Level Sketch [#02] — PRAESTIGIA // Geometry Dash 2.11

Level Sketch [#02] — PRAESTIGIA // Geometry Dash 2.11


1 год назад

13,600 Просмотров

ID: 86605922

Strap in, mucho texto.

So this started off as a layout but at the same time, I also had this pretentious idea of making some sorta statement by expanding the definition of a "layout" into something more than just gp

In hindsight, that was kind of a BS rationalization of me simply wanting to stay consistent with the "layout" format for satisfaction purposes while at the same time wanting to have an excuse to decorate something without pressuring myself to do the absolute most with the ideas that I have and then abandoning the level knowing I don't have sufficient skill to do them justice.

Also, it's partly cuz I feel like the idea of a wider definition can easily be abused by lazy decorators to do the absolute least, a bit like how Optical's "levelution" movement in 2018 or Skitten's "simplicity" philosophy in 2016 were misunderstood by creators.

At the same time tho, I feel like the intent of it can only be misunderstood by missing the point that by calling it that would imply separation from "full levels". In other words, this wasn't meant to be judged as a full level as it wasn't really the intent behind making this level.

...buuut it's really still not exactly a layout

The "pretentious" definition I talked about earlier still pretty valid tho imo, where the main intent is to communicate other means of musical representation outside of the restrictions of gameplay / player movements. I'm just no longer calling it a layout and trying to make a statement out of it lmao.

So.. you can call it whatever tf you want lmao
Just know that I'll be making more of these, idgaf.


This was the first time I had purely relied on musical representation without giving much of a damn about any sorta novelty (there might still be some tho) or even going all out on execution. So I was able to freestyle almost completely, which was.. a new experience. (Although I DID recycle the shiny isometric cube thingies from a kinda dead level of mine)

A lot of other times, even when I don't focus on effects or new ideas, I'd automatically shift my focus to pure execution, but as I've said earlier, knowing how my super high standards and ambition conflict with my relatively low skill, that would usually just result in me sitting on the level for weeks before declaring it dead.

So yeah, this freestyling stuff is a completely new approach that I had not taken since like.. the first "Haven" back in early 2016, and even though it came at the cost of quality, it definitely brought back the fun, and most importantly, FREEDOM in creating. Hell, frankly? I think this might even be one of my best works just because of that.

Don't get me wrong, I still wish to create those high quality levels, and I'm not gonna say I won't revert back to that mindset when it's time to make a full level. That said tho, maybe doing these lil "level sketches" can serve as a transition back to high quality stuff by accustoming myself to the freedom, with nothing but the music to guide my vision, and slowly working on the quality aspect little by little.


There's not rly a lot of levels with lyrics, also cuz often lyrics warrant a different kind of musical representation as well. Idk, If you're a Japanese speaker watching this level sketch, maybe you guys feel some sorta dissonance between lyrics and visuals, but I decided to just ignore that for the sake of using the song. Because purely sonically, this song gave me a lot of ideas, and also this is my favorite song in all of MEGAREX so far.

In terms of inspiration, I feel like I've come a long way from forcing myself into this distorted idea of "originality" that some of u may know I had for a long time, even to the extent of claiming I was the "most original creator" last year purely cuz of this irrational aversion to inspiration. I think this is where I can say I've TRULY abandoned that way of thinking.

I took inspo mostly from 2016 @SerpongeDash especially in terms of how the different effects flow from one to the next. Yknow, Liberation, Gold Temple, VeritY...

Colors and vibe-wise, this level was also greatly inspired by Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, cuz I discovered this song shortly before I watched it, and also cuz Lucy mmmm-

Other inspo include @EchonoxYT, @LipzGd for glows, @Digitalight for the cube dual, also that dash orb effect in "Radiant" by @Thomartin- (which I recycled here in the 2nd drop cuz I feel like he visually represented that sound design beautifully), "poi" build swap by myself and @deovise etc.
Music: Odd Hastur - Illusionista (feat. Shizuki)
Odd Hastur: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4q03i2WykxEgl6hSX1I2Df
(Dude only has 2 songs, give him lots of love.)
Shizuki: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3xsTex8RrWYXo5s5c9A1Ii (the band she's in, monogana.)
Label: MEGAREX @megarex_jp

Recorded by: @viperarctarus1089
Special Thanks: @Geogamer12 @Digitalight and @maxikd for being my main guidance
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