Fallout 4 Point Lookout Mod Part 1

Fallout 4 Point Lookout Mod Part 1

Tarnished Tony

55 лет назад

220 Просмотров

This is part 1 of my playthrough of the point lookout mod.
ive been looking forward to playing this for a long time. watch the whole playthrough on my channel!!!
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Fallout 4 Point Lookout Mod

here are the credits to the creators of the mod
Capital Wasteland Team
Special Thanks:
Joel Burgess: Lead Designer on the original Fallout 3 Point Lookout. Thanks for hanging out with us and answering some of our questions!

Additional Credits:
Kingtobbe: Models and textures for various clutter items, SetDressing, and workbench
Zanthir: QA Lead, Level Design, various Weapons, Turrets, several SetDressing models
NafNaf_95: CW Founder, Level Design
C411um13: Level Design
C1ph3rr (Elliot Donovan): Nuka Machine
Ares224 (Peter Nelke): Level Design
Ezra J. Wayne: Voice Acting Lead
Crow Bennett: Voice Acting Lead
Radbeetle: NPC faces, QA
erk: Level Design
Charlie Wilcher: 2d Art Lead, Animated Vault-boys for quests, Riverboat ticket
Devastatin' Dave (Jeremy Calvert): Animated Vault-boys for quests
MrCaputo (Pierluigi Caputo): Vault-boy icons
PuddleSoup: Animated Vault-boys for quests
Garwert: 2d Art, QA
McGriggles: Animated Vault-boy icons
JHeim: Some quest scripting for An Antique Land
Harold95: Many architecture assets, clutter items
Junders: Various Kits used for interiors
rdtg: Level Design
Medicaledical: Double-barrel Shotgun, Hazmat Suit and several pieces of SetDressing
Sergey Neiss feat. Luiza Carvalho: Music - instrumental intro sequence
Nihito: SetDressing, Textures
Kalib: Various SetDressing models
Ryce Kaeks: Various SetDressing models
xgamer468: Metal Armor model and textures
Roebot56: QA
StarCornet: QA
Dead Sirious: QA
XV-Versus: QA
SikSikSikki: Capital Wasteland Logos

Voice Actors:
khobis (Taher Chy): Desmond Lockheart
Richard San Miguel: Professor Calvert
Zane Schacht: Obadiah Blackhall, Bruiser/Tracker
Johnny Penney: Plik
Rick: Scrapper/Creeper
Haggler: Brawler
Bella Berkus: Nadine
Faith Dowgin: Catherine
Ryan Lay: Tobar
Kirstin Pace: Panada, Marguerite, Generic Female Dialogue
Trace Callahan: Marcella
Jess PS: Caroline Saunders
Su Ling Chan: Chinese Spy (unnamed)
T0nik: Dead Pilot
DanteFettman: Jackson
Marcus Rothenberg: Haley
Abraham Hale: Croatoa
Ezra J. Wayne: John Adlam
Harry Shapiro: Jimson
Geremy Ferland: Tribals
JettyBee VA: Tribals, Rip Smithy
JonE_Cookieske: Generic Male Dialogue, Jacob Humboldt
This mod is dedicated to Kingtobbe, who was a founder of the Point Lookout project.


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