Meniere's Disease vs BPPV (how to tell the difference)

Meniere's Disease vs BPPV (how to tell the difference)

Gordon Physical Therapy

10 месяцев назад

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@SARGSLIM - 15.08.2023 02:27

I'd like to thank you because your videos helped me figure what ear and canal my BPPV was in and what positions to resolve it, I did not have nystagmus which was strange though.

@Bernadette.Tolentino - 15.08.2023 17:13

Hey Luke, Great contents! I sent you an email. I look forward to your reply. Thank you.

@Divy91311 - 17.08.2023 09:06

Hey Dr Gordon , really nice video! I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and also make a highly engaging Thumbnail which will help your video to reach to a wider audience .

@alexalexander9434 - 10.09.2023 15:30

Hi Gordon thank you for all of your content.
Can you please give me some advice?

One month ago I - 27M woke up after my BJJ training with extreme dizziness on standing and turning in bed with ass. severe nausea. This is my first ever episode!! I had horizontal nystagmus on the dixhallpike test (head rotated to right). At this stage I was unaware of the complexities of treating BPPV so did the elpey manurer in which my eyes beat rapidly when turned to the right and at a much slower pace when turned left. 10 minutes after the elpey I felt relief and there was no nystagmus upon repeating the dixhallpike. I had some disequilibrium remaining.
One week ago I experienced another dizziness episode after a BJJ training and performed the epley and experienced symptom relief. Since then I have been feeling dizzy on sudden head movements particularly in the mornings. I have no nystagmus on the dixhallpike and have done the epley several times with little symptom improvement.

Based on your videos I believe I initially had horizontal BPPV which was most likely the variant in which the crystal is stuck to the cubical where the correct manoeuvre should have been to do a BBQ role or Gufoni. However now I do not have any nystagmus and am unsure what to do.

@jenacoker9472 - 25.09.2023 19:52

I have been dealing with both of these symptoms for YEARS off and on and now I have permanent hearing damage and wear hearing aids. I have a new doctor that will hopefully give me a referral to an ENT doctor who knows what they are doing because I think I may have both. My symptoms go back 10 years maybe longer. It's been a challenging journey that's for sure.

@AnkitaSingh-lw6ll - 15.10.2023 10:12

Once bppv has been treated with eplay and vertigo been gone, can i return to normal routine like doing basic yoga???

@ray.hana. - 17.10.2023 15:13

Hey Gordon, just wanted to say thanks for your super helpful video on vertigo. It really helped me understand what I went through when I had my first episode recently. I was so scared, thought I was dying! Ended up going to the ER and got prescribed Betaserc. Quick question for you: I'm planning to get the seasonal influenza shot next week. Do you think it's safe to take Betaserc and get the vaccine? Thanks again for all your awesome content!

@joellebenvenuto - 24.10.2023 07:30

I have been diagnosed with BPPV but I don’t have all those eyes movements… I’m dizzy simply when I walk and turn my head right or left or when I move faster… my balance is definitely not great those days. Can you tell me if this sounds like something else? I have a hard time getting an appointment at this point.

@mariaicarey6762 - 15.11.2023 17:52

I do the , half summersault vertigo exercise to help control it.

@scottbramley1778 - 18.11.2023 06:09

So I had a sudden massive vertigo episode (1st one ever) just over a month ago. My eyes went like pinballs & I couldn't walk without holding the walls & ended up in A&E as I had no idea what was happening at the time. The DR did the Epley maneuver but it didn't work & even now my balance is still off when I move my head. My eyes aren't shaking now but don't really feel like they're 100% again. Sounds like I have symptoms that cover both situations. I'll be going to an ENT Dr to see if there is anything else going on.

@Dmon_Th2 - 01.01.2024 12:26

Think I have both lucky I'm seeing a vestibular physio is a few days

@sripriyashankar5570 - 04.01.2024 08:49

Hello, my initial symptoms 3 years ago was that i felt dizzy if I kept looking down in the kitchen for long time cutting vegetables or while looking down while having a meal. Last year I had kept my head back for few hours during a prolonged meeting and my head started spinning, the surroundings did not spin but I felt that I was moving and my symptoms have not fully gone yet..Still have residual light headedness and I also have a feeling always that my ears are filled with liquid. Rarely tinnitus symptoms but I get it few times in one ear and I get pain behind that ear if I work with my laptop for more time. Should I go to my ENT or Vestibular PT for this?

@TheOfficialFF - 02.02.2024 15:26

Hi! I have been diagnosed with BPPV by my doctor and my ORL (French name for the specialist of the ear). Both saw a nystagmus. The second did a Semont Maneuver. Then, one week later, I saw a physical therapist that did an other maneuver but he didn't saw the nystagmus anymore. For him, it was actually a good sign, and it was the end. The problem it's nothing change since the beginning. I never had one vertigo, only a weird dizzyness (it's moving inside me only) when I'm moving all the time. I feel like I'm on a cloud (drunk) and, something is pulling me in a way or in other. I had more tinnitus than before, at least one at two a day, very short. And after seeing the physical therapist, I had the weird felling that my ear was clogged, then fine, then cloggeg, then fine... for a full day. I'm going to see a specialist center on vertigo in the month with a lot of equipment but I'm curious to know how quickly those maneuvers are supposed to work with a BPPV and how powerfull and long is supposed to be a vertigo for a Meniere's Disease. I'm also curious about PPPD. Thanks

@Graigmartins - 11.02.2024 19:16

Right From the onset I have always believe on natural herbs and truly I was right by my instinct after using Dr Madida herbal treatment for myself against Meniere disease and Parkinson disease, believe me that this treatment put an end to my illness and I am completely free from Ear ringing, imbalance, Vertigo, tremors, rigid muscles, difficulty to the walk and eat myself, brain fog and many more was all gone. I am completely fine and strong now, I must thank God and Dr Madida for coming to my aid🙏🙏🙏.

@lex_hayes - 15.02.2024 17:03

This is weird. A physio did the Epsley Manoeuvre on me and my eyeballs went nuts and he says it's BPPV. But I've been off balance for months like I'm rocking on a boat day and night. Nothing in particular makes it really worse except for bending forward and looking up. It lasts all day long. I have bad tinnitus in my ear and an audiologist just found moderate hearing loss as well. I feel lop sided all the time and it's like there's a disconnect between my body and brain. Nothing makes it better although I don't seem to notice it so much when I'm in a car. Didn't have a fall or hit my head and don't have a history of vestibular neuritis or vestibular migraine. .... But that Epsley Manoeuvre sent my body into sickening spiraling torture for 30-40 seconds. Then when he finally sat me up I was a lot better than when I went in. The next day my balance wasn't as good as the night before but wasn't as bad as before I saw the guy. Then today he did it a second time and it wasn't as horrific when he dropped my head down as the first time but then when I sat up today I wasn't any better. I felt better after the first time than the second time today. He's doing it again next week..... It doesn't explain my tinnitus and hearing loss and my continual feeling of being off balance.... Some days it's worse than others and when it's bad I can hardly even think and I vomit. Then I can't eat. Then keeping down water gets hard. I start to get dehydrated and then I get diarrhoea. With all that going on I can't sleep at all in the night so I get a headache as well. My eyes start to water and sting and I become super sensitive to light and in the end I don't leave my BSC until it improves and in the meantime I spiral into depression and maybe then a few days later when it finally improves a bit I find I've also lost 5-6kg....

@kirvannn - 23.02.2024 18:58

what is the difference between meniere and sshl?

@keeganstevens4467 - 24.02.2024 05:02

Love the vestibular videos!

@BessBurton - 07.04.2024 18:39

My grandmother and aunt both have menieres and I have ear fullness but my ent says I have bppv. I’m wondering if I should get another opinion.

@beverlybasden2648 - 06.06.2024 09:08

Thank you!
