How to promote your podcast on social media [Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn] - Ausha

How to promote your podcast on social media [Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn] - Ausha

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Podcasts and social media : THE BEST COMBO FOR GAINING MORE LISTENERS! 🚀

Try Ausha for FREE 👉


A recent study from Consumer Science and Analytics and Havas Paris revealed that in 2021, 35% of podcast listeners discovered a new podcast thanks to social media.

That’s crazy! 😱

Therefore, having a strong presence on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, LINKEDIN, or even TWITTER is essential if you want to make your show known. 🚀



1️⃣ Define your target audience
✔️ Who’s the listener that you’re trying to address? 😀
✔️ What motivates them to listen to your podcast? 🎧
✔️ What are their obstacles when listening to your podcast? 🙅‍♀️
✔️ What does your listener’s typical day look like? ☕

👉 Download the FREE template from Ausha to help you define your listener-persona:

2️⃣ Create content that is adapted to each social media platform
✔️ INSTAGRAM: THE kingdom of snackable content 🍿
✔️ TWITTER: THE platform for instantaneous and hot news 🔥
✔️ FACEBOOK: Ideal for getting to know other podcasters thanks to private groups 😎
✔️ LINKEDIN: THE place to be if your podcast is a bit business related🤝

3️⃣ Create Snackable Content 🍿 (This is a really really good tip)
✔️ Make your podcast the FOUNDATION of your communication strategy
✔️ Create other content based on your main content foundation (images, quotes, videos...)

4️⃣ Automate your communication on social media with Ausha 🚀
✔️ CREATE and PROGRAM all your posts (on Ausha)
✔️ Track the success of your posts with the SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER (from Ausha)

To learn more about Ausha 👉


What’s AUSHA?
Ausha is the first French podcasting platform for hosting AND marketing your podcast.
On one platform you’ll have:
Unlimited hosting of your podcast
Distribution on 22 LISTENING PLATFORMS in just a few clicks
Ways to boost your communication: on social media; on Google; on the internet (thanks to your Smartplayer); with your newsletter; with a unique listening link and customized video clips
Measure the success of your podcast with complete statistics (completion rate, episode comparison, unique listeners...)
Earn money thanks to 2 different monetization methods (manual and automatic)

Try Ausha for FREE 👉


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