How to Choose a Linux Distribution

How to Choose a Linux Distribution

Chris Titus Tech

4 года назад

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Null - 22.07.2023 08:23

This video is dated. Main ARCH is so much easier to install for new users. Just have to run "archinstall" and follow the on screen instructions.

Lieselotte Furiosa
Lieselotte Furiosa - 23.06.2023 21:14

I used to use Manjaro but it became very disappointing with all the issues that the dev team kept messing up with. For people curious about Manjaro, EndeavourOS is a much better Arch distro and is just as user friendly as Manjaro is.

xILightning - 13.06.2023 15:50

Im new to Linux and im going with EndeavourOS with KDE Plasma 5

Seraph - 02.06.2023 16:19

Thanks to you, I've learned a great deal from watching your videos. When I first started following you, I was solely relying on the Windows operating system and its graphical user interface to install my applications. However, your content has inspired me to switch to Ubuntu Linux. I've come to appreciate the power and efficiency of using the terminal in Linux, as well as the improved experience with PowerShell in Windows 11. Your insightful tutorials and demonstrations have been instrumental in expanding my knowledge and helping me embrace these new tools.

Press Anykey
Press Anykey - 21.05.2023 22:07

The Linux community for the third decade has failed to understand that the user wants to use the PC for everyday tasks, not digging through configuration files and reading giant manuals written by boneheaded geeks. For those who don't like Ubuntu, I highly recommend using Slackware for at least a week. I'll see what you all say when you have to specify all dependencies manually during package installation.

Alwan Rosyidi
Alwan Rosyidi - 11.02.2023 03:31

Once you use Linux, you will be tempted to distro hop. It is a natural behavior among Linux users.

In the end, you will finally choose one pragmatically: which distro is most stable, provides a lot of repository, and works best in any hardware.

Based on my experience, ubuntu and debian family are always the best option. Opensuse the 2nd. Followed by fedora family.

Sean Sollars
Sean Sollars - 02.01.2023 18:19

Fedora was for people home users but went business

Sean Sollars
Sean Sollars - 02.01.2023 18:17

Pop OS can't download a single game it runs out of room

Sean Sollars
Sean Sollars - 02.01.2023 18:08

How do I get out of workshop mode in Fedora I am disabled I am a home user

Matt McCullough
Matt McCullough - 07.12.2022 02:30


David Wayne
David Wayne - 28.10.2022 19:17

FEDORA is CRAP..... I installed it twice- and had issues both times-- it renumbered my drives so nothing- none of my ventoy or anything else booted until i FIXED the bootloader etc.. and I just don't LIKE it-- looks too much like windows and I just DO NOT LIKE THAT TRASH..

David Wayne
David Wayne - 28.10.2022 19:15

I'm like a french maid-- I DON"T DO WINDOWS-- but I do have 19-20 Distros on a VENTOY usb and can switch around any time (i use SSD for operating system ONLY- and my data stays on a separate 2T hard drive..(that I do NOT auto mount)..

David Wayne
David Wayne - 28.10.2022 19:13

I prefer LMDE5--- MINT-- without the UBUNTU... but works, looks, feels and operates the SAME. but faster.

owoled - 27.10.2022 13:54

That's a really easy question.
You pick Gentoo

So What
So What - 15.10.2022 23:22

I installed Arch Linux on a Sandy bridge Lenovo PC and I have very little Linux experience. If I can do it 95% of you can do it.

So What
So What - 15.10.2022 22:45

I just bought a cheap HP AMD PC to practice installing Linux and using it. My main PC has an NVidia GPU and I am not willing to mess with it yet or ever. For some reason, Win 11 uninstalls every time with my main PC, but I haven't figured that out yet.

K C - 30.09.2022 21:44

You like to get the Grand Pooba lol

Milos Djeric
Milos Djeric - 27.09.2022 20:33

I choosing Linux without systemd

Mike Yow
Mike Yow - 05.08.2022 03:42

I'm just starting to look into Linux and some of the terminologies you use could be broken down better if you would show pictures of what you're talking about. "Distributions" for instance should have a picture showing what this means. Your scrolling through distributions was far too fast so it really didn't tell me a whole lot about the subject. Your videos should be geared more towards the visual person, your explanations are fine but you don't have anything supporting your flood of information.

I don't write, nor do I program however I am pretty savy when it comes to loading and fixing PC and laptop issues...

Jacob Persico
Jacob Persico - 23.06.2022 11:42

I think I'm just gonna stick with what my systems came with. Windows 10 on my laptop (works great now that I modified it, ShutUp10 and ClassicShell), Android on my smartphone, FireOS on my tablet, Linux Ubuntu with XFCE on my VPS. Don't see the point in installing new OSs on my devices. I have tried out other OSs in VirtualBox as VMs. And I do really like my WindowsXP virtual machine with this old fun set of games "Windows Entertainment Pack" (I think it came out durring Windows 95 error).

Jacob Persico
Jacob Persico - 23.06.2022 11:34

I think my first Linux I tried was Ubuntu. I wasn't crazy about the UI because of the application menu. I like the KDE desktop better because it's got an application menu with categories.

Jacob Persico
Jacob Persico - 23.06.2022 11:17

Thank you very much for this video.

Jacob Persico
Jacob Persico - 23.06.2022 11:02

I really love the UI of Zorin OS and the selection of programs it comes with but in my VM it was very sluggish and a bit buggy. Maybe it just needs to run directly on the hardware.

David Wayne
David Wayne - 12.06.2022 20:49

I't sNOT hard to explan--- LINUX is 4000 separate RECIPES everyone uses to cime up with the SAME DAMN CAKE" plain and simple.

King Mặsặdặ
King Mặsặdặ - 02.06.2022 19:03

Cheat sheet.

-Advanced: Anything with Arch in the name, or based on Arch, Gentoo, LFS
-Intermediate: Void, openSUSE, Slackware
-Noob: Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint.

The top of the mountain is 2 parties, For Bleeding Edge and the newest & best packages, Arch Linux. If you want stability more than new stuff, Gentoo.

Prolit Com
Prolit Com - 26.05.2022 13:02

I love Garuda Dragonized. Just for the design :)

fosstera_synth - 25.05.2022 10:34

When i learned about desktop environments, i was running ubuntu 16.10 and i installed and messed with so many of them that when i tried to uninstall the ones i didnt want, i bricked my pc lmao
After that, i realized i had no idea how to actually use apt, and i didnt understand it
Couple years later, i tried out manjaro and a few more desktops. I liked pacman a ton, and grew to like kde plasma the most.
After the manjaro drama recently, i moved to EndeavourOS, and im all settled in with the kde there.
Pick a package manager, pick a desktop, customize it to your liking. Easy peasy.
(And yes i tried fedora but it didnt like my wifi card, and i did install vanilla arch twice. Was fun, helped me learn a lot)
My oldest linux install is a chromebook from way back, running ubuntu xfce 14.04. I havent updated it mainly because i couldnt find the charger for it.
I love linux, so fun and versatile c:

Punklejunk - 13.05.2022 11:48

Excellent breakdown, very thoughtful and sensible.

amine bc
amine bc - 26.04.2022 16:32

marketing concern is sell things usually you don't need to make more profits, your intro not convincing at all.

JarppaGuru - 20.04.2022 00:04

build it yourself?

Perry Pereyra
Perry Pereyra - 31.03.2022 23:42

Weyland-Yutani 👀👀👀 I see a fellow cultured folks

Newaz Eric
Newaz Eric - 20.03.2022 01:42

I have a 6/7-year-old laptop
which have core i5 5th gen with 512 GB of SSD
8 GB ram with a shared GPU of 4 GB.
Currently, running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.

Trying to switch to Linux. Which Linux distro is best for this config ?

My work on laptop is mainly torrenting, office application (Libra office) and web browsing and watching movie.
Which distro in best for my old laptop, based on my configuration and work ?
Thanks in advance

OgloTheNerd - 10.03.2022 00:16

I honestly also recommend Zorin OS.

Sidharth Panda
Sidharth Panda - 10.02.2022 17:43

Thank you so much chris for clearing the air and doubt. I am using linux for near some time, but always get confused with so many distros. so restricted myself to a few.

Savvathornn Mysteriam
Savvathornn Mysteriam - 02.02.2022 22:43

My answer: That's the neat part, you don't!

Dalton My World
Dalton My World - 02.02.2022 21:41

Thanks for the info

George WORSFOLD - 02.02.2022 13:02

I have watched many of your videos and certainly a great source of information and knowledge. I was greatly disappointed when I was ready to install LINUX and really like LINUX Mint and did all the necessary installation, my hard drive desk top PC just crashed and died. I gave up as it left a bitter after taste. I am now with APPLE and certainly a vast improvement and even better than MICROSOFT.

Christos Tsekas
Christos Tsekas - 26.01.2022 20:33

Chris, since Centos will not be supported soon, what you think is the best option for a server in a business environment, debian or ubuntu-server? Thank you

BRich057 - 23.01.2022 15:25

Hi Dave I started watching the videos like a couple of days ago I really like them I like this stuff on a task manager I love windows task manager as well and they tarry stuff I really just like all your stuff and I totally have some ideas for you too and thank you.

The Cat Channel
The Cat Channel - 18.01.2022 00:52

Tried many but end up with Ubuntu Variant Kubuntu/Mate. Diss virus infected windows forever.

Andrey - 17.01.2022 00:39

I’ve always recommended arch. It’s just so easy once you figure out git and the basics of Pacman. I’ve had absolutely 0 issues with arch. Unlike the complete opposite experience with ubuntu, pop, and Manjaro.

Ramin Rady
Ramin Rady - 09.01.2022 20:28

TNX a lot for information, i ado use pop os now for my mirror information in a PC,

NoobsPlay Sensei
NoobsPlay Sensei - 08.01.2022 05:03

Is kubuntu good?
