SonarQube Integration With Jenkins Pipeline | SonarQube GitHub Integration & Code Coverage Java

SonarQube Integration With Jenkins Pipeline | SonarQube GitHub Integration & Code Coverage Java


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Knowledge Collection
Knowledge Collection - 10.02.2022 13:29

Hiiii i want to ask one question.... sonarqube analysis the data and we get an error so it will cancel the build or not??????

Rupendra Kumar Thirumalagiri
Rupendra Kumar Thirumalagiri - 06.01.2022 13:03


I am getting pipeline failure during second stage i.e Sonar scanning.

Here is the error "ERROR: No tool named sonarqube found"

I have installed Jenkins war file in my windows machine and using it. kindly please help me, where can i get this name from. Thank you.

Atori Silver
Atori Silver - 25.11.2021 17:46

typical. In a tutorial settings are done in a radically different way than in my project.

Sir JB
Sir JB - 18.08.2021 15:24

Do you have tutorial for dotnet app?integrating sonarqube in jenkins pipeline for dotnet core app?

Kannada Kuvara
Kannada Kuvara - 21.06.2021 20:50

Hi sir what is the steps need to mention in code analysis pipeline step for python project ... Please replay me sir

Kannada Kuvara
Kannada Kuvara - 20.06.2021 21:54

Can u please share ur tutorial video link for installation of jenkins as a docker

Rameez Sheraz
Rameez Sheraz - 10.06.2021 10:16

well explained :)

REDFly29 - 22.02.2021 15:52

It's not working. I face sonarscanner execution error . Prg sonarsource api : unable to execute sonarscanner analysis

pradip kr
pradip kr - 19.02.2021 15:06

background audio sound is distracting from learning. can you edit video without background sounds

An Nhien
An Nhien - 24.12.2020 03:26

Thanks you for sharing , i will support your upcoming videos 😍
