Shadowlands Hunter PVP Experience

Shadowlands Hunter PVP Experience

Milo Hutchinson

3 года назад

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@KillianJenkins - 05.02.2021 16:14

This is gold lmfao

@mohammadjaber5990 - 05.02.2021 19:18

Best video ever. Hope blizz sees this

@Eranta - 06.02.2021 02:02

literally did this 2 days ago! its sad how bad this class is. literally everything is tuned low. literally no defensives. a 2 min 30% heal and a 3min turtle. 1min cd sacrifice which is only usable with a pet (which again dies in 5 sec and you need to hardcast 4 sec LOL, gl getting it off) worst kick in the game, bad CC DRs, no stun (MM has 0 stun) burst is really predictable and eaaasily countered in higher ranks. low sustained damage, too many hardcasts needed, trained easily. etc etc. this class is a joke. the only thing that this class had (which was good burst) got nerfed to the ground. now we have a class that cant even deal damage, and then u have classes like mages, who can shield themselves every 25 sec for 70% of their life, half of the absorbed damage heals them, they have iceblock which also heals them. and dont get me started on their CC and damage. :D and classes like ret and enhancement which can make a proper healer run oom and deal double the damage of a hunter. many more but dont forget the worst: moonkins! :) i dont have to say a single word whats wrong with the design philosophy of letting a class do 16 globals in 4 secs (which in most cases would be 3 globals) sooooo..... GG :)

dont understand this message wrong tho: i love that the game has got more fast paced and you actually can play pvp this addon. but some classes need buffs. and a few small nerfs are needed. how is a class able to outburst, outsustain, outheal, out-utility and outcc another class which has none of that and the only thing they have is very limited and you nerf their damage?

@lickmyhairystinkyballs9781 - 06.02.2021 04:13

Lol pally and mage crying about one shot😂😂😂

@piercerenga7628 - 06.02.2021 04:15


@Isaiah_Aguilar - 06.02.2021 05:42

I’m rerolling to hunter

@evilinside3455 - 06.02.2021 06:44

This video is so good it actually cured my temporary depression.

Thank you for making this and just for reminding me that like minded people who's opinion I value exist (as opposed to i just hit 1.6 rbg worldofpvp posters and lgbtqXD+ you cant link your rating to your reddit acc RGB haircolor mod on the same reddit LADYmirax)

@Samuel-pt2tl - 06.02.2021 08:19

10/10 will still main this class

@swordwarrior4586 - 06.02.2021 08:36

Ret/fire mage damage have ruined this expansion's PvP

@Bladius_ - 06.02.2021 17:36


Now show me the HUNTER team at Blizzard? Exactly. This isn't by chance fellow huntards.

@vk2172 - 06.02.2021 21:40

That do be a sad life :-( song @ 1min tho??? I wish your class best of luck, maybe next expansion :-)))))))

@cletus2393 - 07.02.2021 04:28

Blizzard needs to do something about this, Hunter is now gay

@martinrodrigolazarte9854 - 08.02.2021 23:01

I thought I was the only hunter that didn't make damage in 2v2, but now I can see that I wasn't. Without double tap + kyrian arrow, I just can run and wait that the enemy WW/Warrior don't kill me or my healer. As a hunter with 200 ilvl, It's too hard to raise up to 1600 even. It's so frustrating...

@nestore41983 - 09.02.2021 09:04

Hopefully something horrible happens to the PVP staff at Blizzard. Motherfu@$”( have always hated hunters. Mage and rogue are always viable though..for some fucking reason you can never go wrong with those 2...fuck Blizzard and their preference..

@goalieyes - 18.02.2021 18:39

i swear i saw jungle cleave in a final like a week ago

@ocromiun - 19.02.2021 21:34

Right now I am at 1600 in the 3 vs 3 bracket playing thug cleave. It was extremely difficult to get there with just 204 item level. My burst takes ages to charge: Double Tap + explosive shot + resonating arrow + rapid fire + true shot + aimed shot, alll is in GCD... Also, besides trinket turtle, we don't have anything effective to survive for the next 2 - 3 minutes. Our CC has a long cool down and you need skill and sometimes luck to make it land correctly.

@alexslygo - 21.02.2021 23:02

we need pally nerf

@caseyhodgson6212 - 01.03.2021 21:50

I mean BM is supposed to get better and better later into the expansion, but obviously we cant get close to mage or pally because that just would be ridiculous

@jthiggins4886 - 03.03.2021 06:52

Love how people think 5 Consecutive blows are a one shot. Seems as gamers age they get dumber. Idk lol. A one shot is a one single hit kill.
