How to Create an Online Booking Form in WordPress - Easy & Simple Solution!

How to Create an Online Booking Form in WordPress - Easy & Simple Solution!


2 года назад

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Tavy K.
Tavy K. - 25.07.2023 17:11

How about night calculation price? It seem that checkin date and check out is 5 days, how to calculate 2 rooms 5 night

Python for beginners
Python for beginners - 13.05.2023 14:42

How to send email if their appointment is booked or not once they submit their details

Lee Lee
Lee Lee - 06.04.2023 14:00

Hey, what about charging for services by the time.. like a massage for instant, how do I go about it?

Muhammad Yasin
Muhammad Yasin - 07.03.2023 15:01

Submit button should be disabled by default

Zahidul Fitri
Zahidul Fitri - 04.02.2023 13:53

Can wp ninja table show “available booking day” ? Integrate with it

Isaac Tanner-Dempsey
Isaac Tanner-Dempsey - 21.01.2023 05:03

Does this booking form connect with gcal to prevent double booking? I've got a unique situation where I want to offer one off tattoo designs. I'd like to show 4 random designs in the form and once the tattoo design is sold I'd like it removed from the options .

DarkEye-Vlogs - 30.12.2022 16:59

Hi i need some assistance

Zahidul Fitri
Zahidul Fitri - 16.12.2022 16:56

how to generate invoice if using this plugin?

Ujjwal Tyagi
Ujjwal Tyagi - 14.10.2022 14:54

I want to give edit option for customers to edit their names after registration, is it possible?

Laura Katschnig
Laura Katschnig - 11.10.2022 11:56

Thank you for the great video. Unfortunatley the form doesn't notice if the Check out date is befor the check in date. Can I set a rule, that the check out date is at least one day after the check in date? Thank you 🙂

Think Positive Way
Think Positive Way - 29.09.2022 22:34

quite interesting

KT - 22.09.2022 01:53

The thing is we are not into Paypal and our country isn't stripe friendly. All those payment methods ( razorpay, paystack, mollie) are not available here in the Phils. We have local payment method here in the Phils but cant be integrated in your form. How can i integrate it to fluent form?? it has plugin btw for woo :( Please help!!!

Yasir Jutt
Yasir Jutt - 16.08.2022 18:32

Hi can you please tell me how can I add text on the grand total

90tsvibe - 13.08.2022 19:20

i purchased the pro version and its absolute many errors..for example when you put payment summary in and custom design the layot for example some margin in the container, than the payment summary its not showing right in the mobil version....also you cant put a link in a button for just open a new website for you have to create a whole own website to work it propaly...this option its only availabe in the convertional form...i mean come on when you make a form you want just put easily a link, just like the convertainal form

Jasim Hussein
Jasim Hussein - 27.07.2022 01:41

Hello, thank you for this video, how can I showing to visitor, all my rooms are booked for today ?

Connor Wright
Connor Wright - 25.07.2022 12:43

are the dates dynamic across all of the booking forms, so if I book for certain dates on one form its doesn't change availability on other forms ?

Progga - 07.07.2022 08:21

The most important part is missing...

How to manage the incoming Appointments? I bought the plugin and there is no integrated Calendersystem which is a total bummer. I wanted to create a form with an actual calender in which customers could see which dates are already booked and pick the free dates. This is sadly not possible with fluent forms unless i oversaw something ...

Visualmodo - 15.06.2022 21:03

Very good content!

Manuel M
Manuel M - 10.06.2022 08:13

Well intentioned but not well thought out. Check out date can be earlier than check in date. Shouldn't be the case.

NRCM Web Design
NRCM Web Design - 10.06.2022 01:57

This is great BUT flawed. How is the form preventing double bookings? There isnt any managment beyond the form...

Richard Beezley
Richard Beezley - 09.06.2022 21:19

Great video! Can the bookings (form entries) be exported to be used in another system? If so can the export only export bookings from that form? For example you 5 events each with its own form and you need to keep the export separate.
