How To Play As The EMPIRE In Empire At War REMAKE! | Tips & Guides Part 1

How To Play As The EMPIRE In Empire At War REMAKE! | Tips & Guides Part 1

Jay The Gam3r

2 года назад

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Bert Bargo
Bert Bargo - 24.11.2023 07:48

Thanks boss. I appreciate this video after the big x64 update. Cheers!

Nick Rael
Nick Rael - 23.11.2023 02:37

how do you set up AI battles? please help

Donk - 22.11.2023 19:15

Appreciate this dude, thanks. First run was such a quick stomp it wasn’t even a waste of time. Second run started on the beginner map and figured out my Econ and spammed blastboats. Checked this guide to see if I’m on the right track and yep - sick.

Austin W
Austin W - 24.10.2023 03:52

I just bought the game, downloaded the remake mod and got my ass handed to me every single time haha. Thanks for making this video!

02091992able - 22.09.2023 02:59

Just like Stellaris you cannot expand and wage wars without having a strong economic base to fund and construct fleets and armies. Don't know about this mod but base game to stop larger ships from retreating if you destroy the engines the ship cannot escape.

Manuelt7 - 12.09.2023 22:19

I dont know how to make ssds can anyone tell me how?

Will Tews
Will Tews - 09.07.2023 21:01

I just remember that in past updates you were able to pay to bring back your heroes that have fallen. I am not sure if it was the remake mod or not. If so I would like that feature. You could make it so that it starts at 500 and increases price by 500 each time. Some planets could give you a discount but it maxes out at between 2000 all 5he way to 4000 or 5000. If there upgraded it increase to a max of 6000 to 7000.

P.s. could you do a video on how to use heroes from each faction more effectively in space battles? Jabba the hut needs nal huts system to be effective. Captain Sykes needs mandalore to be upgraded. But captain Sykes before the upgrade is really weak and I have to keep a distance from better capital ships. Use 20 fighters and 20 bombers and corvettes to twiddle down their ships and use his rapid fire as much as possible while running away as they chase me. Also the way the ai works makes it EA easy to for enemies to retreat sometimes. Do 50 or more damage to capital ships and frigates, destroy 2 or 3 and they run away. However the ai is relentless and will attack another planet. I have to move my main fleet back and forth to defend 2 planets as I wait for upgrades income and such. 4,5,6 and sometimes more capital ships in one fleet.

Will Tews
Will Tews - 09.07.2023 04:42

Does anyone else miss the defiler? The ability to corrupt worlds was one of pirates main ability as a faction. It was pretty useful in the base game for gaining money. Plus the option for sabotage was great for removing defense towers. I always wanted the ability to steal ships from the enemy in the galactic map at cost or steal a ship in a skirmish space battle. Closest thing to doing this is paying credits using Tyber zann on ground battles. It would be cool if you could hack and upload a virus to vehicles and spaceships. Theirs so much potential in this game.

Will Tews
Will Tews - 07.07.2023 16:35

Does anyone else think we need a retreat button when being attacked? Auto resolve is useless and I would rather replace it with a retreat option where you can retreat all forces from a planet or just ships in space. Recall ground forces if it's a raid or sneak attack.

Will Tews
Will Tews - 07.07.2023 16:16

I hope the creator of the mod adds customizable units also ground and fleet formations with a list of tactics. Defend doesn't work that well for me unless you have a heavy fleet and ground units. Attack move is useful to a point but I like to split them up into 3 squads then smaller ones or if I can tank my enemy I focus all fire on shields and high damage weapons on one or more ships at a time. I try and weaken my opponents before the final blow. Also causes the ai to retreat. I can't build interdictors yet.

Will Tews
Will Tews - 07.07.2023 16:08

So I noticed some bullshit about the ai, their not that smart which isn't new but they are tough and the ai definitely cheats however their path finding and tracking skills are way too high. They track you as soon as you try and move and track stealth vehicles and ships. Which is annoying and overpowered. I also noticed that some star destroyers can make tyber Zane's super weapons miss which was a new one for me. In the base game you had about a 50/50 chance of hitting a target. I am hoping that at tech 5 his ship will be stronger. Btw If you use alot of bounty hunters you get a tech level discount. I will have try that on a new game more often. I wish bounty hunters could auto steal credits from enemy's with the most money and use them on minor factions. Doing it manually gets annoying and tedious.

Will Tews
Will Tews - 07.07.2023 00:58

So apparently when you play the pirates you have to sell 40,000 credits worth of stuff in order to build deceit defensive fleets and increase credit production then tech 2 and you can finally take on the galaxy. It took me 20 to 30 tried on death sticks difficulty to find away to survive. You have to abandon the 3 farthest planets selling everything on them to have enough capital to do anything. You should end up with between 40,000 or more credits. It might be possible to get 50,000 or 60,000. You also have 5o have a mix of every fighter, corvette, bombers and frigates to defend. Javelin class frigate is the best standard because it has alot of hit points which is better than sheilds because bombers eat sheilds for breakfast in this remake mod.

Will Tews
Will Tews - 07.07.2023 00:51

Admiral Thrawn has a debuff for dreadnaughts, capital ships and battle cruisers, yet the empire ai has Thrawn with 2 capital ships and possibly battle cruisers. I'm guess the ai is not updated for using debuffs and buffs optimally. The ai just spams star destroyers at me.

Will Tews
Will Tews - 05.07.2023 23:45

Could you do a video on the best start for each of the factions? I am playing as the pirates on hard difficulty and you have to do very specific things in order to get an edge over the ai because of how the enemy ai work on any difficulty. Build everything that makes money. Stack your space forces and get the three planets geonosis, rodia, christophisis. Set up a blockade on druckenwell. Put plenty of space forces to fight off the mandalorian that are very tough to fight. Especially at tech level one. Don't go to tech level 2 until you make 10000 or more credits per day. Use bounty hunter on 3 or more enemy planets that make lots of money. Stack land units for ground battles, use light then medium tank droid regime and weed down the enemy forces. Use bombing run as much as possible. The legionaries regime is the best ground at tech level 1 so use them to finish off your enemies instead of using them first. You can't build them until tech level 2 or 3. Eventually get smugglers run. Get farstine, vergesso asteroids and also 3. Use asteroid feilds for money. Build grand arena and agriculture buildings on arkanis as soon as possible. Defend tatooine from enemies from hypori and scarif. Defend farstine and alzoc 3. Tech level 2, upgrade all money structures to second level. The utegetu nebula is far away but can make alot of credits. Hard to defend and the ai will stack 4 to 5 general's flagships and a mark 2 star destroyer. If you can build up a fleet and get some planets around the nebula you can defend it easier. There are 2 other planets that are far away but they don't matter much, good for money but not good enough to defend unless you have extra credits lying around.

That's as far as I have gotten, but the ai will start spamming capital ships from the other minor pirate faction surrounding you which is a pain. My goal is tech level 3, upgrade tyber zann use his ship to level their capital ships. Fighting yo get mandalore will be difficult. Fighters are very important at the start, but you can't build fighter that are heavy high quality. You need mandalore to upgrade the captain that you get at tech level 2. You need to meet all the requirements to upgrade him. I would like to make some senators but I need capital ships to fight star destroyers. I can use 100 fighters and 100 bomber and 100 Corvettes and frigate to do so but they have very little defense and hit points.

No matter what strategy I use the ai just spams gunships in space and capital ships. I'm always broke. Everything cost way to much. This remake mod is more unbalanced then the pirates at launch before they got nerfed.

Cody Lee
Cody Lee - 14.06.2023 19:06

I love this video i'm already well established with over a million credits in my reserves and making almost fifty thousand credits a month in my Galactic Empire campaign on tech 1 over 200 months in and the hapes cluster is at my mercy surrounded and have a decent hold in the north and east territories thanks ao much Jay. 😊👍👍👍❤️

Zombie Herder
Zombie Herder - 12.06.2023 00:43

Did you do any changes to your system or the game files to get the fps to run as smooth as it does.

shaun - 22.05.2023 02:28

I have absolutely no idea wtf im doing in this game. Watching that star battle ..i had no clue what you were clicking and why lol. Man.. i need a how to for dummies video or something. What i get myself into lmao ..

Livesay Andrew
Livesay Andrew - 27.04.2023 08:10

This is a fantastic guide for Remake, 10/10!

Only problem I’m having now is dealing with fighters. I tried the “anti-starfighter” ships but they just get swarmed, while my own fighters get swatted like flies. I’m at a loss for what to do.

Austin Capebianco
Austin Capebianco - 19.04.2023 05:07

Liked and subbed, I really appreciate the help, Ive been having such a damn hard time with this mod but its so good, I've had the best luck with the Rebellion so far.

hoi nee niet jij
hoi nee niet jij - 06.03.2023 14:35

Really good video man! Love your content

gorelover199 - 06.03.2023 01:47

Just found your channel and wow you deserve so much more subscribers/praise. Fantastic video.

Zutar_Zombie - 19.02.2023 09:01

how does skirmish work in this mod because im a very skirmish type of player rather than campaign

Fredrik - 29.12.2022 00:33

Great video man! I rarely comment on stuff but I enjoyed your video a lot and just wanted to let you know :)
Keep it up!

The Chechen
The Chechen - 08.11.2022 05:05

Seeing someone do a land battle properly in this mod makes me feel extremely dumb lmao

HellCapiDan - 05.10.2022 20:54

Thank you so much for making this shit. I know this is everything I've ever wanted in a star wars game but man its a fuck ton to take in when you are starting

nfineon - 20.07.2022 01:31

Good tips and strats bro, it was so frustrating trying to survive the first few rounds getting pounded from all sides. Definetly helps to stay away from too many capitals early game until economy kicks off!
Keeping the big ships nearby over unconquered worlds really helps if you can micro them quickly to defend from invasions (I pause immediately when I hear invading fleet incoming then fast pull fleets nearvy to defend - but that doesn't always work lol).
I've conquered the galaxy as rebels and underworld (90 planets) previously but the empire (110 planets) was much more frustrating. Couldn't get stable, and had to restart a few times as I kept getting demolished on higher difficulties...
I've found that getting to tier 3 stations can dissuade some early agression, and you really need to spread your fleets out instead of creating early game death balls. It's better to have the enemy not attack as every engagement will drain your minerals in lost fighters so you're broke as shit after every fight lol. Getting the modular ships on your ship producing planets pays off bigly as ships build faster and are cheaper across the board.

Encalagon - 02.07.2022 06:08

Thank you so much for the guide! This mod is absolutely gorgeous but got my teeth kicked in coming in as a fresh player xD

TokenChineseGuy's Rare Music!
TokenChineseGuy's Rare Music! - 12.06.2022 01:06

Great video, brother. I'll be sure to use your advice.

Filip Nowak
Filip Nowak - 27.05.2022 17:35

Any tips on useful keyboard shortcuts in space battles? It's always so annoying for me to find my fighters etc. on the battlefield and use them properly

Zelith Fang
Zelith Fang - 22.05.2022 08:39

I lost every single plant that was by itself, no problem. I was able to somewhat recover my economy. I made two big fleets on Kuat and another planet on the side side. I was able to capture the republic world's and the cis world. Everything was fine. But then out of nowhere every faction decides it's a wonderful time to all gang up on me when I'm still trying to develop my worlds and little by little the destroy my two fleets and destroyed my economy so bad to the point I can't to the point I'm practically starting over. Also since I was down a lot of worlds I was over unit capacity and was in a spot where I couldn't do anything that all. This was my best run but it all quickly feel apart

Zelith Fang
Zelith Fang - 19.05.2022 19:05

Doing a lot better now, thanks for the video. Just need to figure out how to take down the Gollan space stations. I feel like I just need to spend an hour making blast boats to just take down one.

Zelith Fang
Zelith Fang - 18.05.2022 10:12

Jeez, I figured out way to late about the economy aspect of this game, after a few restarts I was able to get that stuff going but I was spamming whatever buildings I felt like since of course I didn't read a thing and didn't know different facilities give more money on different climate. And of course I was focusing on a lot of capital ships but I figured early on to just store my fleet on an enemy's space so I don't need to get domed by upkeep. Still had no clue what I was doing. Thanks for the video, definitely helping me out. Now I just need to stop trying to build everything at once..

Brian Futcher
Brian Futcher - 10.05.2022 21:10

I may have been cheesing the upkeep system a little hard in my campaign… I never leave my many capital ships over my own planets. It’s at the point where I don’t want to own my choke points.

Chad - 07.05.2022 16:12

I noticed the warning about advancing the technology. Any tips on that? Is there any reason why you would delay advancing tech?

Cloud Paints
Cloud Paints - 06.05.2022 02:54

God damn dude, has anyone ever told you you're cool as hell for making this.

Dimitar Kiradjiev
Dimitar Kiradjiev - 30.04.2022 21:59

This has been enlightening video, especailly after I tried a GC with the Empire on medium difficulty as my first game, after trying my hand on a few spacea and ground skirmishes. And then, I predictably ran into a literal wall of Republic ships and fighters. Great work!

Justin Last 2: Last Harder
Justin Last 2: Last Harder - 23.04.2022 09:09

Swarms of Arc170s are pretty effective for cheap. I have Tanaab as a Stop Gap. Consortium has a Stronghold at Hapes they keep assaulting Tanaab from. Tech Level 2 so the Golan is a big deal
Edit beginner webway empire

Lais Phinto
Lais Phinto - 10.04.2022 21:07

i play on koltp month 76 i finally captured brental after losing 20 venators and 8 regiments🤣

Leftwitch - 30.03.2022 20:31

How did you get steam in-game to work with empire at war?

Will Tews
Will Tews - 12.03.2022 03:40

I was wondering if in this mod or another mod If there is a way to recall nearby ships of your own to help you in battle and battle but I was thinking that there could be a cost to increase the speed at which they get there to Get to you to reinforce your own fleet same thing with ground forces I was thinking it would be similar to how you retreat from a battle but I was wondering if they could make it so that the button makes it so that you could recall forces from nearby planets space stations and outposts Or even higher smugglers and mercenary ships to build a fleet something like that like that also is there a way to come up with battle plans for fleets and ground forces like formations in primary and secondary targets targets basically basically a way to make it so that the you were AI each each unit type has a specific purpose based off of what you think is the best for them to be engaged in tactical tactical planning practical cool targeting something like that. Something like battle planing and preparation.
Is there any mods similar to what I just said?

Edward Adams
Edward Adams - 10.03.2022 05:57

I love playing this Mod, BUT i hate being attacked like every 2 to 4 minutes, DANGGGGGG! I hope they put better filters on aggression on here.

Thomas Lawrie
Thomas Lawrie - 04.03.2022 13:35

One thing that has annoyed me with recent editions of this mod is the ever-improving graphics, matched with really old OST's from previous star wars games. I get why they include them as its nostalgia + more star wars tunes but they jarr with the more modern stuff to me.

Mr. Kimidori
Mr. Kimidori - 04.03.2022 11:04

Yo so I figured out that engine issue I told you about B4.
At the resolution I was at it wasn't showing the tips of the engines for some reason, like it was invisible like I thought. So those glowing rings that are inside the engines just looked like they were floating there by themselves because of an invisible texture lol. I was able to fix it by upping the resolution and now engines look like they should. You got no idea how relieved I am it looked SOOOO wonky XD
If you ever see anyone else mention oversized glowing rings like I did tell them to try the game at a higher resolution to fix the missing engine texture issue.
If u wanna see what I was seeing put your game at one of the 1280 res and you'll see it probably.

Paul Rasmussen
Paul Rasmussen - 04.03.2022 07:41

Dude the republic in my play has a fleet with Secutor and NINE Venators

Conner Martin
Conner Martin - 04.03.2022 05:46

Where can you download this mod besides using steam cause it looks fun
Because I use my phone to download mods

Mr. Kimidori
Mr. Kimidori - 04.03.2022 05:07

I been having a blast with my ongoing pirate campaign. I like how largely unlike other factions their biggest threat in the beginning are the powerful minor factions surrounding them. The hutts and madalorians are my biggest existential threats while the empire and rebellion are mostly doing their own thing towards the top portion of the Galaxy. There's rebels at the bottom left corner too but I think they're too busy dealing with separatist holdouts to care much about me lol. I love how dynamic this mod is with all the different factions and how minor factions actually do things and are a threat unlike a lot of other mods.
