Krystle and Alexis' First Confrontation

Krystle and Alexis' First Confrontation


3 года назад

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@vordman - 19.02.2025 15:54

Let's face it, Joan Collins WAS Dynasty.

@RK-eb4iu - 16.02.2025 23:28

Alexis used her mouth and Krystle used her fists and hands.

@christopherstory2136 - 15.02.2025 09:23

When Alexis on her broom landed in Dever, she saved Dynasty!

@nyg1984 - 12.02.2025 22:39

Gayest Camp Ever Concocted! ❤️

@Kevin-1969 - 05.02.2025 22:55

The fact she is British, adds to how sinister she is. Great casting

@spackar2720 - 25.01.2025 00:58

I am not someone who automatically rejects remakes of films and television shows. I judge them on a case-by-case basis. However, in my opinion, the original Dynasty is far superior to the reboot version.

@jonathanmcvay4499 - 13.01.2025 21:35

There’s a problem in this scene that most people don’t realize. Alexis hasn’t been Mrs Carrington for 16 years. As wealthy as they are, there’s no way all the furnishings in that room would be the same. Even the art would be rotated out.

@readinswithtracey - 08.10.2024 11:48

She portrayed an amazing arch bitch.

@DuBoisEdmund-r1t - 08.09.2024 15:18

Perez Paul Gonzalez George Jackson Shirley

@alexherbst9477 - 07.07.2024 18:48

I love how Alexis just casually lights up a cigarette in someone else's house 😂

@sheilastanaland - 25.06.2024 03:59

For some reason, she reminds me of Endora on Bewitched....

@drlee2 - 23.05.2024 04:24

“That’s quite the point…Kristin!” lol

@askaroaspik9725 - 11.05.2024 21:01

Alexis ❤

@krwawyadi - 02.05.2024 18:32

When watching this 30 years ago people would think Crystal was right and Alexis was bad it this scene but actually Alexis was right, Blake did kill his sons partner, did horrible things to Alexis and she had to tell the truth in court, what did Cristal expect her to lie? Most of the phisical fights also ware started by Cristal.

@material___ - 04.03.2024 19:17

But this is Mrs Carrington’s—in the present Mrs. Carrington’s living room, so don’t expect anything from her here? Correct? 🔥

@Mr.EmeraldTheGreen - 10.02.2024 12:44

I always thought and still think it would be funny if Alexis would always “forget” Krystles name and call her Kristen, Christine, Christy, Chrissy, even going so far as to no longer getting the first letter right and calling her all kinds of different names! Kind of like the way she did with Sable in the 9th season!

@travisbell736 - 29.01.2024 05:47

I loved how Alexis constantly said peoples names wrong like it was beneath her to actually learn their names

@santi7616 - 18.01.2024 06:08

when she says Mrs Jenkins 😊that's Alexis !!! what a scene ❤

@Annavemaria - 30.11.2023 22:49

The audacity to swan in and think everything is hers omg 😂

@jp00423mk - 20.11.2023 06:15

It was the early 80s people smoked everywhere

@G11TRIN - 08.11.2023 15:09

They used to call me Blake Carrington, you see why

@mjj1434 - 07.11.2023 20:21

Alexis is so jealous of Krystle .
The studio was on the grounds of the estate . I can’t remember how she got it .

@manuginobilisbaldspot424 - 02.11.2023 09:29

Krystle was like Miss Elizabeth and Alexis was Sensational Sherri…nighttime soap operas and pro wrestling had a lot of campy overlap. Good and evil being a big one.

@eduardo_corrochio - 30.10.2023 22:04

It's going to remain a mystery for me, as long as I live, in what Alexis' true plan was when she returned to Denver in the autumn of 1981. For several years, the character's motives were confusing to me, because we could never figure out if the woman wanted to destroy Blake for his past deeds toward her ... or if she was still hopelessly in love with him and wanted him back in her life for good. There was deep hate there for her ex husband but once in a while another character would accuse her of still wanting him. Maybe it was a case of "If I can't have Blake for myself, then I'll just ruin his life and make his wife miserable". I don't even think the entire writing staff of Dynasty knew what Alexis genuinely wished for. 😄 She was a fantastic character for a prime time serial (and they dressed her to the nines), but really very sad, in the fact that true happiness would always be elusive to Alexis.

@Wellwell8008 - 29.10.2023 02:54

Hostless may it.

@salfordiandy4987 - 27.10.2023 20:29

Believe me Krystle, there’s nothing I want from you.

@TheWaynos73 - 14.10.2023 23:41

Joan was such a delicious bitch villain. Easily my favourite character on the show.

@ps4455 - 24.09.2023 04:24

I would love to randomly light up a cigarette in someone else's home lol!!

@christopherdavis9865 - 18.06.2023 11:14

What episode is this again?

@totallyatriel - 12.06.2023 04:16

Such an iconic scene

@markc-ru4qz - 29.04.2023 01:59

I can watch this over and over

@unlikeavirgin - 23.03.2023 23:24

Dynasty was awesome. The only thing bad that I don’t like was when they jumped the shark with Fallon being abducted by an alien spacecraft.

@unlikeavirgin - 23.03.2023 23:20

Savagery Shading Alexis! Joan Collins is one helluva diva. Don’t make ‘em like her anymore. I need to watch rewatch all of these.

@tabbykitty994 - 15.02.2023 07:59

Love Alexis! Joan Collins is great

@europeanamerican7658 - 28.01.2023 12:46

I consider Joan Collins to be a mediocre talent, but she plays it very well in Dynasty.

@drtash21 - 25.01.2023 20:11

I liked Joan Collins' hair like this instead of that usual thing she does. Don't know why we never saw this more often.

@sammiepittman3130 - 07.01.2023 22:12

look at those bermuda shorts and tall boots. Hell yeah 😍

@ibiebelearijamabo5409 - 27.12.2022 14:31

Dallas and dynasty ...two master pieces

@ibiebelearijamabo5409 - 27.12.2022 14:30

Every day I watch the stud just to see her nice body

@salviaofficinalis02 - 29.08.2022 05:58

No, really, her's was a beauty to grace the Earth like no other had done so before, beauty, wit, intelligence.

@SnowbunyinIL - 05.08.2022 06:22

Joan Collins made Dynasty💎👏🏻

@erichwyatt6554 - 01.07.2022 23:36

was a little Halston , Von Furstenberg & a small dollop of Lagerfeld in this scene . Dynasty had so much class and reality in the beginning with casual elegance and then Nolan entered and took it out of the park some great and some not but it was always fun .

@xebatansis - 12.06.2022 14:46

They both look beautiful.

@judithstarks7146 - 10.06.2022 02:37

Those were the good old night time soaps

@kyivstuff - 04.06.2022 23:25

Wow this is a much better quality than today’s soaps. Joan Collins is great.

@kucylja - 01.06.2022 14:17

i had to google the age of the actresses because Alexis looks way younger here than Krystle (and she is 10 years older!)

@abundance8074 - 01.06.2022 11:34

Love the fashion! Crazy that this was 40 years ago and you could still wear it today.
