The real story behind the Planned Parenthood videos

The real story behind the Planned Parenthood videos


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@mikespencer4922 - 01.02.2024 10:28

CNN is pro murdering babies......

@midnightbrian9132 - 27.01.2024 22:38

My stillbirth at 20 weeks happened to me nearly 30 yrs ago. Thankfully they will never get a hold of that photo and do this to me. I would sue them. How dare they do that .. I know they are now charging women who have miscarriages. We are not going to allow that.

@ChristEnjoyer83 - 01.01.2024 08:32

The jewish organization of planned parenthood shall stop shedding blood on texan soil! Glory to Allah (SWT)!

@richardbrockman9995 - 10.11.2023 12:36

Ban all abortions and this situation won't happen again!

There are ways to prevent pregnancy, there's no justifiable reason for having an abortion. ABORTION IS MURDER!!

@coffeepeachesplans - 30.09.2023 17:56

They should had been cut federally cuz they are federal funded

@sucralose_tumor - 14.06.2023 01:32

Andersons brother is kathy griffin

@Elsenkumchu - 12.06.2023 14:18

CNN talking about deception is laughable.

@tamarastrawther9070 - 25.04.2023 12:38

They faked to seem less nefarious. These are what celebrities use.

@tamarastrawther9070 - 25.04.2023 12:36

This was a un blurred video that was the actual aborted fetus that was moving. When it first came out.

@tamarastrawther9070 - 25.04.2023 12:35

I can't wait our FATHER in Heaven to reveal your lies!

@shannane5171 - 18.04.2023 19:37

How is abortion not murder it literally is

@carld3218 - 30.03.2023 05:51

Nice attempt at deflection, CNN, but none of it changes the fact that planned bitchhood killed babies and harvested the organs. None of your desperate semantics change that fact.

@marktrauth1315 - 29.03.2023 01:59

Good I hope they close all of them or at least make it to we’re they can only give out condoms and birth control and give pregnancy test and stuff like that. Abortion should illegal except if it will kill the mom carrying it or the women is raped but that’s only rare cases.

@darkbtw.v2120 - 10.03.2023 17:08


@uncanny5954 - 02.03.2023 06:00

Your going to Belive a BIASED worker at Planned Parenthood. That's like asking the owner of Amazon if he takes advantage of his employees of course he'll say no!

@unakim2937 - 25.02.2023 20:06

Omg… this CNN host is so annoying…. Why is he so fixed on where the baby on the video came from??

@theresagargett-lyons6173 - 22.02.2023 22:55

Even Anderson is inconsistent about exactly what he is saying....when it's aborted it's a just a piece of inconsequential fetus. But when he wants to demonize the pro- life documentary maker... He is exploiting "someone's stillborn child". hypocrites always contradict themselves

@brianringham9745 - 01.02.2023 06:49

Journalist doesn see the tree for the forst

@sherryzmezzo - 27.01.2023 00:24

Planned Parenthood was started by a eugenecist. She wanted to get rid of black people and hoped that if she spun it right, she could get them to participate. It has worked: more black babies are aborted than born these days. I bet Margaret Sanger is celebrating in her grave. Another thing: The KKK loves them.

@Eliusalmo1 - 29.12.2022 19:35

This country is upside down.. Prolife people are persecuted, while wales, turtles and wild life are protected.. In one hand they fight against human extinction because of global warming, in the other hand they are killing generations with abortion and same sex marriage. It is hypocrisy.. This society has gone deep into darkness, that human life doesn’t worth anything, and this is dangerous. Today are babies, tomorrow elderly people, special need people, and more..
Isaiah 5:20-25.

@juancandelas - 03.12.2022 18:09

Josef Mengele's disciples.

@classicrockandfurriesrule4743 - 15.11.2022 09:34

The Communist News Network supports Eugenics. Common Knowledge, really.

@hanj31 - 13.11.2022 19:09

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population” - Margaret Sanger founder of Planned parenthood

@chiquitafeldberg8512 - 09.11.2022 00:25

Honestly this is DIABOLICAL reporting. The picture is just a representation of a baby at that stage of life, it's extremely difficult to get a photo at that stage of life. You can't go to an abortion clinic and ask for photos!!!
Nobody is talking about how freaking easy it is to take BIRTH CONTROL. Yeah it's called birth control because women do actually have control over their bodies when they are responsible.
Its not just your body anymore you concieved another body, a human.
Planned parenthood is a business and every business needs more customers. In the case of PP your not just a customer, your a victim. I believe using abortion as contraception is outrageous. We have the pill, just one a day. We have IUD just get one in planted, easy. We have the injection, just one every 3 months. It's not rocket science.
Girls and women are capable of taking responsibility for their own bodies.

@kingdedede7955 - 03.11.2022 03:59

Totally biased, they used pictures and videos to illustrate the humanity of the babies being aborted. How are they supposed to get bodies from planned parenthood?

@davidprietogomez7254 - 01.11.2022 15:08

No fraud, no fake.

@abarijohn4295 - 29.10.2022 14:21

These people are working for the devil

@estrellavidal8239 - 13.10.2022 19:09

Thank God abortion is illegal now keep your legs closed!

@pissonliberals - 11.10.2022 19:44

Well I can guarantee if CNN is looking for the truth they will never find it that's something they want to stay away from as far away as they can get Planned Parenthood what does it stand for a baby killing Factory murdering our babies babies lives matter too

@KeithCindyPanama - 07.10.2022 16:28

If Planned Parenthood isn’t about making better parents then what are they about????

@weignerleigner3037 - 07.10.2022 02:12

This video is edited so it must be fake

@bikechiatry8367 - 28.09.2022 10:25

HELLO FROM 2022 -- in 2022 the supply of really good quality tissues, specimens and stemcells have been stopped due to the GAS crisis in Ukraine. Some call it WAR. And without any correlation to those events and nothing to do with an industry that can't exist without stem cells for research or for beatification of the USA nation ... we have ROE vs WADE or how to get all women to fuck night and day to get rid of the guilt imposed by patriarchal society and than abort those american babies - pay for the procedure and donate the specimens to the Planed organisations that plan how to distribute the valuable resources to universities and bioscience hungry corporations ...

@bikechiatry8367 - 28.09.2022 10:17

omfg - you search for the footage - how hard is it for people to understand - you search for the footage to put into the video - fkn news are doing it all the time - CNN ??? you tools are not doing it

@danielsullivan2558 - 26.09.2022 17:42

CNN is a left wing agency that will say anything and do anything to make the world into a shit show. They are the ones who defend pedophilia and child trafficking and so much more, straight evil deeds and tell you what they are told to sell you

@danielsullivan2558 - 26.09.2022 17:32

He should of just traced the hands and the baby inside of grown adult hands.🤔 Just to show how small it was to shut this clown of a interviewer up and put him in check ✔️

@danielsullivan2558 - 26.09.2022 17:29

Definitely not a political move. It's called loving and caring and giving for a human baby. And giving him or her a shot at life. Not to sell little babies to the rich and powerful so they can stay alive longer or have better skin etc....

@danielsullivan2558 - 26.09.2022 17:25

It just shows how dumb the interviewer is.he seems like he is proud to be embarrassing himself??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔in reality he is being 100% outclassed by David. Also the interviewer is asking you don't know the baby that was born?where the baby is born?how the baby was born?😈😈😈who cares 🤔 they are killing and selling children. this guy anyone involved with abortion clinics will be judged by the big man upstairs aka GOD🙏🙏🙏

@danielsullivan2558 - 26.09.2022 17:19

The CNN reporter is completely lost and I'm glad David didn't point out his ignorance 🤣🤣🤣he didn't say that was the exact aborted baby,he showed a picture of a child of that same age for an example to show exactly what the mother said "it was in my hands"that's how small it was.he never said that's the baby that was aborted

@danielsullivan2558 - 26.09.2022 17:13

So was this lady at planned Parenthood to get an abortion on her live kid🤔or did they tell her ,it was still born and had to be removed 🤔🤔🤔???I wish I knew a little more info about that

@danielsullivan2558 - 26.09.2022 17:07

I talked my aunt out of getting an abortion at planned Parenthood. They threatened to sue her and press charges on her because she "committed" and we hired a lawyer and they stopped harassing her. Glad to say I have a cousin named Daniel after myself and he is now 11 years old and the best person and sweetest kid I've ever met,also the best fishing buddy I've ever had🥰🥰even when we don't catch anything 🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏 God bless

@fiona3821 - 22.09.2022 16:40

The fact of the matter is.. At that amount of weeks Yes the fetus is formed and imagen that fetus in pieces. What exactly are happening to the aborted babies.. Are mothers aware of this happening do they have a choice of what happens 🤔

@realb-real.6106 - 05.09.2022 16:45

There is nothing deceptive about showing what a baby looks like at the same gestational age - people want to find a reason to make themselves feel
Better- maybe he should’ve said stayed that wasn’t the baby- but what difference does it make?

@ribnouzahir - 03.09.2022 22:20

Ooh CNN....satans favourite news channel !!!

@migueliniguez9145 - 09.07.2022 02:16

Killing baby’s is wrong it doesn’t matter who took the video of the aborted baby killing babies is wrong. A woman can do anything she wants to her body but a baby is not her body it is a separate human.

@lilyflower1168 - 06.07.2022 09:42

This dumb reporter needs to get his head out of his ass and admit this is a human child. What other fucki g species is it?? What else is it? An elephant? A puppy? My God, the lengths they go to justify murder!! God is real, he is not mocked. These child killers are headed for Hell on the day of judgment. No more "women's choice" then.

@lilyflower1168 - 06.07.2022 09:38

Talking about young humans being killed and then harvested for their organs is not a "political point." My God. How far we have fallen as a species!! Why do you so badly want to justify killing these tiny humans??

@user-ev4lq5fr1o - 04.07.2022 01:04

But planned parenthood officials admitted selling the parts, that's the point
