Who Were The Cumans (KCD Bad Guys) - Kingdom Come Deliverance History

Who Were The Cumans (KCD Bad Guys) - Kingdom Come Deliverance History

Parry This

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@AJ-lq3jz - 18.01.2024 08:26

Henry of Skalitz soloed them.

@taasch2505 - 15.01.2024 14:05

I was actually dropping them like flies in 1v1 as Teresa. I killed the guy guarding the mine. He has a hunting blade or w/e. Totally wrecks these guys. I get through their defenses quickly and shut them down.

@Valkyraw - 06.01.2024 18:56

"ethnic origin was unkown due to them having fair skin blonde hair and blue eyes"
no, its not unknown, this is just western stigma. western ignorance thinking no one outside of europe can have these features.
Cumans were Turks, not "UNKNOWN".

@JangoChained - 04.01.2024 11:20

As a Balkan Turk I really enjoyed this one. It sometimes surprises people when they learn there are caucassian (white) looking Turks. But we existed ever since Attila first stepped foot into the Balkans and some say even before that. Since Turks originate from Siberia (according to some sources) we look more caucassian than other Asian people. Not to mention how we mixed with the local Slav, Thracian, East Germanic population. This was really well detailed, great job man.

@serhaneroglu5402 - 02.01.2024 20:57

The settlement of Cuman Turks in Anatolia by the Byzantine Empire greatly helped the Seljuk Turks who later entered Anatolia to Turkify Anatolia.

@harkonzwarte - 25.12.2023 01:37


@balporsugu7046 - 23.12.2023 00:51


@sever8351 - 25.11.2023 17:54

Peçenekler + Kuman Kipçaklar + Oguzlar + Türkmenler ( müslüman oguzlar ) = YÜRÜK.
10-11-12-13. Yüzyıllarda Balkanlara gelen: Peçenek, Kuman, Uz Türklerinin Yörüklerle ilgisi olabilir. Bu Türkler Anadolu'daki Türk yayılışına karşı Bizans ordusunda paralı askerlik yapmış ve çeşitli yörelere yerleştirilmişlerdir.

Bu Türk boyları, Bizans ve Slavlarla savaşmış, ancak kendi aralarında da anlaşıp birleşemedikleri için kalıcı bir devlet kuramamışlardır. Peçenek ve Uz Türkleri, Bizans Ordusunda paralı askerlik yapmış, ancak 1071 Malazgirt Savaşında Selçuklu Ordusunun Türk olduğunu anlayınca: Alparslan’ın tarafına geçerek, savaşın kaderini değiştirmişlerdir.

Bizanslılar; bu Türk Boylarının bir bölümünü: Anadolu'nun bazı yerlerine (Örneğin: Toroslar, İç Anadolu ve Çukurova’ya) yerleştirmişlerdir. Anadolu’nun İslamlaştırılıp Türkleştirilmesi sırasında Yörük boyları, Anadolu’nun her tarafına yayıldı. Bir kısmı yerleşik hayata geçerek "Türkmen" ve "Yatuk" adları almış.[1][2][3][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27] Bir kısmı da göçebe hayatını sürdürüp "Yörük" ismiyle anıldı. Osmanlıların Rumeli’ye geçişinden sonra Yörüklerin önemli bir bölümü de Rumeli’ye göç ettirildi.

Yörüklerin arasında bir Kıpçak cemaati olan Horzum aşireti ise 1230’da Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti Sultanı Alaeddin Keykubat’ın Celâleddin Harzemşah’ı mağlup etmesinden sonra Anadolu’nun çeşitli bölgelerine yayılmış ve Batı Anadolu’da horzumlu ismiyle yaşamaya devam etmiş olan göçebe bir Oğuz-Kıpçak cemaatidir. Bu aşiret, bölgede Peçin, Muğla, Köyceğiz ve Bozöyük’te meskûndur H. 923’te (1517) bölgede yaşayan horzum oymağı, 1318 haneye ve 7590 nüfusa sahiptir. Harzemşahlar’ın göçebe Kıpçak boylarıyla ilişkileri, Selçukluların Kıpçaklarla olan ilişkisinden daha fazla idi. Bölge ağzındaki Kıpçakça unsurları bu oymak temsil etmektedir.

Macaristan'a yerleşmiş 7 Kuman kabilesinden biri olan Olaş boyu (Uladjogli-Ulaşoğlu), Oğuz-Kıpçak savaşı sonrası Oğuzlara katılmışlardır. Bunlardan Anadolu'ya göçen Ulaş kabilesinden olanlar, geleneklerinin ve halk sanatlarının bir kısmını korumayı başarmışlardır. Olaş adının mânâsı ise “Birleşmiş”, “İttifak yap” olan Olaştır.

Ulaşlar-Ulaşlı-Ulaş isimli yerleşim yerlerinin Bulunduğu iller ise : İçel, Ankara, Tekirdağ, Tokat, Muğla, Artvin, Sivas, Kocaeli, Nevşehir, Mardin, Gaziantep, Siirt, Bolu, Kütahya olmak üzeredir. Macar müzik adamı  Béla Bartók 1936 yılında derleme yapmak amacı ile Toroslar'da Ulaş soyundan gelen Yörük köylerine gitmiş Ulaş Yörük köylerinde dinlediği türkülerin Macar Halk Müzikleri ile benzediğini fark etmiştir, dinlediği Türkülerin benzeri Slavlar'da,Yunanlar'da, Rumenler'de yoktur. Araştırmalara göre Macar Halk Müziğinin 1000 Yıldan daha genç bir Türk etkisi vardır, bu miras ise Macaristan'a göçen Kumanların mirasıdır.[2

@kbewm7183 - 24.11.2023 10:53

K-hantay.... Very inventive

@MIHAELASIMONA - 10.11.2023 11:00

I made my family tree years ago and then psihogenealogy. I'm romanian, but my origins are not so romanian( dacian and roman mixt). In the area where my great great grandparents lived( Valahia or Muntenia) are so many places or people with the name Coman, Comana, Cotmeana. In our history books are just mentioned, but no one says about them, about their strong influence in South Europe and Balkans.

@Dolnoboy_57 - 05.11.2023 02:37

Yes, for foreigners to pronounce the word"Polovsci" In Russian

@irvingsamsonsmithdeanda9126 - 04.11.2023 22:45

The Kipschaks, also known as the Polovets.

@amanatkulyshov2930 - 30.10.2023 08:31

My Ancestors 🐺🇰🇿

@Meserbee - 19.10.2023 13:08

If Cumans still influence groups in the lands they once occupied isn't it possible they are being confronted in the war in Ukraine? That Putin has taken the initiative to rule out a threat while still securing land they also once ruled from Moscow. The problem is Moscow and Cumans are influencers and seem to take a lot of credit for a history only known when something crazy happens and a country is invaded right after the Olympic Games? Who is on the inside taking credit for everything? Not the US. The US is not allowed to. These guys are making laws and not listening to anyone who reminds them -- you lie and hide too much. I think that is the problem.

@Meserbee - 19.10.2023 12:34

A critical component for change is a wild card, who goes unnoticed, and has already established itself to be known by the ones counting on them. The male ego at work...

@xTheJmanChannel - 17.10.2023 00:51

"Khahante", its Kha-nate

@mangal_tadinda - 17.10.2023 00:41

they are not bad guys they are mercenarys doing mercenary things as well others like europeans

@da_cat - 03.10.2023 10:06

Wow i never heard about this side of history from the Hungarians, funny how they omit to mention they lost to the Mongols because they betrayed their only ally in the middle of the battle ... 🤣

@verde629 - 14.09.2023 17:33

Weren’t Hungarians from the Huns who were also a horde people as well?

@willkiecana3413 - 04.09.2023 15:42

You also forgot to mention that they aren’t humans. At least KCD doesn’t count them as humans😭 They’re literally tracked differently because Henry hates them so much.

@anti-citixen-9852 - 25.08.2023 21:20

Khanahtey, lol.

@rockefeller...4020 - 25.08.2023 18:02

The Polovtsians are not a Mongol-like wild people, this people initially takes their genes from the great Scythians, I myself am a Ukrainian with Kazakh roots, our great-grandfathers fought with the Mongols for a very long time, unfortunately they were defeated because the Mongol army was very big and great, but our ancestors fought bravely and with dignity and many Polovtsian tribes, especially the eastern ones, remained under the rule of the Mongols of the Genghisids and the rest fled to the west to Europe and south to Egypt where they were able to create a very large Mamaluk army and then the Polovtsy took revenge on them for the blood of our murdered great-grandfathers in many cases they are mercenaries in the course of all the stories entering Europe than Asia and I repeat once again that I am not a Slav I am a Turkic Kipchak But Russian by nationality I have Ukrainian and Kazakh roots and also Finnish we have never been savages all these are sterotypes just in many stories we are described as Vikings because we are in many battles always dominated as well as the Scythians this is the only Aryan race it was from the Scythians that the Aryans came out do not forget this

@darvasszilard9245 - 09.08.2023 12:49

@parrythis its need to be mentioned that they are still living in countie
s in hungary, it is useful information because there is no native hungarians in the country just the language is common in us, (like UK)

@ShiningForce07 - 09.08.2023 00:36

well a few things to add. in Hungary even novadays there are 2 counties which has got the name Kun/Cuman in it were privileged territories for a few centuries.

@aaaler4610 - 07.08.2023 12:37


@henryofskalitz2 - 02.08.2023 13:13

The cumans slaughtered my village bro

@Nemesis64710 - 02.08.2023 12:57

music is too loud

@hundkebab2433 - 01.08.2023 17:01

don't care, no cuman hostages

@keremcatkin5804 - 28.07.2023 21:00

yes this is good everyone thinks they are hungarian or slav BUT THEY ARE TURKİC

@onur7666 - 19.07.2023 16:24

The common name of all of them is Turkish 🇹🇷🇰🇿🇺🇿🇦🇿🇰🇬

@onur7666 - 19.07.2023 16:22

Kumanlar türk 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 Kıpçak türkü

@tatarcavalry2342 - 11.07.2023 09:15

So for clearing some things in comments, the term Turk came after Scyhtians and Huns mixed so Turks were half Europeans from the start that's why old Karakhanid kurgans have around %20 North European genetics and Huns were Huns not Indo Europeans they are more close to Mongols and Magyars,Cumans are Turkic.

@captaincosmopolitan5163 - 04.07.2023 02:00

They coomed all over us and thats when we knew they were the Cumans. Never have we witnessed such coom from any Cuman befor eour eyes.
-Mongol survivor who was coomed by the Cumans

@makoado6010 - 28.06.2023 11:21

in hunagry there is a lot city and village what contain a "kun" like kiskunfélegyháza this is where they live even today.

@ayhanfedai5013 - 23.06.2023 16:19

the word "shaman" is a bastardization of word "kaman" by russian historians. im from north bulgaria half turk and half tatar family we use "buba" instead of "baba" unlike turks from turkey for father . maybe cumans were using word kuman for kamans which refer to their religions

@LoomisPC - 18.06.2023 09:40

Did they cum more than humans?

@aldy9721 - 17.06.2023 20:22

im sorry but your abhorrent pronunciation of basically everything in the video forced me to stop watching, please stop making videos if you dont bother to at least learn how to prononuce the words.

@adamoneil5317 - 10.06.2023 05:59

It's not really that confusing that they had blond hair and blue eyes. They were probably the remnants of groups like the Scythians and other Indo-European people who originate from the Eurasian Steppe. In fact, all modern Europeans descend from steppe people at least partially.

@lohengrinoath9906 - 07.06.2023 11:55

There was no Ukraine before 1922.

@raiperez2 - 06.06.2023 14:05

So basically eastern European vikings right? That's hella cool haha

@icedteacatfish - 05.06.2023 02:22


@Caeruleus_Legio_88_66 - 04.06.2023 17:51

No yankees they were not "your favorite colour".

@jahonten5 - 17.05.2023 21:40

You should rehearse this beforehand so it’s not so stuttery

@thenyfbgiants7 - 09.05.2023 20:54


@Tier1Norseman - 08.05.2023 00:40

It is interesting to see that they hybrid armor themselves like Vikings/Khans. And almost act the same as Vikings when it comes to pillaging.

@yess___smiracle1168 - 28.04.2023 21:14

Kumyks from the North Caucasus. Cuman language Kipchak with Oguz dialect as well as Kumyk language.

@yaqubebased1961 - 24.04.2023 14:06

Seeing their warmasks and their design in general made me want an RPG set in Ancient Iran so bad
