Ceph Storage Solutions: Which is the Fastest and Most Efficient?

Ceph Storage Solutions: Which is the Fastest and Most Efficient?

Daniel Persson

1 год назад

3,650 Просмотров

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@x-macpro6161 - 09.05.2023 20:03

it is amazing test but I am not sure what is the different performance between Cephadm (container) and Ceph non-container (server). Do you think the performance is the same?

@varunjain3870 - 06.05.2023 04:03

Did you try Portworx ? :D

@apalrdsadventures - 28.03.2023 20:43

Wow! What a surprise to see CephFS perform so much better than RGW. I would have expected the opposite, but I'm guessing the MDS's metadata caching makes a big difference for IO performance.
