Review: Rome Remastered Is Painfully Mediocre

Review: Rome Remastered Is Painfully Mediocre


3 года назад

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@hundun5604 - 16.01.2024 09:24

I don't have Windows 10, so this game is not for me. A remaster of a 2 decade old game shouldn't just only run on Windows 10. Rome 2 runs on W7&8! I almost bought the game before I noticed it's only Windows10. I played the old version years ago. Watching this video, I don't think I miss much.
Btw, what's going on with the mouse button?

@Burgundychannel - 12.01.2024 15:15

Your voice has a very AVGN vibe to it

@Hardracist - 08.01.2024 10:32

Lol and this the game people said was better then rome 2 lmao 🤦

@Hardracist - 08.01.2024 10:17

Heres the shocker its always way midocre and majority of yall are blinded by nostalgia

@nebesvaikseni - 07.01.2024 08:53

As a die hard fan of RTW with thousands of hours spent playing this game first as a kid on the original CD version and now as an grown ass man on steam I think it's a disgrace what they did to my boy RTW. I'm not going to expand further cuz I've rambled far too much about this. This could've been the dawn of the new age in Total War series when the devs realize what the people want. Instead they just ate the original RTW, shat out a big pile of smelly crap, threw it to our faces and ran away with the money, money that was meant for them to shit out a golden egg.

@TEGRULZ - 07.01.2024 03:18

Considering how terrible Pharaoh ended up being, I swear another 6 months giving this multiplayer campaigning would have also been a vast improvement. That's my take two years on. Honestly, I could have lived with all the flaws if I could play it with my friends, and its a genuine let down that remasters in the world just means making the same exact game, putting lipstick on it, and that's' it, the end A great example to me is BDSP, to a point, not giving this Multiplayer feels the same way. I can go play EUIV or HoI IV, now we have Victoria 3, which also needed a massive change there as well military wise.

@jackolson9946 - 27.12.2023 07:10

I knew you were full of shit soon as you said "automanage cities works amazing" lol. Amazing if you want the ai to blow all your money building random stuff you dont need!

@lfcmike12 - 12.12.2023 16:55

I never used to think it was possible to screw up a remaster. Then this game and the old GTA remasters proved me wrong 😅

@animationfanatic2133 - 28.11.2023 00:36

"social distancing formation", "black friday formation," I cant even I´m too weak from laughing

@AMeanDude - 17.11.2023 14:36

Is that a jewish NYC accent? I'm not that familiar with enlish accents.

@tdab3883 - 07.11.2023 18:33

"Who likes losing winnable battles because I zoom in on my soldiers fighting on melee" woah i didn't expected to be called out

@gyozanomics - 06.11.2023 07:22

haha you sound like angry video game nerd

@lorddashdonalddappington2653 - 02.11.2023 13:42

As someone who was totally satisfied with the Remaster because... I really just wanted to play a version of RTW that doesn't run like shit on modern hardware, I was worried about the clickbaity title but I'm glad I gave it a shot anyway. Honestly it's still my favourite total war game (and my first game in the series was Shogun 2), but there's no denying the pervasive jank. For my part, the QOL changes that were present was more than I even expected, but I concede it could have been amazing.

@sryan9547 - 02.11.2023 00:14

Great video, you convinced me not to buy it. If I want a nostalgia hit I would be better off playing the old games

@williardwonken9040 - 17.10.2023 17:13

I strongly disagree with this, the battle system in rome1 is far superior to the mess it is in shogun2\rome2 onwards. You guys need to learn how to control units

@constantinexi6489 - 16.09.2023 16:41

Bought the game for the modability (the RIS map is what I’ve always wanted with a TW game) but you’re bang on with the AI and pathfinding issues

@__Phrog__ - 12.09.2023 09:05

bro's complaining about the remaster being a remastered 🔥🔥

@annunakim525 - 15.08.2023 10:23

try rtr imperium surrectum bro... you are so wrong

@cyberpunk59 - 20.06.2023 02:45

I spent the week trying to get into this game, being used to newer ones (shogun 2 mostly, some empire, some attila and some warhammer, I'm not that much of an expert to the serie). Honestly, I really feel like I want to love this game. I enjoy almost all of it. Even its UI, its colours and everything, even the controversial parts. But damn, just few things kills it for me. How the pathfinding is sometimes absolutely terrible trash, the units take ages to start their missile attacks, and how janky siege towers are when they're at the wall, opening their doors at a random moment, and units doing weird stuff when climbing them. Just those three things gave me erectile dysfunction.

I am heartbroken to feel that way, as I wanted to start Total War from its "beginning" and go one episode after an other, and before I could see its issues I was feeling like I discovered a treasure, I didn't have a feeling of discovery for a long time like that. Unfortunately, as hard as I try to overlook those issues (I can accept a lot of things), I can't just enjoy the game knowing that in almost each of my battles, I will have something happening that will frustrate me like. And although I am not giving up on that game yet. There is a high chance that I skip it and just start by Medieval 2, which I know suffers from the same issues but to a lesser extent.

@grtwhtbnr - 29.05.2023 12:52

My management style is "Micro"

@sunfy8 - 30.04.2023 22:28

LOL...'Black Friday formation'...🤣🤣🤣

@AntediluvianWizard - 30.04.2023 03:08

I guess the modability would make this the garry's mod of total war

@SuperTyrannical1 - 27.04.2023 02:34

Most people should only expect a Rome 1 with better visuals. It's a remaster. Not a remake. If you buy this game expecting massive improvements then you were deluded to begin with.

@Danymok - 05.04.2023 07:02

As I'm looking back almost 2 years later, i am still Loving Rome Remastered, having played 740+ hours of it so far. They released many quality of life updates to improve gameplay (but yes I know siege Battle pathfinding and AI can be goofy).

The main thing though are the updates they made to the game's modability. Basically all the old limitations are gone and there are some absolutely awesome mods out there. I myself even have had a lot of fun modding the game, which I wouldn't have been able to do to the same extent with the original Rome or even any other Total War game.

@Nigel1Powers - 06.03.2023 22:37

By the time some great mods like chivalry: tw and europa barbarorum were ported to Rome Remastered. Playing chivalry for dozens of hours. Never played it on the original

@OuhHey - 11.01.2023 12:59

The new U.I is so fucking disgusting

@user-nh6yf5xm9y - 19.12.2022 17:36

is there an option to remove the annoying circle option thing above every single unit?

@adamkornacki606 - 28.11.2022 02:48

Empire needs a remaster . Change my mind

@AugustusCeaserRonaldo - 06.09.2022 07:27

The social distancing formation that was funny

@danielinokoba5655 - 29.08.2022 00:55

The social distancing formation and Black Friday formation 😂😂😂😂😂😂

@wpeale71341 - 28.08.2022 19:00

Fighting the battles is my biggest complaint about this remaster. The battles were my favorite parts of the original. The formation command sucks mega bull balls in this remaster. And the size of the command buttons!!!!! I am a 52 year old man. I can't see that tiny ass crap! My magnifying glass does not help with images on a monitor.

@tomkiernan254 - 16.07.2022 15:25

Doesn't run very well at all on my PC, Rome 2 runs better. Very disappointing given that Rome 1 doesn't work at all on Steam.

@xannymanny9754 - 28.06.2022 14:30

Funny enough Rome remastered was my second total war game (first being Troy) and I absolutely loved the mechanics and how everything worked once I figured out how to add more soldiers to my army so I’d stop accidentally only sending my general to fight half the gaulic army lmao. Something about the older total war mechanics are way easier for me to wrap my head around than the newer game mechanics. For some reason it’s a struggle for me to understand Rome II’s mechanics, but Rome remaster’s are so accessible to me

@simenandersen3262 - 13.06.2022 22:55

As a guy in LegendoftotalWar's comments said: ''The good thing is that it's Rome 1. However, the problem is that it's Rome 1.''

@ADU17 - 23.05.2022 16:21

IMO I think that Rome 2 has better visuals than this game tbh

@mikejames2380 - 20.05.2022 21:15

if you're going to talk, could you like..not be from the east coast?? Please and thank you. Jk, sorta. anyways good review

@tym6217 - 19.05.2022 13:01

The social distancing formation. lol

@pototo78 - 15.05.2022 14:52

look mate, nothing will beat rome 2

@agentone8511 - 07.05.2022 06:13

idk why they didnt keep automanage. I'm a war general not a city planner, I hire people for that stuff I just want to win battles and conquer the world.

@schlechtgut8349 - 28.04.2022 18:40

Imperium surrectum saved it

@limitless1692 - 12.04.2022 18:18


@brodiciusofamericinia1024 - 05.04.2022 21:35

people thought rome remastered was going to outdo rome 2 and couldnt understand that other than warhammer and 3 kingdoms, rome 2 is one of the most played TW games to date

@justdan8523 - 28.02.2022 20:32

I love it the more angry you get the more your accent comes out, love it!

@jessiemoore3094 - 25.02.2022 01:43

I hope they fix the shitty load times.

@steretsjaaj2368 - 22.02.2022 12:26

Modern game dev studios - not only their gameplay is almost non existant, what little they promise isn't delivered

@saladinbob - 19.02.2022 04:50

If they didn't want to do a re-write on the AI, what exactly was the point in remastering the game in the first place? TBH I'd rather them make Rome 3 anyway. Seriously, it's been ten years since Rome 2 and its time to combine the best bits of both games into the sequel we all hoped Rome 2 would be.

@teemukaikelsvitch8858 - 19.02.2022 03:19

Totally agreed
As one who bought the original cd launch versioin and then had to buy another because cd1 broke from playing
Then bought the original barbarian invasion

I had to pay 29euros from this bs

@madwellmusic8995 - 14.02.2022 06:49

Large scale battles in rome 1 were a nightmare and I'm almost glad my computer couldn't handle it so reinforcements were always delayed. Nice. I already knew as soon as they said remaster for rome it was gonna be a bust and it will be for the same reasons that made me uninstall vanilla rome. But man this remaster was more like a make over for a natural beauty that never needed it. Rome needed more imperial economic depth and pathfinding. Unit balancing in terms of buffs or more diverse roster for factions that can't produce major cities. Not gonna lie how you like the campaign I have no idea cuz it is an eye sore not at all a representation of mother earth but highly simulated animations. Battle ui is so intrusive its like watching mobile pinball with all the flashing colors lines and range of fire and projectile tracers, missiles literally look like fucking missiles!! Yea man. Same shit will happen with medieval remaster just slap a new body frame on an old ass car and hope you get some suckers to drive away thinking they got a steal. Classic franchise manipulation tactics. That's real total war
