallout 76? Purchase a new power armor paint for a new set of PA, engineer it up, throw on legends and reroll them till you get that God roll. GTAO has your boredom destroyed with the myriad of ways you can get game currencies to buy new weaponized vehicles. Out you can just trade in your real money for game money. Nothing says love and fun like launching ballistic missiles from your own surplus Soviet era nuclear submarine. And CIG literally is the goat with their sales pitch of a broken, jank game but can still manage to sell ships not even out yet based on art alone.

My hope, my wish, is that Frontier adds these ships in good faith to bring players back and not as an overt cash grab. The ships will bring back the players and and add long as they don’t bow down to the balance Nancies, I will be excited for every one.

@TovarishDima - 02.02.2024 11:06

I hope they give us explorers some love. Wish they would give us story arcs, like they did with generation ships, the whole Zurara mystery. Add some more variety to what we can find out in the black

@MrLobbit - 02.02.2024 10:57

I’ve just reset my billionaire cmdr, I wanted the challenge of starting out again, I’m now skint in an asp. bugger.

@brandocalrizion14 - 02.02.2024 10:20

New ships are awesome. Doing engineering mat grinding to pimp said ship makes me question my existence.

@elitedangereuse - 02.02.2024 10:18

Awesome video Hawkes. As a matter of fact You were the one who helped me start Elite and but my very first python! Now, I (ThArGos) and my space partner OptimusKoala we have been through many adventures. One of my favorite is about Jacob Scarlett. And today people can experience that adventure themselves on our website. I can't wait to see a massive amount of new CMDRs joining us all in Elite. Again, thank you Hawkes for the hours of content I could go through back then.

@Punnikin1969 - 02.02.2024 07:05

I don't really have a favorite E:D adventure. I played the game for quite a while, tried out a number of things but never really found anything I could excel at. It seemed to me that everything I tried to do became a grind or a struggle after a short while doing it. I surmised that maybe E:D wasn't the game for me.

I came to realize that every game I've played feels the same way eventually.

I love the game without a doubt. The visuals, the sound, the variety in gameplay and ship types, even the combat I am so utterly miserable at. Yes, I stumble at times, but after too short a time I just give up. I didn't know why but I just lost interest in the game. It wasn't as appealing to me as it was at first, and I blamed the game. I now realize I always blame the game for not keeping my attention.

It seems I am the problem. I turn everything into a grind and neglect to set a pace I am comfortable with. Even playing No Man's Sky I found myself standing on a planetary trading post looking for ships to flip instead of looking for something interesting to do. My attention span for the enjoyable parts wanes and I find myself focusing on just making fast money. Is it a result of growing up in deep poverty? Perhaps, but I think it's more that while I want to focus on what is important, I tend to hide from what is challenging. I'm not stupid, really, and I don't mind the concept of a challenge, but deep down I have had to deal with disappointment so often that it has become the norm, so I set myself up for disappointment. Instead of risking failure, I cause it. I choose the comfort of familiarity over the exhilaration of success. I despise the feeling of inadequacy and I abhor knowing that I will always feel like I don't deserve even the slightest bit of happiness but I've turned that into my default. I hide from the world under a mountain of trash that I generate myself because that is my "safe" spot.

I know this isn't the time or the place to type this out but... there really isn't a right time or place for this. Maybe I did this because Elite: Dangerous is exactly the opposite of how I feel. Maybe I'll reinstall the game and see if I can change anything. Problem is, I already know I won't.

@make1up726 - 02.02.2024 07:05

I missed the Kickstarter but I bought the deluxe when it went live. I loved the game and I enjoyed multiplayer. Pvp, mission running, mining, it was all fun with friends. Then they added the engineer update and not only did it require you to fly crazy distances to get to the engineers but after hours of grinding to get super rare materials I got hardly anything. I was full time college at the time so I couldn't spend the time to get all my modules maxed out. Instantly my ships I spent so long grinding rep and credits for was useless in multiplayer. It was no longer a space sim, it was a grind fest to get the best enchantments on your modules with space magic. Stopped playing and never looked back. Crazy to see an ED video on my feed.

@MODFARMER - 02.02.2024 05:58

Thousands of hours logged and then I finally got a fleet carrier. After spending millions every week on up keep I kinda just walked away. The game was kinda over for me at that point. I hope to one day get that spark back.

@kimghanson - 02.02.2024 05:30

It needs saving?
