Phant0m Un1verse is over 100,000 subscribers!

Phant0m Un1verse is over 100,000 subscribers!

Phant0m Un1verse

3 года назад

3,011 Просмотров

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@MarkAntigua - 11.11.2021 02:21

Congrats. Love you Deep thinking content. That smeegle video is soo good.

@SerialKilling - 11.11.2021 02:23

You ABSOLUTELY deserve it. 👏👏👏

@phant0mun1verse864 - 11.11.2021 02:34

Sorry about the audio when I show you the table

@turboflutter9325 - 11.11.2021 02:46

Cannot wait for more long video content ! You are the fucking man , seriously. Please continue to bring light to our forgotten past

@turboflutter9325 - 11.11.2021 02:48

You should reach our to After Skool for a possible collaboration, could be cool.

@1n20DnD - 11.11.2021 02:49

Amazing! Congratulations!

@kingboii6952 - 11.11.2021 02:51

You should upload your tiktoks on yt aswell but as shorts

@blemisheddiscgaming6464 - 11.11.2021 03:03

I'm confused... did this channel have a name change?

@loopcityslums - 11.11.2021 03:08 the channel and content...looking forward to more...

@reverseuniverse2559 - 11.11.2021 03:15

It’s only controversial to those who are taking a little longer to wake the fk up and watch these shows

@loopcityslums - 11.11.2021 03:19

Need to turn that artwork to some nfts...shit is fire...

@mitchelllee75 - 11.11.2021 03:36

Appreciate you bro. Definitely glad you're "back". Lol. The shorts are cool bit I really dig your long format vids on YT. Keep it rockin brother!

@kevinschimmel7633 - 11.11.2021 03:46

Congrats on 100,000 subscribers! Amazing content and cool artwork! I'd love to see a video on "OOPARTS" if you ever find the time or even a video about Edward Leedskalnin and his "Coral Castle" in Florida.

@alishaik1043 - 11.11.2021 03:54

Congratulations on 100k❤️

@user-bm7kq7kf5n - 11.11.2021 04:25

You are Very much needed. Thank you for putting this work together. 🤘

@dirty3000 - 11.11.2021 04:31

Always dope content bro and CONGRATS 🎉

@arkk1 - 11.11.2021 05:00

Dude I'd pay for more of your content

@nicholascorbett1256 - 11.11.2021 05:04

Damnit yall stay the f_(< off tic toc. It's owned an operated in China. An they're definitely not the ones willing to release info. They're about stripping religious beliefs, personal business, personal property. An they're able to use tic toc as a back door to access alllll your personal info. I'm not spewing lies either The NSA, FBI, an SS have all warned about their destructive intentions.

@sirgoatofcheese - 11.11.2021 05:23

You a part of the Electric Universe yet?

@kalabkbrom117 - 11.11.2021 05:34

Your videos and topics are great i wish you could do a video about AXUM and LALIBELA

@angelconde101 - 11.11.2021 07:09

dude. i met you on overwatch. never expected you to get 100k. congrats man. this won’t be the last time you see me, either. i’m konde

@timhamby4977 - 11.11.2021 07:11

Your the tits bro.. never leave us again!! Welcome back..

@timhamby4977 - 11.11.2021 07:19

I feel there is a lot of greed and Mafioso type in ancient history and that keep archeology being stopped from it.

@sonofamerc - 11.11.2021 07:26

Here to envision the universe 👊🏻

@sonofamerc - 11.11.2021 07:34

Imagine if Caesar didn’t shit on the library of Alexandria

@tammyfehse7274 - 11.11.2021 09:17

Mind blown over your art!!! I will purchase the map/drawing of the pyramids located around world!! That will be hung up in living room!

@doceansdeepwoo2532 - 11.11.2021 12:00

The reason we know things are intentionally being kept from us is because if you report any evidence it is quickly cleansed and discredited or not mentioned for the most part by the Smithsonian. They are the biggest destroyers and corrupters. And yes I personally know people who have witnessed their evidence going missing after they report it.
The other thing is, after getting in trouble for reporting something which can include having your land grabbed, people not only stop reporting but sometimes destroy evidence themselves.
Somebody knows, but it seems to be very compartmentalized, so the people you'd expect to know, like the president, don't.
Therefore in a way you are right, but in a bigger way you are wrong.

@MaynardsSpaceship - 11.11.2021 14:38

I've been trying to fill the void since you've been absent. I found a couple channels but honestly they don't compare.
Digging the art! Especially the bunny!

@PeteBworth - 11.11.2021 14:48

Looking at your vids on the huge stones/foundation stones and wondering how they moved them. Could the old "Giant" myths have a little to do with it.
Why else would ancient peoples build huge door ways?

@rooktheradical1 - 11.11.2021 15:02

Auto narration= crappy- crappy, agony"loser" ville.
This guy= streamline, factual, fun, fun, fun! Fast info is the only way it can hold my interest.

@evolution__snow6784 - 11.11.2021 16:32

You are my favourite pseudoarchaeologist

@anthonym.e4921 - 11.11.2021 18:24

I’m curious on what is your opinion on unidentified flying objects or ufo/UAPs. Now that the government has confirmed they exist, do you believe that they are those ancient civilizations coming back again as stated in your past hypothesis about ancient depictions of gods and angels or are they ours?

@jeffrome4008 - 11.11.2021 21:43

I love this guy.. he's a critical thinker but a funny character.. I can watch him all day. Keep it up Phant0m! I am rooting for you!

@Mkk31 - 12.11.2021 02:13

ayyyyyy lets go

@peterfurtak - 12.11.2021 04:24

Brother, please don't stop!

@peterfurtak - 12.11.2021 05:03

What do you think about Gaia? The alien contact channel?

@bongwizard - 12.11.2021 12:11

hey man i met you in an overwatch custom like 3 years ago and you talked for a while about a bunch of stuff im glad to see that you're making it on this platform more power to you!!

@chrissibersky4617 - 13.11.2021 17:45

I'm late for 100.000 but I join now.

@TheDoobieKiller - 14.11.2021 04:36

What do you think the "line" means, was it the old equator?

@tonybob791 - 15.11.2021 00:04

You should celebrate by letting your hair grow out. Then shave it when you hit 1 million subs.

@xylezentry7354 - 17.11.2021 03:52

You have an image now.

@MattCosmo-rb3bt - 22.11.2021 13:07

Thanks for sharing all of this insight. The people have spoken and we would like more please!

@shanedude91 - 23.11.2021 07:55

Dude start a podcast!

@mrbee6075 - 29.11.2021 04:33

Humanity's evolution exposed..remove the blinders and you will see the truth.
Keep up the great work..I believe!!

@melloman311 - 05.12.2021 23:01

So just throwing an idea out there... So one of the other channels I follow The Impossible Channel (it's a fun watch and some videos truly make me rethink what is possible in our reality)... anyways... he just hit 1 million subs... that you are well on your way to achieving yourself I truly believe that... ANYWAYS... He started a Discord server for everyone to share videos and ideas. I think this would be a great medium for you to interact with us subscribers as well as a place for like minded people to share ideas. I would love to have something like that involving the topics and ideas you showcase on your channel.... Just an idea to consider, I would enjoy a chat with you sometime to share ideas and gain some knowledge! Keep it up sir!

@jaimzmyers3699 - 07.01.2022 19:43

I don't get on tiktok would really appreciate you repost them on here
