Laravel From Scratch [Part 2] - Environment Setup & Laravel Installation

Laravel From Scratch [Part 2] - Environment Setup & Laravel Installation

Traversy Media

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Marvin Madera
Marvin Madera - 14.10.2023 03:26

This year is 2023 and I'm about to start learning laravel I hope your videos help me learn this framework. I will comment again soon. thank you brad in advance! actually I've been following you since I'm I start learning web development.

Axxion MarketPlace
Axxion MarketPlace - 14.09.2023 15:22

Thank you

Taha Azhari
Taha Azhari - 02.05.2023 12:03

i cant find the .hosts file on mac
could someone please help me

John Dodge
John Dodge - 30.10.2022 19:50

Dear Mr. T, to relocate the terminal panel window, right click the Panel and select move to left, right or bottom!

Hamza Mohtadi Nafi
Hamza Mohtadi Nafi - 14.03.2022 09:12

I have follwed your step...
But it shows your connection is private

iftikhar - 04.03.2022 16:27

is it still valueable?

Gilly DaDude
Gilly DaDude - 03.03.2022 20:25

Unable to follow along the application you have of visual studio is not the same application as todai's visual studio and I dont even see the integrated terminal in visual studio docs to copy and paste in a settings tab that's completely different.

Iftekhar Alam
Iftekhar Alam - 13.02.2022 19:29

is it wise learn laravel 8 with this tutorial series?

Tea - 25.01.2022 18:05

I use the terminal command 'php artisan serve'. After seeing your setup I chose to adopt the method but it ain't working for me😐

Motion Designer
Motion Designer - 08.12.2021 09:52

great work

Emanuel Ocampo
Emanuel Ocampo - 29.09.2021 02:34

Thanks for this Environment setup.

Eduardo Romero
Eduardo Romero - 04.06.2021 02:04

I like to use Laragon in Windows.

Ömer Selçuk Çetin
Ömer Selçuk Çetin - 27.05.2021 15:18

ok so whenever i try to use vs code, i find a tutorial like this and in the tutorial teacher uses an older version of vscode. teacher changes some settings ALWAYS, noone uses vs code without changing settings. and the vs code version i have dont have those settings for some reason and i can not follow the tutorial. even if i do try to, always something bad happen and i can not fix it.

Nilay Aslan
Nilay Aslan - 22.05.2021 10:48

A very nice channel that I will recommend to you are the training sets that develop php named php turkey. I strongly recommend you to take a look.

MA Learners
MA Learners - 11.04.2021 19:28

Best ever content
