Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


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david wescott
david wescott - 16.11.2023 04:21

But what about Ukraine?! Lol, the Hamas attack happened just in time to cover for the failure that is the Russian, Ukraine war. It’s soooo obvious that the military industrial complex has complete control of our government. It’s big business, it continues to work out like a play.

Andrea Stegosaurus
Andrea Stegosaurus - 16.11.2023 04:21

Thank you John Oliver and your team.

Brian Linehan
Brian Linehan - 16.11.2023 04:18

Trudeau is Casto’s son

JSB - 16.11.2023 04:16

Wow…. Shame on you John Oliver for your anti-Israel bias

M A R - 16.11.2023 04:16

Shame on biden for backing that butcher Bibi

Ra dia
Ra dia - 16.11.2023 04:13


A M - 16.11.2023 04:11

"mostly civilians" isn't the list of names of the dead 60% IDF?

Mary Gammon
Mary Gammon - 16.11.2023 04:03

Brilliant explanation of the division in the long term situation

Shannon Evans
Shannon Evans - 16.11.2023 04:01

Safety through strength are on signs behind traitor at his Nazi rallies.

Yarden Sade
Yarden Sade - 16.11.2023 04:00

After listening to you for 30 minutes, only to say that "cease fire must be the first step" means you clearly don't understand anything about the solution here. A ceasefire the is the absolute worst future for both sides, it's always easier when you have not lived a single a day under a war.

Naoufal Ch
Naoufal Ch - 16.11.2023 03:59

16/11/2023 laseem israil soljear mahuth 🔥

Steven Anter
Steven Anter - 16.11.2023 03:59

This is not a conflict between Israel and palestine
Rather between netanyahu's likud and hamas

sth60 - 16.11.2023 03:55

This comment section seriously reflects why the conflict is on going and the problems with society. There are many here who are sympathetic to the innocent and there are also many who have said very unproductive comments on things considering the conflict that John addresses but they clearly didn't listen to what he said or are heavily biased in their opinion so they ignore the facts that were just given to them. Understand what is your opinion and what is a fact and learn to differentiate the two.

Amrel Archer
Amrel Archer - 16.11.2023 03:54

as Jon Stewart said “It is of to no benefit to anyone, except the Palestinians, that the conflict be resolved which is why it is not resolved.”

Israel, Hamas, USA, Arab Peninsula - all of them have their own agendas in keeping the conflict going. This is the reason the Palestinians had to continue to be victimised.

ronnieorr10 - 16.11.2023 03:54

BBC are liers and pro Hamas …

Shailendra Bhandari
Shailendra Bhandari - 16.11.2023 03:54

I prefer watching John oliver for providing facts. Thank you

Zainab N Termos
Zainab N Termos - 16.11.2023 03:53

you don't want to talk about the history of the conflict but you are talking about the west story about Hamas.. "Israel" is an occupation that killed the Palestinians over the years while every member of Hamas lost his land, family and even his dignity, they are a resistance that have the right to attack their enemy. You want to manipulate the truth and show that Hamas are the bad guys then shame on you.. It's not funny and it's disgusting that after all these years you still call the occupation a "state" but you call the land owners and resistance "terrorists" ..

ronnieorr10 - 16.11.2023 03:52

Sad to hear that John Oliver is only telling one side of the story ..
Sad … very sad .. love how he says he doesn’t want to discuss the history but defends Hamas for trying to make life easier on its own people …sad

Jaime Tumbas
Jaime Tumbas - 16.11.2023 03:52

Everyone is really noble until their friends and families are horribly killed. I wonder how sympathetic you people would be to the Palestinians if you came home and found your wife and baby torn to pieces.
Don't talk to me about propaganda. We've all seen the videos of Hamas terrorists killing those kids at that rave. Typical Muslims. They want to destroy joy and freedom wherever they find it.

DoiKid - 16.11.2023 03:48

No way John oliver dropped the best take of the israel hamas war

Kenneth Cruz
Kenneth Cruz - 16.11.2023 03:47

S-H-A-M-E !! The WHOLE World is WATCHING and they are waking up to the TRUTH. The question is when will the Jewish-controlled Western Media finally admit the REAL narrative instead of giving P.M. Benjamin NAZI-yahu and POTUS Joe Brib’em. Our “Dear Leader’, who accomplished only token reforms in such thing s as environmental protection, investing in infrastructure, and protecting Civil Rights, has lost my confidence. He is now selling out his fake humanitarianism for what he always did - curry favor with the Jews and the “military industrial complex”. Biden needs the 2024 re-election support of US Jews! ?? S-H-A-M-E !! This is a MOMENTOUS DECISION by the West! Only the military industrial complex profits our bought and sold politicians in our USA. Nobody will ever believe our leaders’ talk of democracy again! CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, NY Times, WAPO, and ABC are ALL COMPLICIT in these obvious WAR CRIMES. They will have helped to start World War 3! ALL COWARDS and PROSTITUTES of capitalism S-H-A-M-E !! The double standard is CLEARLY on display as Western world “leaders” kowtow to the Zionist.agenda and turn their backs on the modern day holocaust which THEY are TOTALLY responsible for aiding and abetting! S-H-A-M-E !!

Kenneth Cruz
Kenneth Cruz - 16.11.2023 03:47

S-H-A-M-E !! FREE the Palestinian civilians!! I’m an American Christian and my conscience is SHOCKED!! … by those who would side with the Zionist Jew-colonist who have ILLEGALLY, IMMORALLY, and UNJUSTIFIABLY stolen land from the original residents of Palestine (mis-named “Israel”). S-H-A-M-E !!… Be an Earth-ling who believes in the Rule of Law instead of a Christian Fascist who is ignorant of Jesus’s teachings! S-H-A-M-E !! US/rael fosters GENOCIDE! State-sponsored terrorism, HOLOCAUST by US/rael. We can ALL SEE the shameless hypocracy. The US lost all credibility! Biden lost thousands of voters including mine! S-H-A-M-E !! I want a NEW, dynamic, progressive Democratic candidate, who DOESN’T support mass-murder in GAZA!! Zionist Jews are COLONISTS and invaders who have CRUELLY subjugated the TRUE indigenous SEMITES. These NON-Semites from other countries always accuse anyone who criticises them as ANTI-semitic when they themselves are NOT even Semites but wealthy EU and USA Jewish colonialists! Israelis are no longer descendants of the Semites from 12 centuries ago! They are white RACIST colonialist thieves, most of whom been living in USA and Europe for countless generations. They are no longer Semites and they must be removed from Palestine! S-H-A-M-E !!

Life of Dayy
Life of Dayy - 16.11.2023 03:44

I’ve gotten emotional during LWT episodes before. But this one crushed me. All of the images of pain and trauma and hopelessness. And what could possibly be the solution after decades of animosity?

Bright Eyes
Bright Eyes - 16.11.2023 03:43


Sam Rands
Sam Rands - 16.11.2023 03:42

And that's why I'm voting for Biden in 2024

Rose Mimi
Rose Mimi - 16.11.2023 03:40

I am not an expert, but in my opinion, Israel will not consider a cease-fire until all of the Israeli hostages are released.
If this happens there might be a chance for a conversation.

Joshua Smith
Joshua Smith - 16.11.2023 03:39

Israel vs Civilians

jaybrumbaugh777 - 16.11.2023 03:39

Brian mast is correct and John oliver is not only incorrect again but John is a raging racist anti semite like a majority of British labor party supporters

Randi - 16.11.2023 03:39

Oliver makes fun of TMZ, but he is the same. 1) Telling Israel what its foreign policy should be 2) That foreign policy should include allowing Hamas to regroup to kill more Israelis. 3) saying “it’s the moral thing to do Israel. Sacrifice yourself Israel. If you don’t kill yourselves we will make the world hate you.” Seems antisemitic to me as his policy is kill more Jews, Jews must sacrifice themselves. That being said, my heart goes out to the innocent children.

Dehacked - 16.11.2023 03:39

Thank you Mr. Oliver for shedding some common sense on this and many topics.

Kai - 16.11.2023 03:36

This episode of school needs more backstory.

jaybrumbaugh777 - 16.11.2023 03:33

At least John made a mild effort to hide his natural British anti semitism

Jason Muchnick
Jason Muchnick - 16.11.2023 03:30

A summarization sentence, perhaps: This war is primarily between two governmental bodies that really don't represent the people who live under their flags.

Watermen Plumbing & Filtration
Watermen Plumbing & Filtration - 16.11.2023 03:30

Doesn't Gaza get billions in aide? It might be hard there, but Israel is not who is to blame.

Ballcapgamer - 16.11.2023 03:26

really great well balanced take. ive heard so many takes that only focus on israel stopping the bombings but not addressing the fact that hamas could regroup and the fact that hamas has hostages. I've also heard so many takes focusing solely on Hamas and saying they need to give back the hostages and surrender and barely a thing mentioned about the palestinian civilians living without water and basically being held hostage by hamas and used as human shields. this however was a very based take

PureNupe1 - 16.11.2023 03:26

The Palestinians and Hamas are not the same group...Isreal is killing innocent Palestinian civilians as retribution for the senseless killing of its own jewish citizens... it's not right and should not be ignored

A Ab
A Ab - 16.11.2023 03:23

I love how it’s shows an equal struggle between two equal parties! Between a nation was under occupation, displacement oppression for 75 years, and on the other side a state which have extremist on their cabinet equipped with up to date arsenal brutally attack these people every time trying to ask for their rights

Iman Motahari
Iman Motahari - 16.11.2023 03:20

Mahdi is coming...

ContexTube (Tibor)
ContexTube (Tibor) - 16.11.2023 03:20

This conflict is similar to China moving its landmass next to America.

Jake Johnson
Jake Johnson - 16.11.2023 03:19

every time he says the words under threat, he knows it like hitting a huge jackpot from the Usa the suckers

Mookie Sheikh
Mookie Sheikh - 16.11.2023 03:18

Finally someone explaining it like it is rather than being biased.
