Very creative❤
ОтветитьThis was rather strange and a wee but sad that packing luggage was the family bond, the animation was very good, i enjoyed this little gem.
ОтветитьSuch beautiful work, that ending full of meaning, in its empty space
ОтветитьThis is crazy so many words told by a cute, short and sad story
ОтветитьI watched this at my school
ОтветитьWoW! Brilliant movie in terms of theme and visuals. It tells the story of a kid struggling to bond with his dad who was constantly traveling. Through the packing routine, they find a way to keep bonding despite being distant and apart all the time. The ending is a projection of how the kid perceived this distant/bonding relationship. This is why the name of the movie is: negative space. The kid along his life journey to adulthood couldn't escape the heavy feeling of his dad being away, packing and leaving was the only bonding they shared. Negative space is the empty space his dad was leaving behind everytime he left his kid behind. When in the final scene his dad packed and left forever, the kid again feels this empty space, this time labeling it "the wasted space", implying the wasted time his dad and him lost instead of investing it to really bond together. A harsh philosophical final line told by a sad left behind kid. 💔
Ответить"look at all that negative space" ... Not "Ill miss you" or 'I cant believe you are gone'" ....Those last line highlights two things. The lack or their relationship beyond packing and the desperate need to please his father for the slightest amount attention. He wishes he could help him out one last time.
ОтветитьWhy would he put him into the suitcase?
ОтветитьI was born in a suitcase
ОтветитьWho else came from Instagram?
ОтветитьHere from insta anybody?!
ОтветитьEn vida te preparas para tus viajes asegurando que empacaste lo necesario, pero al final no te llevas nada, no por que no quieras, si no por que no puedes y te vas dejando el mismo vacio que no supiste llenar cuando aun podias.
ОтветитьOhho see sky ful of space but st ok ground feed but sapce ok doubt 🧐 she is also here
ОтветитьThis short film packed with satisfaction
ОтветитьIf only the last line said - “So, I filled it all with flowers”
ОтветитьNemogu ti nisve pare sveta pomoci ako ides na bistrik
ОтветитьI think yourl guys are being corny about this and missed all the point, it's not a metaphor at all, the only common interest he's got with his dad was packing, the dad always traveled so the didn't actually interacted, the mom seens to be unhappy and distant, is a disfunctional family, so when he saw his that in the open casket, well, he didn't feel a single thing, he didn't love him, he didn't feel sad, cause it was practically a strager emotionally talking, so his primary though was just a logic one.
ОтветитьMan God bless. This was devastating🫂
ОтветитьHA! That was very cool.
Ответитьtrès bien fait. La fin est triste ...
ОтветитьWho came from Instagram
ОтветитьThis is beautiful....such time and patience in making...the film says so much
ОтветитьMe from insta-world...
ОтветитьAll that "wasted space" should've been filled with good memories
Ответитьme too he says I'm a failure
ОтветитьWho came after dynamic duo announcement?
ОтветитьI wonder if that last line “look at all that wasted space”, refers to the wasted time he and his dad spent not building and bonding in their relationship….maybe I’m just projecting….miss you dad….miss you mum.
Ответить극 중 아버지는 아들에게 효율과 정확함, 완벽성을 요구했던 분 같다. 아버지와 아들 그리고 어머니와의 관계는 건조하고 밋밋한, 따뜻하지 않은 소원한 사이로 보인다. 추억이 없는 가족의 모습은 무표정한 아들의 얼굴과 닮아 있다. 스톱모션 애니메이션으로 이렇게 깊은 내용을 전달할 수 있다니...대단한 작품이다.
Ответить"Look at all that wasted space"
For me, all they did was pack and pack and pack thats the only thing they did together and nothing much so the boy thinks that it's such a waste that he leaves without having any a good memories together with his family. There are many times that they could spend and bond but they just focus on their job and wasted their time.
In "Negative Space," the narrator reflects on his relationship with his father through the act of packing a suitcase. Packing becomes a metaphor for their bond, with the precise, shared task symbolizing their communication, while the emotional distance between them is represented by the "negative space" or emptiness left behind. After the father's death, the narrator realizes that packing was the only way they truly connected, highlighting themes of absence, memory, and the gaps in their relationship
Ответить"Look at all that wasted space"... For the whole life of his father's parenting, this boy only learned (from his father) to care for packing his suitcase. Therefore, whenever this boy connected to his father, it was only about packing. What you sow, what you reap.
ОтветитьThis is amazing!
Ответитьamazing work !
Ответитьi'm simply astonished with every stop-motion animation i've ever seen, really
ОтветитьPerfect :):
ОтветитьJust lost the count on how many watchings made on this one. One of my fav stop motion shorts.
ОтветитьThanks dad, now I can fold my clothes well
ОтветитьExcellent on all levels
Ответить" How to pack your bags" is like his dad showing him how to die whereas the real content would've been in " the surroundings", which they could've shared..if they would've gone beyond showing him how to pack his bag. Perhaps this shows a longing to connect with that man who thought his only purpose was to die, neatly.
ОтветитьThat was very interesting. Thank you for this stop-motion video. I love stop-motion!”🤩
ОтветитьLittle memory😢🎉❤
ОтветитьWhy put plastic bag in suitcase?
ОтветитьI can relate to it a lot. My father's still alive, but I also could never conversate with him as openly.