Lucy (2014) - Brain usage 100% - Cool/Epic Scenes [1080p]

Lucy (2014) - Brain usage 100% - Cool/Epic Scenes [1080p]

Kimer Lorens

7 лет назад

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@KimerLorens - 07.09.2017 02:11

"They said I can be anything... So i became a flashdrive."

@sagarchakraborty2928 - 13.12.2023 22:45

In the movie Lucy, the lady time travels in past, in which she first interacts with the Dinosaurs of probably Cretaceous period, then she travels in further past to witness The Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis) from Neogene Period, which technically is way earlier than the Cretaceous period, so tell me was that a cinematic blunder or there's some another angle in it?

From my level of comprehension, the only justification i can derive is that possibly while she teleports from the old American Cretaceous land to the African Belt where the Lucy lived long back, she experienced a time travel glitch, in which she travelled bit forward in time i.e. from Cretaceous period to Neogene period for a short while before finally travelling way farther in Past i.e. Early Stage of Earth's formation etc. Can this be a Screenplay Justification?

Do Share Your Opinion on this.

@jomeyer13 - 11.12.2023 23:01

so if we war and kill each other off the planet through war disease and planet deteriation. and bombs nuclear. then what. so the man kind will know more and thsoe cant happen knowlege will prevent man from dying out,. I take peace in that knowledge would help...... save man.... or man living as lucy became. ??

@DonCori8 - 11.12.2023 14:49

Moral of the story: return to monke

@BadmintonBoy-oo2eb - 10.12.2023 21:25

The only thing u need is upgrade your system 😂 which is hard to tell 🎉

@BadmintonBoy-oo2eb - 10.12.2023 21:23

Not like that haha 😂

@Artem_Petrov_RUS - 09.12.2023 21:32

The only cool in this movie was Morgan Freeman. His acting skills allow him to appear in any stupid movie, like a king who walks into a musty bar and the beer in it becomes a little fresher.

@swcomputerind - 09.12.2023 16:21

I bet it has 16 GB capacity on it. Oh i almost forgot, don't turn off your antivirus,

@healingwisdom9402 - 09.12.2023 05:42

Guys hear God speak through me on this, consider this text, this response, these words on your screen, a message from God.

God has never known what it is like to be alone, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, These three are one, HE has always dwelt in community with Himself, HE has always dwelt in Love, therefore He is Love.

1. You are a spirit,

2.who has a mind, awareness or perception, you know who you are and you are alive, and you know that within yourself. And these two who are one live within your

3. physical body.

You are triune oneness, yes you are made in the image of God.

Genesis 1 vs 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

What did satan use to destroy the human race? DEATH.. we are all going to die some day. So what did GOD ALMIGHTY do? He made Himself relatable to His creation, HE came down in the form of a man, the very beings, the very people, the very race He was going to save, HE came down in that form, lives a perfect life, a sinless life, and conquers death, when HE ROSE from the dead He proved that HE conquered death, That He is more powerful than death itself. We all want to live life GOOD, but does anybody live the way they should?

He died so we can live, and even when you eat food something has to die so you can live, nothing in this universe is eternal, only God is, even fresh spring water begins to breed bacteria if it is left stagnant. Everything must flow. HE, LORD JESUS is the fuel source of the universe. Without Him, we die and exist in hell forever as God does not put humans being in hell, sins put people in hell. God will never lower His standards to allow anybody who has not be born again into His Heavenly home as He cannot lie or perform error. No matter how much He Loves you. Now watch this, satans kingdom is all around us, in the form of video games, alcohol, drugs, sexual sins, lust, sex before marriage, anger, jealousy envy bitterness, unforgiveness... the list goes on, you will die some day, so will, all God is saying to you is,


@samme-nlardorisepolle1685 - 07.12.2023 20:44

Wow! Thrilling! Throws more light on our ever changing world dating back to creation according to Bible scriptures.

@mikeyates7931 - 06.12.2023 05:13

Is it just me , or is this movie really , really , really stupid ?
I would have expected an actor like , Morgan Freeman to pick his roles far better than this
- I think the time has come for him to hang it up and call it a day

@kahlessncc - 02.12.2023 10:31

Assim, Mulher de Macho

@efiltej - 30.11.2023 19:40

So us as humans can’t use 100% of our brain because if it were possible than all of us would be gods and humans wouldn’t need to exist. God gave us the power to ONLY us 20% of our cerebral capacity because he knew that would be the most reasonable and logical. And since we’ve been giving the gift to use 20% it’s still amazing what us as humans were able to create with only 20%. Buildings, cars, art, planes, music, machines, etc. All I want to say it thank god for everything. And God bless y’all.

@John_R_Jackson_III - 30.11.2023 03:48

I’ve done this before on a heroic dose of DMT

@ETERNALMEE - 29.11.2023 11:35

The ten percent theory was first introduced after conducting experiments on mouse, since they share same brain structure as us. The observation was that how we have trillions of neurons, but we only use a small fraction of them. Even if we use 100 million neurons, still its a small fraction. Like we have gustatory receptors for taste, most of neurons of gustatory receptors weren't responding, hence there function was unidentified. So we don't know what much else we could have felt while eating, if all neurones of gustatory receotor responded. It's just a small example. But it's with every type of part of brain. People we call intelligent, their neurones response more, that's why they could easily capture a explanation, while other don't understand. The conclusion is that we use a snall fraction, a 10%of our total neurones. But its not precise. Its approximate. The movie lousie is just an assumption that what much a person can do if he uses all his neuron power, or so called brain power. Hence, the 10% thing is not a myth. But rather a approximately true assumption

@oberstvilla1271 - 26.11.2023 21:51

How much acid does one need for such a trip?

@bussi7859 - 26.11.2023 09:51

To be realistic, any USA citizen is not even using 1% of its brain,

@giancarlof.5323 - 24.11.2023 23:33


@vineetpansari441 - 23.11.2023 18:09

Aab yeah movie tum bnana

@ricaard - 22.11.2023 15:04

Well, THIS is beyond the Avengers' paygrade.

@anthonyriley8814 - 22.11.2023 13:45

That seen 👨‍💻👇👆🙊 I'm like, "Cuzzin?"😅

@relaxedguy - 21.11.2023 21:11

Never seen enlightenment depicted so well.

@whateverwhatever4026 - 21.11.2023 13:31

....And then she went on to seduce and kidnap lonely men as a naked alien.

@whateverwhatever4026 - 21.11.2023 13:29

So only Native Americans. And monkeys can see her?

@batvette - 21.11.2023 06:22

The look on morgans face at the end reacting to the bad guys question was awesome... Reflecting knowing assurance, contempt, and pity all at once.

@christat5336 - 20.11.2023 16:36

No dimensions only illusion of it

@HC-cb4yp - 18.11.2023 21:11

Her abilities only make sense if the universe is a simulation.

@user-cc6kd5ye9y - 18.11.2023 14:49

Nobody can manipulate time or stop it. travel back might be possible (Einstein) but only from X moment onwards

@MrRaziel25 - 18.11.2023 14:39

does anyone notice on the flashdrive how it looks like space? it looks soo cool:)

@cvfine2640 - 15.11.2023 19:00

I really wanna know is it possible in real life?

@bharatk1955 - 15.11.2023 11:45

I wonder if any country would agree to send me as a volunteer on an endless journey into space never to return.

@JoaovitorRamos-hd3yn - 15.11.2023 04:32

Simplification of the movie: she turn into the universe

@mboadiboadi3552 - 10.11.2023 22:16

She saw both beginning and end. Whilst in the midst of time. She can possibly see the beginning of the whole universe.

@TrueSpider-Man - 08.11.2023 08:50

2014 was perhaps the most interesting year for cinema imo

@freedomphilsgood2007 - 08.11.2023 08:40

The best of us is everywhere!

@bradorndorff-tn5zx - 07.11.2023 20:05

Must have been an extra heavy dose of Amanita Muscaria.

@Gpeidav - 07.11.2023 18:32

I get exactly how she is feeling

@zoickn - 06.11.2023 18:33

Type A???
We are on Type C!!!

@bettycrispy397 - 04.11.2023 03:33

This movie was one of the most beautiful movies I’ve ever seen. It should overwhelm you. It should bring tears to your eyes. You can’t catch your breath.

@barryt2666 - 02.11.2023 20:23

I like the recognizable take of the creator's touch between Lucy 1 & Lucy 2, like a rip from the Sistine Chapel! 😉

@barryt2666 - 02.11.2023 20:19

Hey, the chair worked for "Contact"!

@shaylethorne2387 - 30.10.2023 01:23

This movie should end with it all being a drug hazed hallucination and shes on the plane to wherever with the drugs.

@vorabee1847 - 26.10.2023 06:03

I remember, the first time I saw this scene, I started crying. It was a weird sense of....something similiar to the emotion "world pain" ... hard to explain...

@zaak403 - 23.10.2023 17:46

Well she obviously couldnt see a lot into the future or else she would have givesn that flasdrive as type c and not type a.

@katiescroggins5692 - 22.10.2023 16:26

Luke 24:51 While he blessed them, he parted from them and was carried up into heaven.?.....Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up and struck the water with it. The water divided to the right and to the left, and the two of them crossed over on dry ground.
When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, "Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?" "Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit," Elisha replied.
"You have asked a difficult thing," Elijah said, "yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours--otherwise not."
As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.
Elisha saw this and cried out, "My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!" And Elisha saw him no more. Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them apart.
He picked up the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan.

@katiescroggins5692 - 22.10.2023 16:15

she became one with the primordial source just like all the great sages have in this world from Jesus to Muhammad to buddha to all of them. we are looking for the answers outside us when they are in us!

@MV1-zt5yz - 22.10.2023 04:48


@DaniloMasiello-lp6pv - 21.10.2023 23:42

