David Koresh: The Life that Lead to Waco

David Koresh: The Life that Lead to Waco


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Bob Reese
Bob Reese - 10.09.2023 03:57

99+% of churchgoers are bible ignorant, GULLIBLE , DECEIVED, FANATIC , VICTIMS of bible warping, law trashing, JESUS rejecting modern Pharisees, If you don't believe this , you are in danger!!

Catherine Edgson
Catherine Edgson - 06.09.2023 21:10

Very interesting
Lots of new information which I didn’t have from watching other docs on this topic

Simon Marie
Simon Marie - 31.08.2023 03:58

I'm not an Adventist anymore, but, i was growing up Adventist when all of this was going down. I remember BBC News talking about "the Seventh-Day-Adventist cult" and thought "it's not a cult!". His thing was definitely a cult, however.

Simon Marie
Simon Marie - 31.08.2023 03:51

One of my friend's mum met him at college or church before any of the crazy stuff happened. It's weird how you can know someone who knew this guy.

Wild Em The Fem
Wild Em The Fem - 31.08.2023 00:40

You start this thing off so one sided. Your description of Koresh is the complete opposite of how the branch Davidians describe him. If you’re going to be credible, you have to tell both sides of the story.

Mad Hatter
Mad Hatter - 31.08.2023 00:29

So Lois Roden was pregnant at the age of 67?! 😂 Very interesting but that claim from them just highlights even more what raging nut jobs they were.

No More
No More - 28.08.2023 15:02

Had they only arrested him separately...could have broken the cult with likely fewer (if any) deaths

J Amara
J Amara - 27.08.2023 07:36

Wow, after you said people believed that a woman in her sixties was pregnant, it ot worse. These were not like the ordinary, decent people who were sucked in by Jim Jones

Tim Hansen
Tim Hansen - 23.08.2023 04:31

Slander. Lies.. murder...

Prioxs - 03.08.2023 08:40

Mostly wrong info on why the ATF launched the raid .

PROLYFGUY - 14.07.2023 08:37

Your channel screams of sham sham sham. What real truth was there. You s
Just spit the original narrative.

Jules Jackson
Jules Jackson - 05.07.2023 11:23

It’s freaky how much this wingnut’s life parallels the life of Jesus (or the antichrist) but in a dark-dimension evil kinda way.

He claimed to be the messiah, then ascended to power, becoming the de facto leader of the branch Davidians about 3.5 years before his death. So he had a 3.5 year ministry that ended when he was, you guessed it, at the age of 33.

I don’t care who you are, that’s freaky, and it leads me to think that the antichrist will probably also be 30 when he claims to be the messiah.

MadameWesker - 29.06.2023 00:00

Crazy is contagious

Hoserzzz - 27.06.2023 08:04

Religion sure is poison to the mind

Jason Humphreys
Jason Humphreys - 26.06.2023 04:09

Where is it documented that Koresh raped a woman that tried to leave? I've never heard that and I'm not finding anything about it. Just curious. Raping kids was bad enough.

steve austin
steve austin - 19.06.2023 19:21

Was an image in my toast that days the rapture is on tuesday next. Send me all your money and ill pray for you

scratch - 18.06.2023 21:30

It’s odd that anybody still trusts the fbi or the atf. They have proven time and again that they are little more than state sanctioned terroists

HA R - 30.05.2023 21:23

The face that launched 1000 white supremacist clubs...

NSA is god
NSA is god - 30.05.2023 18:22

I think these guys/ this sect uses some sort of technology. Gadgets? Some sort of behavior modification. Does anybody know, did he order his members using "directives?" Nowadays, I'm unsure if the sort of people I've met are "human traffickers," or just a strange cult-- literally trying to snatch people up to increase their numbers, profit, or both. ???

FroCat - 23.05.2023 19:48

"We're going to put a bunch of tear gas in your building. But this totally isn't an assault, so you should just let us do it and not resist." - Big Brain FBI

Koresh was nuts, and he absolutely needed to be arrested and charged for his child abuse, but the US government botched this entire situation from the beginning. There was no need for all those people to die.

Adam Abbas
Adam Abbas - 22.05.2023 17:19

Basically far cry 5

cool beans
cool beans - 20.05.2023 21:55

Sounds a lot like every profit in history.
No human being is holy or god sent, there is no direct line from god to any human being. Nobody even knows if a "god" even exists.
Watch out for anyone who says god spoke to him. These people are charlatans and their followers are naive and not so bright.

Peter Waterford
Peter Waterford - 20.05.2023 05:21

The initial phone call from the compound to local law enforcement was made not by Koresh but by Wayne Martin, a Harvard-educated attorney well-known in the Waco community.

Peter Waterford
Peter Waterford - 20.05.2023 05:18

The UPS driver did not discover "hand grenades" but the outer casings of hand grenades (i.e. no incendiary or detonation capabilities and therefore as legal as a movie prop; in fact they were obtained from a supplier to Hollywood films).

Keegan Penney
Keegan Penney - 19.05.2023 01:27

This is not exactly accurate, in summary it's alright but I wouldnt take this as the full story.

michael lang
michael lang - 09.05.2023 20:47

I love the US is plan to get em out pyscho tactics on a person they think is crazy if kids weren’t in there fbi would have shot them all

Simmons - 06.05.2023 12:28

sounds like you inspired Waco: The Aftermath

Zach Goldsberry
Zach Goldsberry - 03.05.2023 21:21

The request fell on DEAD ears haha yikes

Corey Toomey
Corey Toomey - 24.04.2023 16:20

They should've sent in a commando unit to neutralize the gunmen and secure the compound. Fast and hard. The tear gas gave the Davidians too much time to execute their last resort, which was the fire. For those saying the FBI burned them alive, keep in mind it isn't uncommon for cults to commit mass suicide. Koresh and his followers were just crazy people.

Kavon Ross
Kavon Ross - 19.04.2023 21:18

He sounds like a lot of modern day mega church hippy preachers lol

Uncle Terry
Uncle Terry - 19.04.2023 10:59

Almost makes me want to defund the police...

Riddhi Rahman
Riddhi Rahman - 18.04.2023 01:56

Religious bigots

Joe - 11.04.2023 05:14

Another biased report what about the FBI they supposed to save the children but gun crazy gestapo kills them all and don't forget they repeated it before at Ruby Ridge

Joe - 11.04.2023 05:12

Waco is why Americans need Automatic weapons before Clinton can take away our right to worship God as we wish if you call the branch divinians a cult than why not the LDS church but who decides? A Deplorable satanic lesbian?

Joe - 11.04.2023 05:08

We will never know the truth about Waco or believe it because it was told by the FBI Janet Reno Hillary Clinton's lesbian lover and the left wing media But we were supposed to have religious freedom in America and you have to know Waco and Ruby Ridge to understand the bombing of OKC all of these happened during the watch of Bill Clinton This is why that Deplorable Lesbian must never be allowed near the white house with the power of the American SS the FBI

Joe Permenter
Joe Permenter - 10.04.2023 02:00

It's not unclear, our government attacked and killed it's own citizenry; then got retaliated against.

Sunrise.Blossxm - 03.04.2023 13:36

always those damn glasses! 🤓

Mike Porten
Mike Porten - 02.04.2023 18:07

I remember watching the fires on tv when I was 10.

Phil Accio
Phil Accio - 27.03.2023 19:47

Already know this video won't talk about FBI & ATF blunders that led to the eventually cluster f*ck

Joey J
Joey J - 25.03.2023 22:09

Half of these photos I was thinking “that looks like the actor that played Gambit in X-Men origins Wolverine”
Did the editor not know he was taking pictures from the movie/mini series or did he just forget to credit some of them? Lol

Derek Sendrak
Derek Sendrak - 25.03.2023 10:02

Several of those photos are from Tv shows about Waco, not actually David Koresh

Dan Cotter
Dan Cotter - 23.03.2023 20:15

David Koresh life sounds a lot like Charles Manson's life. Very eerie similar in many ways.

Rhythmic Smacking
Rhythmic Smacking - 19.03.2023 17:48

Well at least those children suffering from child abuse were saved by the Government’s fire of justice

Achnode Schvatzkiy
Achnode Schvatzkiy - 17.03.2023 15:36

He should have named himself Love Machine instead of David Koresh ..

private delete button google is missing
private delete button google is missing - 05.03.2023 01:27


private delete button google is missing
private delete button google is missing - 05.03.2023 01:26

Chester come back little sheba

American made
American made - 26.02.2023 02:41

You don't remember when you were two years old, come on
