10 ways to stay HEALTHY as a VEGAN!

10 ways to stay HEALTHY as a VEGAN!


4 года назад

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Tiffany - 13.10.2023 09:16

Thank you! I'm about to start my vegan journey and wanna do it right!

CilantroDove - 12.09.2023 05:44

i’m a teenager going vegan who really wants to go for health (along with no animal stuff for ethics) so i super appreciate this video! thank you

Vegan on a Budget
Vegan on a Budget - 29.07.2023 17:30

Hey there! Loving this video! 🌱💚 As a fellow vegan on a budget, I'm all about staying healthy without spending a fortune. These tips are pure gold! Thanks for sharing the wisdom. Keep rocking that plant-based life! 🌱✨

Partly SImpson
Partly SImpson - 29.07.2023 12:40

How pasta is healthy?

Partly SImpson
Partly SImpson - 29.07.2023 12:39

Wh y we need "vegan b12" we can just take normal version of it, its all marketing

TheRareAmu - 15.07.2023 00:38

ik im a little late to the party, but i’ve been keto/low carb for about 8 months now and am debating transitioning to a low (or at least healthier) carb diet w veganism. this video was super helpful to me since i know nothing about being a vegan, healthy or unhealthy. thank you for all the info! 🌱

Ronald Morgan
Ronald Morgan - 07.07.2023 06:45


Ronald Morgan
Ronald Morgan - 07.07.2023 06:45


Primal Warrior Movement
Primal Warrior Movement - 27.06.2023 14:44

Eat natural unprocessed foods, in sesson and local.
Is Seitan gluten free?

Running Real Estate with Ellen
Running Real Estate with Ellen - 09.06.2023 14:07

Looks delish!

Domthedirtbag - 29.04.2023 03:39

I have MS. I am switching to anti inflammatory vegan diet for the health benefits. Does anyone have any suggestions on fruits I could eat that are low in sugar? The goal is obviously to reduce inflammation so I limit my relapses in the future but still get the proper nutrients I need in my body so I must limit sugar and sodium intake.

Tanya S.
Tanya S. - 08.04.2023 02:16

Excellent tips

desmomoto - 25.03.2023 15:23

Healthy on man made unnatural diet?
No thanks.
Look at our men.

Whatchu Juicing
Whatchu Juicing - 25.03.2023 15:14

I’m confused with why most vegans I know are over weight 😢🤦🏾‍♀️

Appleboy09 Acting
Appleboy09 Acting - 08.03.2023 19:36

Fab video! Thanks so much!

S D - 02.03.2023 18:03

What about vitamin K2?

Luke Pfister
Luke Pfister - 15.02.2023 12:18

It has been proven that plants communicate and talk to each other and they think so what what is your recommendation for me, I also don’t trust tofu and things made

Luke Pfister
Luke Pfister - 15.02.2023 12:18

Can I ask you a question for real? So I don’t really like animals that much but I love plants I eat animals and plants but what is the difference between eating animals and plants when I love plants I feel like I’m doing the same exact thing that I’m doing when I eat animals I hate that I’m eating all of it I wish I just didn’t need to eat it’s so confusing because I love plants more than animals but I don’t eat my favorite animals like turtles or geckos or animals like that

Aik Rairomi
Aik Rairomi - 08.02.2023 16:27

I ordered from Dr Madida for my STD and loss of hearing is really good and works quick because after the treatment I was completely cured…..

Babak Morshedizadeh
Babak Morshedizadeh - 06.02.2023 18:34

I was vegetarian for about 2 years actually vegan for 6+ months of that period. I am diabetic type 2, and I was able to get myself really into shape. I didn’t go vegan due to “animal” killing death reasons, it was totally health related (ok I won’t lie, my dog had earned her wings, cancer sucks, and I had a hard time, guilty feelings). I am a hunter, so I returned to my ways, and I do believe an ethical kill is much better than grocery meat, although I love lamb so not sure what to say. Anyway, I am going to do more vegan dishes, less vegetarian, and maybe one meal a week do meats if I really wanted to. When doing vegan, I took exactly the approach you explained here. Colourful deep colour plants, nearly no processed foods (except for olive oil, and some spices, rest was not processed). I consider meats or eggs as processed plant foods. Everything is carbon based anyway, solar batteries in a way. Ok, I digress. Thank you for the video. I do love eggs so I will probably do 1 meal a day vegetarian 2 meals vegan, and one meal a week meats.

Garry - 30.01.2023 00:34

Thank you

Matthew Shelly
Matthew Shelly - 07.01.2023 20:03

Make sure you’re looking into furthering that education. You may not be dieticians nor nutritionists as you put it but what’s to say you can’t be and of course who can tell you that you won’t change the world for the better in so doing? Nobody!

Keep catching those dreams, everyone. That’s a little inspiration I’m exchange for that which you have offered right here.

Optical Man
Optical Man - 03.01.2023 12:56

no such thing as a healthy vegan anti nutrients are defense chemicals
you find in plant foods so things like legumes grains nuts
vegetables and they come in three main forms oxalates lectins and phytics acid
now they do a few things they can discrupt disestion which is why you might be feeling bloated but the main thing they kind of known for at the moment is they block absorption of nutrients and what you ll find is that plants food that are high in certain nutrients are allso high in the corresponding anti -nutrients so if you take legumes for example are high in zice for a plant food and they re allso high in phytic acid which blocks the aborpion of zinc so if you look at chickpeas 100 grams of chickpeas contains 3.4 milligrams of zinc but you wont be able to absorb the that becuase of the phytic acid whereas if you take an animal food like oysters 100 grams of oysters contains sixteen point six milligrams of zinc so much more and no anti-nutrients so you be able to absorb more of it

lyuba - 28.12.2022 00:04

well I'm a minute in and this is already silly, vegans mostly eat whole foods and lots of fruits and veggies regardless... these tips would be helpful for your avetage omnivore

DaughterOfElohim - 17.12.2022 04:23

What about getting B12 shots?

Max Downham-Bowers
Max Downham-Bowers - 11.12.2022 07:08

Thank you for the information!

na manowcach
na manowcach - 24.09.2022 18:02

2. Eat less processed food vs point 7 - eat tofu sausage and vegan burgers ... So totally oposite to each other...

Vive Viveka
Vive Viveka - 27.07.2022 20:19

You start out admitting that you have no real qualifications, and then you go on to speak in a very authoritative voice as if you know.
The loud, confident, authoritative voice is in itself enough for me to stop listening to this presentation. How about speaking, behaving, and thinking with a little more humility (or a lot more)? It would be more honest, more in accord with the truth of what you do and do not know, and it would be a better listening experience as well.

Carla .c
Carla .c - 16.11.2021 01:29

Thank you guys!! ❤️

veganleigh - 22.04.2021 21:35

There are an awful lot of non-vegans commenting on something they know nothing about: being vegan! Nothing but trolls!

Sarah Howard
Sarah Howard - 10.12.2020 03:32

Thank u!

Diana L
Diana L - 09.12.2020 17:31

Awesome Video, thank you for sharing, love, Diana Lipski 💕 a soon to be 9 years Vegan Lady, Vegan is such a Loving, Lifestyle so, Glad I am on this Loving, Path! Have a Wonderful, Wednesday 💕

Lucas Rios
Lucas Rios - 12.10.2020 20:50

This is hard :( Guys I'm vegan but I'm an unhealthy vegan and i wish there were more videos on the transition of going from an unhealthy vegan to a healthy vegan lol

Gwendolyne Maeystadt
Gwendolyne Maeystadt - 10.06.2020 23:28

take masses of artificial nutritions

333 Butterfly
333 Butterfly - 19.04.2020 21:38

Hi Have U Guys Tried E3 Live?😊

Remo Rossi
Remo Rossi - 01.03.2020 14:53

Middle class kindergarten cookery, Great would be pleased, or would she? Noticed the over use of cooking gadgetry: pots, pans etc. Fry, roast, grill, bake and refrigerate, even reference to using a microwave! Japanese seaweed and various other international luxury condiments. Grown in the UK or transported halfway around the world by plane or ship? Don't get me wrong, but if you are thinking sustainable veganism - grow your own, buy local, try one pot recipes and cut down on unnecessary carbs too, hey chocolate ganache on pan au chocolat, really?

Gary Jones
Gary Jones - 04.02.2020 16:54

Very nice guys, its all about flogging their books to make LOADS OF BISH BOSH MONEY

Daga Łakomy
Daga Łakomy - 03.12.2019 15:12

You forgot to tel about raw food :) min 50% raw food

Snehal Dube
Snehal Dube - 21.11.2019 13:37

How do we get our protein from..??

Hannahkeir - 09.11.2019 08:02

I am not vegan but I am looking for ways to add more plant food to our diet.

bang turden
bang turden - 15.10.2019 22:42

in case you wondered:
1 portion of veggies/fruits is the size of your palm.

Joelle Aittama
Joelle Aittama - 15.10.2019 03:30

Great tips!

Hannah Katie
Hannah Katie - 14.10.2019 22:16

It’ isn’t a diet

Stephen Jon Wolden
Stephen Jon Wolden - 14.10.2019 10:25

You guys nailed this one with finesse, fifteen years ago I was trying to sort this stuff out on my own, many thanks

Arhu - 13.10.2019 13:11

The top tip to stay healthy as a vegan : eat plenty of (organ) meat

A vegan diet is nutrionally deficient and the only reliable source for humans to compansate is to eat meat

Krwiomocz.Bogurodzicy Ⓥ
Krwiomocz.Bogurodzicy Ⓥ - 13.10.2019 12:09

The cauliflower shot in the "eat dark green veggies" scene... :)

Des Lawson
Des Lawson - 13.10.2019 09:47

Stay healthy as a vegan hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabahahahaha
