2.790 Items Declutter  | Played the Minimalism Game for the 6th TIME!

2.790 Items Declutter | Played the Minimalism Game for the 6th TIME!

Bea Minimalista

55 лет назад

70,101 Просмотров

Need to declutter but find the process hard and boring?
🎯 There's a game about to change everything for you!
💪 Are you up for the challenge?

🗓 Minimalism Game Calendar:
---) https://ko-fi.com/s/d980e0b4cb

📹 Watch this next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0sjglZ6Dsk


Let's connect
❤️ Support me — https://ko-fi.com/beaminimalista
📸 Instagram — instagram.com/beaminimalista
✉️ Business mail — [email protected]

DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION? - Don't hesitate on asking in the comment section and I will do my best to reply asap!


⏰ Timecodes ⏰
00:00 - Intro
00:29 - What is the minimalism game?
01:36 - A bit of my story
03:59 - The Minimalism Game
09:12 - Conclusion

In this video, Bea shares an important step in her minimalism journey: Playing the Minimalism Game for the 6TH TIME!
Spoiler alert: Things might get a bit personal in this video.

#minimalism #decluttering #declutter #30dayschallenge #30daysminimalismgame #minimalismgame #minsgame



#minimalism #minimalistjourney #30_days_minimalism_game #mins_game #minimalism_game #declutter #declutter_game #I_got_rid_of_it_all #get_rid_of_it_all #extreme_minimalism #ultra_minimalism
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