REVERB G2 vs G1 FINAL VERDICT! Comparison (Through the lens)

REVERB G2 vs G1 FINAL VERDICT! Comparison (Through the lens)

VR Flight Sim Guy

3 года назад

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@miSta1982 - 01.03.2023 16:57

Do you test at same Render Resolution? unfortunately the G2 render resolution 1/3 more.

@KuSQ3N - 08.02.2023 20:14

250 euro for a used G1? Yay or nay?

@robkaymusic1821 - 14.10.2022 16:01

I brought the quest dold the g1 because of tge hype what junk I sold it and managed to get a g1 fantastic no comparison

@rosswithers2396 - 13.05.2022 12:20

Are you sure your G2 shots are not taken a bit more zoomed in.

@mrpatton01 - 06.02.2022 22:38

i will hold on to my G1 for now, but as soon as the price drops a bit i might upgrade

@gregprouse1173 - 11.11.2021 02:29

Still totally blurry....not impressed with the G2 honestly.

@aquaticborealis4877 - 19.08.2021 18:44

I’m thinking of upgrading from the G1 to the G2. Any reason I shouldn’t? I don’t think there’s any similarly priced alternatives that come close is there? The G2 has a 10% discount for me right now.

@qiyuxuan9437 - 31.01.2021 07:29

Just found a extreamly good deal on G1, which cost less than half of G2, so I took it. G2 is very nice, but doesn't seem to justify over 2x the price tho.

@nippepippe1 - 12.01.2021 03:04

i have the G1 and probably gonna up to g2 but that would be moastly for the better tracking of the headset. all the other better things is just a bonus

@squayssan5352 - 11.01.2021 02:27

this is the HP G1 Pro V2 ??? or The G1 first Version? thanks

@valrond - 09.01.2021 11:30

I got my G1 back when it was released with a 30% discount (just 440€). It still looks superb, better than any other thing I own at home (HTC Vive, Index, Rift S, Quest 2 and well, PSVR). I find the sweet spot on my G1 to be quite better than what I see only, in fact, it's better than the sweet spot on my Index, although not as good as the Rift S).
Taking into account how much more expensive the G2 and how hard it is to buy, I'll skip to the G3 if they get a resolution bump.

@wook1318 - 31.12.2020 13:57

For me the drop off between the sweet spot and where it gets blurry causes me issues. It's clearly visible in your video. There's absolutely no doubt that the clarity in the sweet spot is stunningly good, but outside of it, the blurriness is an immersion killer. Also, when flying in DCS, having to move your head to extremes to keep what your looking at in the sweet spot is causing me a really sore neck! My G2 is faulty, and I've switched back to my CV1 and I'm finding it so much more comfortable to use. There is less bluriness outside of the sweet spot, and makes it an overall more enjoyable experience, even if it's a the cost of lower resolution / SDE.

@sandonlyon9325 - 29.12.2020 07:08

Watch your video you will see the G1 video is from either filmed further away or in the sim eye point of view was set back. You can clearly tell that the scale or size of the gauges look viewed at a further back distance in the G1 footage. Therefore this was not a good way to judge. All I find when looking up things on G2 that it needs to be modded face cushion while G1 has no issues posted. I think from what I have seen more vivid color and IPD manual adjustment only new features.

@gregornorton6380 - 28.12.2020 08:40

Colors in G2 are washed out comparing to G1. Sweet spot not wide than G1 but even more narrow. And god rays.. Theay are awfull (((

@manerisports7937 - 23.12.2020 14:36

ohhh seems like graphicwise they the same

@mano_b18 - 19.12.2020 12:43

Great advise, I've never used VR as i felt the screen quality offered by all were not good enough, would you say G2 is worth purchasing, my only use would be SIM racing.

@MrJericho07 - 18.12.2020 01:44

HP reverb G2 vs HTC Vive Pro (with the lens Mod) ..I have used the G2 for the last 2 days with a 2080Ti and was impressed by the lack of screen door effect Only, on all the other aspects of the headset the Vive pro stands head and shoulders above it. Blacks are black in the Vive pro, screen door is minimum, colours are better and the G2 is a step back. FOV in the G2 is really poor and you have to mod it. My G2 is going back as soon as. If this is supposed to be the best for visuals then no one has compared it to the Vive Pro with the lens Mod. Yes the Vive Pro is really expensive but if you are thinking of upgrading to the G2 from a Vive Pro then don't. Also the Vive can be wireless. After messing about trying to get other controllers to work with the G2, It was a pleasure to go back to the vive.

@AndrzejRoszkowski - 13.12.2020 22:09

Any video how to setup DCS for VR? i mean game controll...

@Tom--Ace - 05.12.2020 17:31

I honestly found the reverb G1 and G2 very near equal in colours and clarity, yet I see everyone mention how good the G2 colours are.

Is your G1 a V2 or the first version? I think the reverb G1 V2 is very close to the g2

Neither can approach an OLED headset like the Samsung odyssey+

@pilotguy1141 - 05.12.2020 03:26

I'm coming from a Lenovo Explorer VR headset it was my first set and it's performed admirably for what I paid for it used off Facebook Marketplace. I'm still torn whether they get a pre-owned HP Reverb G1 or go all out on the HP Reverb G2. I guess I say that because they're both going to be Leaps and Bounds better than what I had

@Sinn3246 - 04.12.2020 03:48

If the resolutions are the same, is it the sweet spot that makes the text stand out far better in the G2? Or is the display itself?

@DrKaii - 02.12.2020 18:51

Did you find a significant performance loss between the G1 and G2? I did. If you figured it out, lmk

@MrHamster1982 - 29.11.2020 18:36

Totally agree that the image quality is better compared to the 8kx, I am an 8kx user.

But that being said the FOV is a let down so I am keeping my 8kx especially so that I am flying or sim racing. I still get very similar clarity and colour contrast but with a much larger FOV.

However I don't mind getting a G2 at all :) keep up the vids, great content and info for those having thoughts of upgrading.

@Johnny_Thunder - 29.11.2020 15:35

A lot of G1 users saying the G2 sweet spot is a lot worse. Not sure how you can say the opposite.

@ramarrie - 22.11.2020 02:12

Why not show how the controllers work, that is my beef with VR, the controllers, they should be like special gloves so you can touch with your fingers,......

@hudsonr.218 - 19.11.2020 18:24

What settings are you using in DCS with VR? I tried some VR with a quest 2 but my system just wasn't up to spec. I had a 1660 super and i5 2400. I now have a i5 9600k and I'm planning on getting a 1080ti or 3070. With my old system I could barely push 36 FPS on lowest settings. Your game looks pretty nice. Looks like maybe the shadows are turned off or on flat(can't tell because it looks like noon in the video). Could you also tell me your approximate FPS? Any thing below ~25 made me pretty motion sick.

@eddiegodfrey2538 - 17.11.2020 05:13

Love my G2 - got it in the mail the other day.

@TGM247 - 17.11.2020 03:05

films the video using 4k camera and uploads it in 1080p

@maznass - 15.11.2020 16:06

Why there is no pilot in this game? It will be more realistic. Now the cabin is empty and this is strange.

@davecbm6062 - 15.11.2020 12:52

I’m staying with G1 for now. Who knows what’s around the corner now VR is becoming more popular.

@jussivalter9707 - 15.11.2020 08:46

The only things I dont like with G1 is cable (style and length) and narrow controller tracking area. So these are the only things that are maybe worth to upgrade (i play roomscale). But 1000$...

@johnwillis1235 - 14.11.2020 22:04

Face book forcing me to sign into racebook to play on a device I paid for to make huge money off our personal info made my decision on the hp reverb g2 preorder. Social media is overstepping it's boundaries on free speech and needs to stop censorship. We need to be concerned about this. They have Monopoly of our personal communications and we need to object

@astrotube3967 - 14.11.2020 20:08

Good video - So when playing DCS with a VR headset, how do you activate buttons and switches when in VR - i tried it on my quest and couldn't figure out how to do it, so i ended up cancelling my G2 order.

@whitav8 - 14.11.2020 18:23

As far as clarity comparisons for G1 and G2, did you make sure that the SteamVR resolution (example 2160x2160) was set identically? And did you check to see that the GPU frametime was identical (as it should be)?

@waqidj - 14.11.2020 09:58

So the color and sweetest is bigger. I looked for blur on edge of screen and could not easily notice it in Iracing

@HarvickOne - 14.11.2020 07:27

I cancelled my G2 per order for a deluxe pimax 8KX or something better, 110 FOV just isn't good enough for flight sims, I appreciate the ability to see surroundings while looking forward

@Litanic - 14.11.2020 05:05

Somethings wrong! I keep throwing money at the screen, but nothings happening!

@1stkimstation_aka_iii.jg272 - 13.11.2020 16:31

Is a 2080ti with 11 Gigs enough for the G2 in DCS ?
Anyone ?

@IceBreak23 - 13.11.2020 14:37

the only headset i can get is G2 (because everything is dead, they don't sell anymore), so it's not bad actually, hope they release in my country because the first HP was selling here before so i am very excited for this headset, it will be my first VR, the first game i want to try is Half life Alyx

@evolicious - 13.11.2020 13:14

ehhhhh, not better than the index due to the 120-144hz making the vr experience just so much better, and it also doesn't have any SDE.
Pimax is a terrible kit to compare to anything, it's in a corner labeled "shit vr kits". I would say that G2 is the second best VR kit for a very good price that focuses on one thing, extreme clarity.
Anyone that is going to be playing DCS or MSF2020 in VR will need this kit.

@brysonite483 - 13.11.2020 04:31

I’ll stick with my index. Until true next gen VR releases. These incremental upgrades are not enough. Plus I don’t want to look through toilet paper roll FOV. Index is solid until then.

@bliglum - 13.11.2020 00:31

I'm coming from an Oculus CV1, with FAILING AUDIO, got a replacement which also failed, garbage... Looking forward to the upgrade!

Currently debating the G2, the Valve Index. And, the budget option, the Oculus Quest 2. Though, considering how the CV1 let me down, and FaceBook forced integrations, I'm leaning toward spending more!

@RichardAsberg - 12.11.2020 21:58

I have a question about the headphones, how can they be adjusted or can they even be removed like the G1's headphones if you don't want to use them?

@rcpilot9963 - 12.11.2020 21:56

Reverb G3 if they are going anytime to happen will be my first VR set in life. I am DCS and Condor Soaring Simulator V2 flyer. So far still on good old Track IR 5.

@SteveandLizDonaldson - 12.11.2020 19:03

Hello, all - we are looking for a VR flight sim that contains early aviation aircraft: Wright Flyer, Wright B, WW 1 biplanes for our museum guests once covid passes. Plug ins for DCS, etc? All hints and pointers welcome, as we are new to this. Many thanks!

@nonicknamenoname3450 - 12.11.2020 17:14

I always thought that 8KX is the best HMD in terms of far placed objects like everything in sims and so... i'm kinda interested if the G2 is really better?

@daddyspartanvr - 12.11.2020 13:24

It still amazes me how well you can read the text on the FCS page compared to the Rift S.

@IntotheBlueSimulations - 12.11.2020 13:14

For me, it's the adjustable IPD that's the game changer! I loved the clarity of my G1, but always experienced quite a bit of eye strain with it; I guess I wasn't blessed with an 'average' IPD ha. I also didn't find the G1 all that comfortable, especially over longer sessions. It was always a bit tight, whilst simultaneously not feeling all that secure.

Overall, looks like the G2 is evolutionarily rather than revolutionary, but if I can experience the same level of clarity, without any eye strain, I'll be a very happy customer!

Thanks for all the vids!
