Most Wondrous Battle Music Ever: Invincible

Most Wondrous Battle Music Ever: Invincible


10 лет назад

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@crazylector - 28.08.2023 23:09

This is one of the most epic tracks of epic music there ever was. Tough to find anything near this level of perfection!

@Hamadpro12 - 11.07.2023 23:35

a fallen angel in the midst of battle

@fadilaryh1783 - 05.07.2023 17:45

بعض المواقف تطهر حقيقة المرء من ذاخله فذاخله يوجهه الملامح الخارجية فلاتتعبو أنفسكم ماذامت المعركة نور والضلم والخير وشر مهمى كبر شأنهم لكل قصة نهاية الخير فيها باقي والباطل فيها منتهي

@Mr_Boyd - 31.05.2023 10:10

We need an extended version of this.

@renanmartineli1763 - 25.05.2023 19:18

Não achei no spotfy :( música foda demais

@bestepicmusic - 15.05.2023 06:20

I’m in love with this piece of music 😍, it gave me a lot of imaginations, and took me everywhere, thx for the great work

@tottoland - 11.01.2023 05:28

Thank you so much for sharing such great music!

@skypieajourney - 10.01.2023 10:09

i really love your music..thank you for all the hard work

@azmal6158 - 02.01.2023 16:23

Amazing, thank you for this channel, excellent dnd resource!

@epicmusicmix7696 - 08.12.2022 04:01

What a very majestetic music ever. Its soo amasing .

@marcoantoniogarcia7098 - 10.10.2022 12:43

Does This song is in Spotify?

@couragedog7346 - 16.09.2022 15:03


@roguespartan2854 - 03.02.2022 12:54

Where has this been for the past 7 years!?

@metal_fusion - 06.01.2022 09:56

Sounds Electronic,

and a Vehicle engine starting to rumble across its journey

@ianrodriguez1158 - 21.12.2021 15:36

I'm having the worst time in my life at this moment. But this music carry me to keep going and make me believe there is a good future waiting.
Thank you!

@ontop6065 - 13.12.2021 15:51


@josevillanueva2944 - 03.12.2021 10:36

who is the cute girl, like her outfit.

@muhafizaddins8910 - 22.10.2021 06:24

You know, you go to war with a proper equipment. A thick armor to protect yourself from sword and others.
Every girl in Movie / anime : wear a very thin wardrobe, exposed skin. Yeah that shit is nice.

@tanookiboy80 - 03.10.2021 13:17

Why does she have no armour...? She would be killed instantly

@leadingauctions8440 - 02.10.2021 22:41

Excellent piece.

@unpronounceable5020 - 07.09.2021 01:56

Currently riding in a old truck with faulty brakes. Maybe I AM invincible…

@Vitan89 - 11.08.2021 17:07

She's really close to maximum armor value.

@user-jz7kf2ug7k - 27.07.2021 19:29

“ we’re the ones who’ll have the last laugh “

- luffy

@lilik9036 - 23.07.2021 14:07

Pretty amazing ❤️ thanks 🤗😍

@TheGodzilla2201 - 14.07.2021 20:40

Whose the lady?

@yaslam1969 - 10.07.2021 17:58


@Yazvana - 01.06.2021 16:57

One of the best things I've ever heard

@lillianbravositon4662 - 01.04.2021 02:12

Sana hindi kantahin ni carmela fe dahil bad breathe o bad odor sya, ang baho talaga, may nakztirik na candila ako, fire hazzard.....

@foxontherun4810 - 23.03.2021 04:58

👩‍🚀❤️👨‍🚀👌✌️ Dankeschoen

@howlingdin9332 - 20.03.2021 09:32

Boy: "It's said that you can't be killed."

Achilles: "I wouldn't be bothering with the shield then, would I?"

@davidboyd7164 - 14.03.2021 14:24

Is there an extended version of this anywhere?

@Sarah-gp3xh - 28.02.2021 15:25

I imagine a scene where a battlemaiden falls in battle to a great opponent. The opponent of hers turns her back to her after a long fight they both had. Injured and tired as he is he goes away to seek shelter, only to hear a rumbling after a couple seconds. he turns arround, seeing magical force emit from the Maiden's body as she slowly stands up to continue fighting with her newfound and regained strength. When one's flesh is wounded, the willpower will become diminished. But when death grasps for you, it is up to you if you choose to live or die.

I dont know if that made any sense i just thought of this while listening to this song, it is seriously epic and this is what i see when i hear such tunes.

@xyloryulia9107 - 24.02.2021 10:36

"I'll stand againts the odds and even againts those above. MEET GODS SLAY GODS MEET DEVILS SLAY DEVILS! If you think I am evil and my heart's not pure, then so be long as i could still be with you and those i love, I am willing to be like the djinns, and go againts both the hells and the heavens... But you wouldnt understand that, would you mortal?"

@stylishlyheartless979 - 24.01.2021 03:31

i. need this on spotify

@kelvinmarkomondi - 19.01.2021 21:53

"She has never looked more beautiful than she does now, unadorned and honest, vulnerable yet invincible. As long as she has faith in her own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied."

@andyz2861 - 30.12.2020 22:54

Can I find this on either iTunes or Spotify? If so, under what name?

@UnashamedFollowerofChrist - 03.12.2020 07:33

I thought I wasn't going to like this song, until the beat dropped right as I clicked off...which is what brought me back to listen to the entire song. Needlesstosay—I love it!

@izromitea9578 - 01.10.2020 12:36


@Chickenworm9394 - 28.09.2020 06:29

Legends say that the less armor a female warrior wears, the more defensive power she has

@cuchulainnch.chaldeandied6090 - 18.08.2020 15:34

I will order Gilgamesh to Enuma Elish that woman..

@mikechavez7079 - 16.08.2020 01:55

One of my many concubines mortals

@umidk9876 - 04.08.2020 06:21

And they call me crazy 😆

@akidz_void2826 - 04.07.2020 15:52

"The battle that seemed to be over for us when endless waves of soldiers of demonic origin marched in. Horses, men and even nature itself started decreasing in rapid speed. A light suddenely covered the whole battlefield. It was so bright that everyone and everything stopped and just a moment the whole world was quiet and then the light slowly faded into one point and we all looked to the sky. Massive wings belonging to thousands revealed themselves through clouds and darkness all around faded and then a voice was heard speaking to the humans, giants, fairies and animals." "We respond to your prayers and will now guide you all towards peace and fairness. We the goddesses aid you all now in this final fight."

@alanespinet8423 - 23.06.2020 18:41

The whole track is great, but the final part is SO EPIC! I was working while listening and I had to stop doing everything just to enjoy it. Thank you very much for this awesome piece

@tuliomiguel8463 - 24.05.2020 07:18

These can't all be "Most Wondrous" :|

@danwelldoober1485 - 06.05.2020 05:32

The monk valiantly fought the demon king that slaughtered his monastery 5 years ago and he would have defeated the demon king, too if the demon did not sacrifice years of his life to break the seal the monk placed on him. The Demon held the monk paralyzed in a state of excruciating pain with its telekenetic powers and prepared it's ultimate attack: a celestial lightning bolt that could erase anything from existence. Tears welled-up in the monk's eyes, but not from fear, from regret. "Master, I failed you." Said the monk as he awaited his demise. Suddenly, the monk heard a familiar voice say: "You haven't failed me, you surpassed me." "But if you die you'll fail your friends." Memories of the Monk's friends flashed before his eyes before being drowned out by the demon king's cackling. "NO! I won't let them die" thought the Monk as he began to rise from the ground. Upon noticing this, the demon king maximized the intensity of his telekenetic attack. The monk screamed in pain and began to fall, but regained his balance. He tried to stand again, but the pain was too much for him to rise above a crouching state. It was as if the ground opened up and he was immersed in hellfire. The monk heard his master's voice again: "That attack would kill most men 20x over, but you're still fighting it." 'And that's why you are my best pupil. every time i knocked you down, you got back up." "Forget about the king, you're in my dojo now" Suddenly, the demon king's chamber dissapeared and he could no longer hear the cries of his comrades fighting the demon king's army. Somehow, the monk was back in his master's dojo and was In the middle of a live memory of one of his most intense training drills; sparring with his master while being weighed down with 2 buckets of water on his back which were held in place with a bamboo pole. The monks master managed to sweep his legs, causing him to fall to the ground. The buckets fell to the ground, soaking him. At this moment, part of the Monk's consciousness snapped back to the present; he was in both situations at once. His master's voice called to him again: "I just knocked you down. Now, what are you going to do?' The Monk steeled his body for what he was about to do, and replied "I-Im going" A blue aura began to form around the Monk as he called his metallic, bladed boomerangs to his hands. "I'm going to get up!" exclaimed the Monk as he slowly began to rise. The demon king grew nervous as his lightning bolt was not quite done charging. "I-Impossible, no mortal can withstand that much pain!" The Monk was almost standing upright, but just before he managed to break free of the demon king's spell the demon kings attack finished charging and was now sparking at the tip of his trident. "Too late, Monk. You were skilled for a mortal, but now I'll
erase you like I erased the rest of your monestary! " Exclaimed the demon king as he fired his celestial lightning bolt at the monk. At this moment, the monk freed himself from the demon's spell with an explosion of blue energy. His eyes glowed red, a stark contrast to the bright blue aura surrounding his body. The lightning bolt exploded with tremendous force from the demon king's trident, vaporizing everything in its path. The Monk, however managed to jump out of its way just before the bolt reached him. The demon king let out primal roar and began charging a second lightning bolt. The monk, though was not going to give the demon king a second chance. In a heartbeat, the monk was slashing at the demon king's throat with the boomerang in his right hand. The demon king barely had time to parry the blow. As the demon king raised his claws to deflect the Monk's second boomerang, he noticed that the monk's left hand was empty! At that moment, the Monks second boomerang sped through the air and embedded itself into the demon kings back. The monk had thrown it before charging the demon king and then used his spiritual powers to force the blade back into his hand, through the chest of the demon king. 'THAT WAS FOR MY MONASTERY' bellowed the monk, who then swiftly disarmed the demon king, and screamed ' AND THIS IS FOR MY MASTER' as he split the demon king from head to navel with his boomerangs.

@voidmaster6353 - 30.04.2020 18:26

If we must die today so be it. But we can't let him win.

Ajani Goldmane
