Chris Hutchins, a former Google employee and the CEO of financial planning company Grove, has earned more than 10 million credit card points over the last decade. He's a self-proclaimed credit card points optimizer who has 16 credit cards and tailors nearly every expense to each card to maximize points earned.
Chris hit his original goal of 1 million points give years ago. Ever since he's been working toward his next milestone, which he officially hit this month.
His credit card points total changes month to month as Chris and his wife Amy redeem points for various travel adventures. Credit card rewards allow them to travel to locations like Europe, India, Egypt, Japan, and Bora Bora.
The average person has around three credit cards, but Hutchins has 16 and a credit score of 817. Amy has several cards in her name as well. While working at Google he would volunteer to pay for happy hours and off-site bookings knowing that he would later be reimbursed.
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How One Man Earned 10 million Credit Card Points
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